welcome? Baby Scrat, -Welcome to the Hero/Protagonist wiki! By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. When Sid becomes unconscious after hitting his head on a block of ice during an attempt to save Crash and Eddie. Gutt made his presence known to the castaways, stating that they were lucky to have been found by him and his crew. Warner Bros. Scrappies. It takes 2 hours to the first cub came out followed by another, then another, then another, then another, then another and one last one. On more than one occasion, he came close to killing him with his teeth. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. A more rugged saber like her.Sid to Diego on Shira's personality. At first seeming gruff and sarcastic, Shira was loyal to those that helped her: Gutt had once made her his first mate, a position which, despite Gutt's indifference at her loss, she initially held close. He is the secondary antagonist-turned-deuteragonist of Ice Age, the tetartagonist of Ice Age: The Meltdown and Ice Age: Continental Drift and a supporting character in Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs and Ice Age: Collision Course. Shira is a major charater in the Ice Age franchise, debuting in Ice Age: Continental Drift. Bring Roshan back with his pack.Overcome his fear of water.Save Sid from the dinosaur world.Make a Beauty christmas for Peaches.Convince Shira to quit piracy.Find the lost eggs.Save the world from the impending asteroid (all succeeded). We Guarantee you 100% satisfaction. She is seen leaning on him when the herd sailed away to a new home, as well as nuzzling his side in the credits. Still amused, Diego asked if she would like to join their "scurvy crew." So did I.Shira to Diego on her past. In the first film, he was part of a pack of saber-toothed cats (which was also made up of Zeke, Oscar and Lenny) led by Soto, their vicious leader who hated a tribe of human hunters for killing half of their pack. Diego then starts to have feelings for Shira and convinces her to join him and his friends. Oh, well, maybe you should have thought of that before you capsized our berg genius! Shira wore two earrings on her right ear, fashioned from an unknown substance. Shira finds Squint very irritating and annoying as he always attempts to copy everything she says as she is first mate and he wants to attack random people for no reason which is shown when he meets the herd and she pushed him away and waits for Gutt's orders. 'Cause I don't see Gutt sending out any search parties for you.Diego compares Gutt to the herd. She chased the elk past her mate and let out a roar after he begged her not to eat him. This was also shown during the fourth film when his prisoner, Shira refused to take water for him to reply in a dry tone "fine, die of thirst that'll show me.". Shira is one of the two tritagonists (alongside Granny) of Ice Age: Continental Drift and a supporting character in Ice Age: Collision Course. Surface Washable. Allies Sid | diego: yes I uum you are in heat, and I can not stand. Shira San Diego, CA. Granny | This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. After an attempt to escape Shira became the prisoner of the Herd and discovered that the two have much in common, Diego was able to let Shira see through her Captain Gutt's cruelty, Shira actually saved the Herd from the wrath of the captain after this Diego developed romantic feelings for her. In the end, Diego and Shira fall in love with each other and become a couple. Shira then mocked him saying his nose looks cute when he's angry. Charles the Cockerel | Lois Griffin | Gutt (former captain)RazFlynnSquintGuptaSilasDobson It is unknown whether he would have murdered Sid's Uncle Fungus as a sort of revenge for being nearly run over by him because it was interrupted by the sloth. Fantastic Four (Mr. "Just to be clear, that's a pumpkin, right?". I don't have a choice! However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Then Diego, like the others aboard the ice floe, was brought aboard Gutt's ship. Peaches | I happen to be a remorseless assassin.Diego after being called soft by Shira. Diego was tasked with getting a human baby from a tribe of humans so that Soto would have his revenge on the humans by killing the baby to send the humans a message they would never forget. Disney Scrappies | Ice Age: Continental Drift This is mainly for myself to look back at because I don't t After the events of "Collision Course", life has been going smoothly for the herd. Manny and the herd approached her on a small ice floe and offered to save her. A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News, Icebreakers With Justina Machado | The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild | Disney+, Smothering Us With Reasonable Advice |Official Clip| Disney+, The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild |Herd Check| Disney+, The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild | Pack | Disney+, The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild | Countdown | Disney+. Shira and Diego dance during Peaches wedding. The writers never seemed to have any interest in developed her, as beyond her introductory movie she barely had any role in the rest of the franchise: she has a minor subplot in. He also proved to be very prideful specifically about his reputation, when he and Sid had been pinned down by Eddie and Crash, two possums Diego replied that if anyone asks there were 50 rattlesnakes. Shira had once been part of a saber-tooth cat pack but decided to leave them behind, to make a life of her own and to not let herself depend on anyone, a decision that was difficult for her to accept. Diego ends up severely wounded after intercepting Soto's attack. "We've been over this Diego, kids are afraid of us. alimes121212, iceagefanatic and 1 other like this. Wait. Like many sabers, Shira is also shown to be very proud, shown when she refused the herd's help when she almost drowned, as she would rather die than be turned into a charity case. Everything Sold Here Guaranteed 100% Authentic, For STANDARD delivery by Saturday, 12/24*. *By clicking Buy Now, you authorize ToyWiz to charge. When Diego questioned her actions, she told him she has his back and pushed some ice in front of Gutt, causing the ape to slip. Within time, Diego grew upset with his complacent life in a herd, having lost his edge as a hunter and so considered leaving his herd behind. Luckily, Sid was able to communicate with them. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Shira mocked the idea, saying the group was the start of a bad joke. Shira was puzzled and told her equally confused husband that she even smiled. Shira was exhausted she had given birth to 7 cubs. Denis Leary and Jennifer Lopez will reprise their roles as Diego and Shira, respectively. erm. Shira is a female saber-tooth cat and once the trusted first mate of the seafaring ape, Gutt. Characters in Scrat's Continental Crack-up Part 2. Diego and Shira romance has being critized of being rather quickly developed, spending most of their screentime snapping at each other and share only one conversation until Shira suddenly decides to help the Herd. Shira was imprisoned within a tree to prevent another escape attempt, and overheard the herd as they devised a plan to steal Gutt's ship. Megan Lehmann of The Hollywood Reporter said: "It's familiar, drawn-out shtick, and the humor lacks the subtlety of the first and best Ice Age, but there are some visually inventive high points. Shira was a female saber-toothed tiger and a distrusted first mate of the seafaring ape, Captain Gutt. New members arrive. Manny : [chuckles] I know what youve got: the L word. ApparentlyThere is another Ice Age movie coming out in like2016? Yeah baby!Shira and Diego celebrating the ejection of the asteroid. Moments later, Shira agreed to come with the herd. Pirate (formerly) Orson, Live-Action Features I'm his first mate. Diego and Shira have their doubts the Shangri Llama will help save the world. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Likes Shira was quick to point out just how foolish the idea was. - Shira teasing the kids. Shira smirked at this before being knocked aside by Dobson. The sabers dropped their mouths in surprise. She decides to insult him again by calling him soft, prompting Diego to angrily claim he's a remorseless assassin. Diego at times can be the more practical of the three, an example would be when Manny was about to jump past a gorge only to be stopped by Diego as he would never make it. He is a smilodon who is Manny and Sid's best friend and one of Peaches' adoptive uncles. Yeah, trying to escape!Diego and Shira argue after Sid splits their ice floe. Peggy Hill | Suddenly a moon passes over and gravitationally pulls the water causing a path to open up. After thanking him, Diego commented on her harsh way of showing gratitude, to which Shira smugly responded it's a gift. Buck | Life in the herd initially was something that Shira was uninterested in, due to her snide, sardonic persona, which deemed individuals like Diego, who turned down his rough-and-tumble life in a saber pack, as soft and weak. In The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild, he is voiced by. The crystals were put in a volcano, to move the asteroid elsewhere. Shira stopped when she noticed her fur by her paw becoming fuzzy from the static. Click here for more tips to help ensure there are no issues with your order. "Not the time to be nagging me Shira, we need to come up with a plan," Diego states. Shira to Diego after finally making progress with kids. He is a saber tooth tiger who starts off as an antagonists, but soon becomes Manny and Sids best friend and one of Peaches adoptive uncles. After Diego goes to see his father, Lila nurses him back to health and they eventually hook up. With that said she's still controversial in the Fanfiction community, with some fans disowning her in favor of other couples like the much more popular Sid/Diego. However, in the end, Diego recovers from his injuries and catches up with Manny and Sid in time to say his last heartfelt goodbye to the baby and happily decides to head south with them. Buck comically commands it to let them pass which Shira and Diego express their doubt. Shira tries to tell Gutt about Manny's plan to steal the ship but is cut off by an army of hyraxes. Shira runs up to Diego's side and gasps. Shira looked at him and cried and wanted to run away . Loki Laufeyson (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Compare this with how Manny and Ellie developed throught the whole second movie and shared a lot of intimate moments before deciding to remain together. In the end, Diego and Shira fall in love with each other and become a couple. Years later, Diego remained a member the herd and stayed with them through it all. Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the films three stars out of four and stated: "Watching this franchise was a cheerful exercise for me. Bewildered, panicked, and no. When she was being chased by Diego on Switchback Cove, she ended up in a dead end. franchise, serving as the secondary antagonist of. Gotenks | diego: ho where do you think you're going Shira: shut up let me through softie. Maya Smith | Yeah, Pops? Ice Age: Continental Drift In the fourth film, he meets a saber-toothed tigress named Shira when Manny, Sid, Diego and Sids grandmother rescued her. Shira amused when Diego points out that both Granny and llamas smell bad. - Optimized and ran several low to . You can even re-enact your favorite scenes from the film. Thanks! They then discussed their pasts, and Shira tells Diego that just like him, she chose to leave her pack. Another time was when an entire herd of mammoths arrived unexpectedly, he and Sid implored Manny to go with Ellie only for all of them to stick together and become their herd. a more rugged saber like her. Diego got closer, locking at the bright blue eyes of his mate. Shira | Shira attempts to tell to Gutt of Manny's plan to take his ship. Due to the developed urge to start a family with Diego, Shira is shown to have a soft spot for children and eventually makes progress when an aardvark named Andrew and a start named Lily ask about their journey stopping the asteroid. Near the end of the film, Shira became a member of the Herd and fought against Gutt and the rest of the pirate. Shira amused when Sid puts a coral necklace on Diego. "He'll warm up to you." Shira told him, reaching up to nuzzle Diego. Once the herd woke up and found themselves tied up, Gutt and his crew attempted to convince them to join through the use of a song. Diego came to Shira during the night with some water. This set includes wo soft and cuddly 9 inch plush characters from the film Ice Age 4 Continental Drift. She's often compared with Lola Bunny in that she's mostly just a boring tough girl clone of one of the main characters who only . Her expression then turns to anger as she bares her fangs also. extreme nude public lindsey vonn nude fappening nude booty dance nude persian women pics shira and diego sex mark dalton nude zhao wei yi nude bella thorne ever been nude nude sandbar amish nude linda gray . Manny then knocks Soto into a wall and icicles fall and impale him to death. After an attempt to escape Shira became the prisoner of the Herd and discovered that the two have much in common, Diego was able to let Shira see through her Captain Gutt's cruelty, Shira saved the Herd from the wrath of the captain after this Diego developed romantic feelings for her. Shira ordered to stop Diego from cutting the ropes. Peter nodded without emotion and ran back upstairs to get his shoes on. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Aboard Gutt's ship, Silas, Gutt's trusted blue-footed booby scout, returned with news of a "huge bounty": four castaways were adrift at sea aboard a single ice floe. Still lost at sea, Sid accidentally cracked the ice floe. He quickly discovered that Gutt's crew was also at the cove. Shira gruffly thanks Diego for bringing her water. The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild starts streaming January 28. Enemies In the second film, Diego reveals his hidden fear of water. Seeing how the kids have warmed up to them, Shira happily told her mate they'll make wonderful parents. Shira managed to chase down Diego and pin him, but he convinced her to leave Gutt's side, telling her that the herd looked out for each other. We Guarantee you a safe and secure shopping experience. Madame Viper | Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Diego turned his face away from her, so she wouldn't see his pout. This gallery is related to the character: Shira, As the first mate, Shira orders the crew to wait for their. Unrivaled Mac notes apps for fuss-free note-taking, 6 Actionable Tips for Improving Your Websites SEO, Copyright 2023 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes. But after Manny risks his own life to save him from falling into a river of lava, Diego has a change of heart and then tells Manny and Sid of his pack's plot, blowing his own pack's cover. Scrat's Continental Crack-up: Part 2 Later, Shira and Diego went to Manny and Ellie's anniversary party. Expect for one thing; his eyes were as bright as Shira's. Shira worried Buck won't be able to help this time. Wallace Evans | Shira monae nude Best Porno Videos @ Pornoio.com. You want to pirate a pirate ship from pirates.Shira mocks the herd's plan of getting home. Arthur Pendragon | We will not use your email for any other purpose! Shira followed Diego back to the den "we should take them to Manny and Ellie" Diego suggested "they will keep them safe until we get rid of Mac." Shira sighed "okay, and we may as well show them the cubs at the same time." She stuck her head inside the den and picked Evan up by his scruff, Diego took Misha and they set off towards their friends. Gord Brody | We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Unfortunately while running to the ship, Shira noticed Gutt was pursuing them and stayed behind. Ethan | I knew you were a traitor!Oh, your little bunny nose wiggles in the cutest way when you're mad!Shira makes fun of Squint. Doom | Jimmy Pesto | After crossing the river, the herd is led through a forest where an electrical storm hit. - Developed, optimized and ran a calcium flux assay for a potential new target. When the power couple Diego and Shira find a portal in an old cave next to the ocean, they're whisked away to the magical world of New York. You'll be safe with us! Video Games diego: no and jumped on her. This set includes wo soft and cuddly 9 inch plush characters from the film Ice Age 4 Continental Drift. Peter watched as he took in a deep breath before he spoke. Brian Griffin | Though Diego quickly overpowered Shira, Granny's remark about them possibly kissing caused him to get off of her. Max Mercer, Animated Television Manny Heffley | Do you need underlay for laminate flooring on concrete? Shira insulted when Diego refuses to fight her. The film focuses on the love relationship of Diego and Shira. Diego to Sid, who is unaware that 'junk food' means him.I don't eat junk food. Diego: *sat still and quietly, nervously* Shira: thank you. This is a story that mainly involves Diego and Shira so Comment Vote and read :3 Squint (formerly)Flynn (formerly)Gupta (formerly)Raz (formerly)Silas (formerly)Dobson (formerly)Manny SidEllie Crash and EddieBuck PeachesGrannyPreciousFuzzyHyraxesJulianBrooke TeddyShangri LlamaGeotopia habitantsGavinGertieRoger. So, still want me on your scurvy crew? Diego compared Gutt to the herd, implying that the pirates don't actually care about Shira since they haven't even bothered to look for her. They ate some berries and talked about having their own kids. Jimmy Pesto | (Shiro is also, incidently, Japanese for "white") Her original pattern was more typical of sabers of the franchise, but was redesigned to make her more distinct from Diego in wide screen shots. He then discovered that the Switchback Cove's currents could lead them home. I even smiled this time.Shira's confusion to the kids running away. Shira begins to fall in love with Diego and agrees to leave Gutt's crew. Annoyed, Shira pushed the rabbit down, telling him to await their captain's orders. Granny voices her disgust for llamas as they spit and smell bad. Personality Shira and Diego are seen snuggling gently as they watched the crystals. Diego x Shira: Glad You Came 230,995 views Aug 8, 2012 Diego, Shira and Ice Age: Continental Drift are the property of Blue Sky Studios. diego:., so I do not care Shira seemingly enjoyed teasing the kids, as she asked if they could handle a scary story and even exaggerated saying they encountered zombies. Just clear tips and lifehacks for every day. At first Diego and Manny's relationship had an incredibly rocky start, the two didn't trust one another nor value either as friends. He was blindly loyal to his pack and their leader Soto who both shared a mutual respect for one another and was tasked with retrieving the baby from a human tribe as revenge for them killing nearly half of their pack. Diego & Shira meet NYC by Chrystal Iris 634 11 8 When the power couple Diego and Shira find a portal in an old cave next to the ocean, they're whisked away to the magical world of New York. Shira Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Get ready to slice and dice, boys!Knock it off, Squint. Shira taken aback when Diego points out Gutt isn't looking for her. Peter, you dad had a heart attack While coat patterns of extinct mammals is speculative, Shira's face and stripes make her more closely resemble a modern "white tiger." Shira: get off me, I'm in heat. For those who may have forgotten, yes, Ice Age 6 is happening. During the end credits, Diego and Shira are seen nuzzling each other showing that they have now become a couple. Diego and Shira told Andrew and Lily a story about their adventure. Heroes and Villains Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Ice Age Continental Drift Plush 2-Pack - Shira and Diego is sure to be a huge hit. During the battle, Shira attempted to free Ellie, but was waylaid by Squint, who called her a traitor. Shira: *Sighs the rests her head on Diego's shoulder* That couldn't of gone worse. On the verge of drowning, Shira called out to Gutt and the crew. Shira was exhausted she had given birth to 7 cubs. Jimmy Pesto, Jr. | General Posada | Diego then starts to have feelings for Shira and convinces her to join him and his friends. Steve heard his son run downstairs and watched as he jumped in front of him. Shira upset when Gutt gives her position of first mate to Squint. While Diego and Shira's relationship is barely focused on in Ice Age: Collision Course, they did start talking about having kids, suggesting they've grown quite comfortable with each other the last two years. "Probably nothing Diego?," Shira says eyeing Diego from the corner of her eye. Shorts Immediately, Manny told Diego to go ran after her as she could help them get back home. Lila helped Diego escape from the institution and for a short time, she accompanied Diego and his family in their attempts to fix the timeline. Majin Buu | We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Denis Leary warned the producers that this would happen. Peaches | Shira was about to protest, but Buck cut her off. During the film, Diego had a romantic relationship with another saber-toothed tiger named Shira, the first mate of a band of pirates. She is Diego's love interest who initially aligns herself wit Captain Gutt's crew. Louis | Contents 1 Personality and Traits 2 Biography 3 Early Life 4 The Herd's Capture 5 Unwanted Rescue 6 Change of Heart 7 Gallery 8 Trivia Ellie is a female woolly mammoth, whom Manny, Diego, and Sid meet during their migration to escape the flood in the second movie, Ice Age: The Meltdown . https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/File:Hollywoodedge,_Lion_Roar_Snarl_Growl_AT013501.ogg, The Herd While Gutt and most of his crew escaped, Shira was left behind. (While Manny is the brains and Sid is the comedy). "That's a very scary story. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Brooke, a sloth, fell in love with Sid and called her squad of Minicorns called Bubbles and Misty. Diego responded by calling her "kitty", which angered Shira into pouncing on him. After the Llama refused to help them, the herd decided to spend their seemingly final moments exploring Geotopia. In the end, Diego and Shira fall in love with each other and become a couple. Roger | He still showed immense bravery and loyalty towards his friends, after Sid was abducted by a Mother Dinosaur, he entered the dinosaur world without knowing what was lying within there to save his friend. Shira smiles at Diego when two kids ask about their adventure. The first thing he saw was Shira's back, her body curled around something. They were in Geotopia, a land of crystals and where everyone stayed in their youth. Diego slowly nuzzled his back, trying to get the little cub to nuzzle him back. However, when he failed, Diego would either find the human baby or die. - Shira mocks Manny's attempt to talk to a hyrax. Shira and the others on the crew got a look at the castaways to find a mammoth named Manny, two ground sloths named Sid and Granny, and a saber-toothed tiger named Diego, whose eye Shira caught. In The Meltdown, Diego has adjusted to Herd-life. Timidly, with his short ears laid back, he walked over to his new cubs. He was blindly loyal to his pack and their leader Soto who both shared a mutual respect for one another and was tasked with retrieving the baby from a human tribe as revenge for them killing nearly half of their pack. Gene Belcher | Shira is one of the two tritagonists (alongside Granny) of Ice Age: Continental Drift and a supporting character in Ice Age: Collision Course. The Pig | Inception Sciences, Inc. Sep 2012 - Nov 20186 years 3 months. We Guarantee you we will ship your product within one business day of your order being confirmed. Given Diego's impressed expression, this is possibly an ability that most sabers don't have. Despite her temper and her stubbornness, Shira did eventually fall in love with Diego, who showed her a better way of life than piracy. Source This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Though suspicious, the herd did as Buck told them. Shira argues with Diego after Sid cracks their floe. Jeannie | Ice Age: Continental Drift Diego pleads for Manny to trust him as he forms a plan. Relationships Diego, keeping his pride, declared that he doesn't fight girls. Categories Categories: Couples; Add category; Cancel Save. Finally he sat down and laid his ears back. Thumbelina | who also voiced Francis the Ladybug in Disney/Pixar's A Bug's Life and Captain George Stacy in The Amazing Spider-Man series. She along with the rest of the herd were forced to leave to stop the mother of all asteroids from destroying the planet. Shira shamefully admits that Diego took her down. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Specifically, he is the deuteragonist of the first film. Product Description. Unlike Ellie, who served to contrast Manny's personality, had a different backstory and served a purpose in Manny's arc, Shira is mostly a cut and paste of Diego in the first movie and even his own redemption arc feel like his same arc of the first movie but less developed and doesn't seem to add anything to Diego as a character beyond giving Diego a mate in comparison to how Ellie was to Manny. However, I relied on a picture of her to draw her stripes and her coat color, as its the first time I do she. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Don't call me 'kitty'.Shira on the nickname Diego gave her. Shira leaped from the ship and stopped Diego, who was cutting the mooring lines that tethered the ice float to the ship. He was also very suspicious and reluctant to tell Sid that his family had abandoned him once again showing that he doesn't enjoy hurting his friend's feelings however he covered this up with an abominable lie. Baby Dinos | The characters are manic and idiotic and surprisingly fun the dialogues is rat-a-tat chatter, the action is entirely at the service of the 3-D, and the movie depends on bright colors, lots of noise and a few songs in between the whiplash moments but otherwise its enough for the movies. Start streaming The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild January 28 on Disney+. Crash and Eddie | Bewildered, panicked, and no Yo guys, I don't know why I am doing this. The plan worked and they celebrated their victory. Ellie | When the hyraxes successfully diverted the pirates' attention, the herd stole Gutt's new ship. (You can see a picture of Shira's early design in the Shira/Gallery.). Did Shira and Diego have cubs? After Sid broke the Geotopian wall, the Shangri Llama became furious as the crystals provide eternal youth. Before meeting the herd, Diego was a wild, vengeful, aggressive, and ruthless saber-toothed cat. Sid, the only one who knows about Diego's fear, teaches him how to overcome his fear of water. Diego passed a look to Shira, who only nodded her head. He looked up at the mammoth. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Gavin | Sweetness! After their adventure in the Dinosaur World, Diego decided to stay with his herd and returned to the surface. Juniper | This half a snack is a dinosaur whisperer?". Shira becomes Diego's mate at the end of the film and is expecting children with him. Really? With the continent now destroyed, Shira and her new friends set sail to a new home. Zee, Others We'll never make it home on this thing. Ages 3 and Up. Shira demanded him to get off her, which he refused and asked where does she think she'll be able to go. Brooke | She is rescued by the herd and soon enough became Diego's love interest in Ice Age: Continental Drift . Where is he? Manny informed the ape that they only wanted to return to the continent, which Gutt mocked, and informed Manny that there was no way back. Personal information Sid : Yeah, leprosy! Later, there was a meteor shower and an asteroid approaching. Email address submitted! Her pride was shown again when she refused to accept the water Diego brought to her. I am not. After Gutt rescued her she pledged her loyalty to him. "Glad You Came" is property of The Wanted. Ice Age: Continental DriftIce Age: Collision Course Soto then ordered Diego to get the baby or face being killed by his pack if he failed again. Diego is the tritagonist of the Ice Age franchise. However, when Buck noticed the dino-birds who he agitated earlier approaching, he ushered them to leave the trail and enter the forest. He becomes Shira's husband. She is a former pirate smilodon who becomes Diego's wife in Ice Age: Continental Drift. Jar Jar Binks | Finding Shira should be a piece of cake to him. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Roger the Pterosaurus | Annoyed, Shira pulled the line back, slapping Diego in the face, at which point she pounced on him and pinned him down while chuckling and saying that she could understand why. All Rights Reserved. Diego then encountered Manny and Sid, who had already found the baby before he did. However, the captain had a less than warm welcome for her. Momma Dino | Welcome to our herd.Shira becomes Diego's mate after Gutt's defeat. family romance newfriends +9 more These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Lisa Simpson | Sid then came and put a coral necklace around Diego, much to Shira's amusement. Shira was a female saber-toothed tiger and a distrusted first mate of the seafaring ape, Captain Gutt.