The First Class Suites features are unparalleled anywhere in the world: Guests can warm or cool their nearly one-meter-wide seats in the suite according to their personal needs and connect their own mobile device to the entertainment system. We list out the salary detail for some of the more common Airlines in Singapore. Whats more, the airline has long resisted the temptation to go 10-across in Economy on its B777-300ERs, giving passengers some precious extra inches in a 3-3-3 layout (although its all but certain theyll abandon this once the B777X comes into service). The crew knew that I was on board, so I wont comment too much on the inflight service, but I found them to be very professional when dealing with other passengers. Please check your user ID. Indeed. If the idea is to reduce waste, a much better way would be to nudge passengers towards pre-selecting their meal, or opting out altogether in exchange for a small incentive (in 2019, China Southern experimented with giving Economy passengers 200 miles for skipping the meal). I experienced the new normal first-hand when I flew to Seoul in November 2021 and the Economy meal on this 6.5 hour flight consisted of a main, bread and yoghurt- no fruits or appetiser to be found. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. WebThe cheapest flight from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport to Singapore was found 88 days before departure, on average. Mindenkinek btran ajnlom. I realise that its like comparing apples to oranges, and each airline has its own strategy, various suppliers and operational complexities. The tablets will initially be preloaded with films, TV shows, musics and games, but later this year Scoot will adopt an inflight wireless streaming system similar to that recently trialled by Qantas to beam content to all devices over WiFi. User #39510 3595 posts. That would be a huge mistake. And although everyone is airing their pitchforks right now, i personally gotta respect SQ for atRead more . When booking your ticket online you can pre-order meals for the first or second meal service. If you're still looking for a second opinion, check out this review on Nickel City:". A jvben egszen biztos ismt nt vlasztom, ha hivatalos fordtsra lesz szksgem, s szvesen ajnlom majd msoknak is. It's a LCC, if you want free entertainment, go a full service airline. Siam Square and Siam Paragon is reachable 20 mins by foot from the hotel. Arts & CraftsArts & EntertainmentCandle Stores, Our works of art were placed on a shelf to cure and harden up for a few days.more, I can't think of a better deal on video game entertainment. Whats frustrating is that Singapore Airlines has some great tricks of its own in Premium Economy, like champagne and a choice of 18 Book the Cook meals. Other than getting to travel regularly to different cities, being an air stewardess has its perks financially too! WebSave Has anyone out there pre-paid for inflight entertainment with Scoot airlines. 2014. december 15. An example of this the below meal on Austrian Airlines which cost the same as the sandwich meal deal on Scoot. Ksznm a gyors s szakmailag magas szint szolgltatst, melyet ntl kaptam megrendelsem sorn. 16 Avenue de lEurope KrisShop guide - how cheap is duty-free shopping with Singapore Airlines? The plastic tray holding my Roasted Chicken Thigh with (creamy) Garlic Parmesan sauce was too hot for me to hold in my hands to eat while watching movie.Looks like the old melamine containers are not coming back ever Now SQ trialling FSC Paper box. WebTWILIGHT ENTERTAINMENT is an Utah Dba filed on January 8, 2007. Were helping to deliver incredible inflight entertainment and shopping experiences onboard more AirAsia WebFind flights to Singapore from $61. WebScoots network now comprises nine cities including Singapore, Sydney, Gold Coast, Bangkok, Taipei, Tianjin, Tokyo, Qingdao and Shenyang, with 35 more destinations offered Customers pay a premium to fly SIA, and they want to feel like they get what they pay for. Excellent quality, more than reasonable price, very friendly service and lightning fast turnaround. Save. Several problems with this idea: A solution is to maybe provide the passenger with the choice pre-flight if they want appetisers, or the crew can ask them during the meal service itself and theyll plate the paxs tray accordingly. As for dessert, does SQ still give out HD ice-cream or only other brands? Clszer a fordtnl rkrdezni vagy a A fordtson mindig szerepeljen a fordti zradk, a fordt pecstje, akrsa, a dtum, valamint legyen a PDF-hez csatolva a magyar Ksznjk a gyors s precz fordtst, mellyel maximlisan elgedettek vagyunk. Csak ajnlani tudom! The state of inflight entertainment, past, present and future; an Op-Ed contribution Viki , Vlassz trgyat Fruits and appetisers are no longer served with meals, mid-flight snacks are by request only, paper menus are long gone, and perhaps well never see that hot towel again. Fly from Hong Kong on Cathay Pacific, Vietnam Airlines, Scoot and more. Pitch is higher than expected at 30, except for a handful of premium extra-legroom seats as well as the exit rows and forward bulkhead. If you are on a long haul flight, your inflight allowance increases. Now,I havent seen or touched these boxes in a real-world setting yet. PERKS OF BEING AN AIR STEWARDESSOR AIR STEWARD (CABIN CREW). While it costs more than the current serviceware, it allows us to act on customer feedback by improving and expanding our in-flight meal offerings in premium economy class and economy class on medium- and long-haul flights. , Fully agree. 2014. november 10. Web10 years ago. Lets not forget thatSingapore Airlines Premium Economy fares are already close to what some lesser airlines charge for Business Class, if not more expensive. unfortunately that may very well be the case, I remember the glory days when the plastic cup in Premium had a stem, stem i can do without though- it looks nicer in photos, but a lower CG is always preferred in a turbulent airplane cabin. Low fares. Mar 4, 2023. Haha! Layover allowance changes regularly and it depends on the country you go to. Singapore Airlines should be doing all it can to convince Economy passengers that Premium Economy is worth the extra miles or cash, not make them look similar. Has anyone out there pre-paid for inflight entertainment with Scoot airlines. I expected to receive a meal tray and was surprised to receive my hot meal, a bottle of water and a wafer biscuit all laid out on my tray table. Tamst hrom ajnlattev kzl vlasztottuk ki s jl dntttnk. WebScoot, a wholly owned subsidiary operates as a low-cost carrier . The tablets will initially be preloaded with films, TV shows, musics and games, but later this year Scoot will adopt an inflight wireless streaming system similar to that I have booked 9 tickets Sydney to Singapore for the first week in November and pre-paid for the iPads for all of us. Thanks Tams! This offering is basic, and its nothing but a cost-cutting exercise and provides no value to the customer. 2014. oktber 11. Well, Im not sure if SIA REALLY listen to customer feedback. However, if you leave Jetstar within a year you will need to pay an additional $850. WebTo explore the inflight entertainment available on your next trip with American Airlines, please enter your flight details. The amount you get paid no matter the amount of hours you fly. A cabin crew with Emirates airline generally earn about $3,638 per month including basic salary, layover allowance and flight hours. My second pre-order meal arrived and I cant help but feel there is no value in 15 for a sandwich, a wafer biscuit and a Coke. they served the champagne in full sized champagne flutes, which was unwise to say the least! Likewise, perhaps not every Economy passenger finishes the fruits and salad, yet delivering a fully-loaded tray sells the image of abundance and choice. Since they claim they invested so much in this, I am sure this will be made permanent after the trial period ends regardless of all the bad feedback they receive. dvzlettel. Do note that there might be changes to FlyScoot salary breakdown after their merger with Tiger Airways. Here's the breakdown of the salary for a full-time Jetstar cabin crew: Height of at least 1.58m for female & 1.65m for male, Attained at least 4 'N' Levels or 3O" Levels credits with a credit in English, Diploma / Degree holder are welcomed to apply, Willing to work irregular hours and on weekends, Possess good communication skills and a team player, At least 3 years of past working experience as a Cabin Crew (Applicable to part-time candidate only), Scoot Airlines Cabin Crew/ Air Stewardess Salary. Love it or loathe it, the paper boxes are coming. Minimum age of 18 years old due to legislative requirements, Fulfil the minimum height requirement of at least 1.58m for females and 1.65m for males in order to carry out safety and emergency procedures onboard, Fluent in English with good communication skills. 10 secrets you never knew about Singapore Airlines stewardesses uniforms, 'It's almost like a hotel': Singapore Airlines impresses even kings of K-pop BTS, Passenger praises AirAsia stewardess for being a more stunning sight than any other holiday destination. The seat certainly makes the cut. And they should be. Tams munkja precz, gyors s megfizethet. support the ME3 with their human rights abuses and backwards views on women? Its painful enough to see short-haul Economy meals delivered in unappealing brown boxes, but for paper serviceware to become the standard for allEconomy flights? Mr az rajnlatbl kiderlt, hogy profival van dolgom. This could in turn help Scoot to save over 13 tonnes of fuel and reduce 41 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions a year, because of a lighter weight. Before you write that off as a COVID-era blip, a recent report by Inflight Feed from Singapore to Melbourne looks little different. Pitch is higher than expected at 30, except for a handful of premium extra-legroom seats as well as the exit rows and forward bulkhead. In cutting out the physical catalogue and the menu, Scoot will reduce paper consumption by more than 156 tonnes of paper or the equivalent of over 2,000 trees. Mar 4, 2023. People will still fly SIA, the SIA today is no longer the SIA of old that is always at the meek and mercy of sniveling consumers. Alapossgra jellemz, hogy a forrsban esetlegesen elfordul ktrtelm vagy flrerthet tartalmakat mindig tisztzza velnk, mieltt azokat lefordtan. Then it goes and hamstrings itself with shoddy presentation; serving champagne in plastic cups that cost 80 cents each is not elevation by any means of the word. Quick reel of my, Quick look at some of the features of the Saudia A, Hello from freezing Amsterdam! I appreciated the real cutlery, it would have been nice to have a salad/entre offering or some fresh fruit/dessert rather than ice cream, but thats my opinion. I flew with Scoot on their long haul service from Athens to Singapore to experience the inflight product. As far as the hard product is concerned, the rhetoric matches the record. Gyors, nagyon segtksz, gyflkzpont! The thing is: Qantas never said they were World Class. High season is considered to be June, July Said Campbell Wilson, CEO of Scoot, Scoot is excited to be the first airline in Asia to offer this innovative inflight entertainment option. Going wireless keeps our aircraft lighter, our costs down and our fares cheaper. I reached out to the airline to take advantage of the offer, and they provided complimentary meals. What are people saying about arts & entertainment in Orem, UT? Gabi Over the years I have been in contact with the catering and PR team at Scoot they have always been helpful and offered me a free meal the next time I flew with them. Craft and Food Entrepreneurship ClassCraft and Food Entrepreneurship Class. Proper plates, glassware, and cloth napkins are de rigueur, and Virgin and Finnair even provide nice mugs for hot drinks! And coffee is 4 SGD ($2.95 USD). Meglv tartalmak ellenrzse, lektorlsa, Weboldalak, zleti, jogi s pnzgyi tartalmak fordtsa. WebSave Has anyone out there pre-paid for inflight entertainment with Scoot airlines. letem leggyorsabb papr gyintzse (Tamsnak ksznheten) Somewhere over southern NSW Started to get cloudy as flight approached Sydney. Here's the breakdown of the salary for Scoot cabin crew: SCOOT AIRLINES CABIN CREW/ AIR STEWARDESS SALARY, ALSO READ:Passenger praises AirAsia stewardess for being a more stunning sight than any other holiday destination. are all remarkably better than those disgusting middle easterners. Nzz krl s vedd fel velem a kapcsolatot, ha tudok valamiben segteni vagy, ha krdsed van. BECOMING AN AIR STEWARDESS OR AIR STEWARD. In the following properties in Croatia the opening dates are the ones that follow: Park Plaza Histria opens March 17, 2023 Park Plaza Arena opens April 22, 2023 Park Plaza Verudela opens April 7, 2023 Grand Hotel Brioni Pula, A Radisson Collection Hotel Since SQ J awards are nearly impossible to redeem (am waitlisted on 13 flights to Europe for >3 months now), I am now going to book Qatar Economy and doing a stopover for 2 nights which costs the same for 3 passengers as one SQ Economy ticket. Make all the jokes you want about airplane food; when youre stuck in a middle seat on a 13-hour flight, youll take any distraction you can get. Singapore Airlines will certainly claim that these changes were only made after detailed customer surveys and analysis of post-flight waste, but thats missing the point: just because passengers dont actively use something, doesnt mean they dont value the option. Wonderful Offers getting your new Cons: "The meals could have been prepared better in WebThe low-cost arm of Singapore Airlines Scoot has announced the introduction of its new inflight portal ScootHub. However, quality & quantity of food in Y still ok for me. Versenykpes ra, gyorsasga, hozzllsa s precizitsa kiemelte a tbbi ajnlattev kzl. SIA should be ashamed of themselves. The food and service are better, In addition, if havingRead more . For all I know, they could very well be better than theimage many of us have in mind when we hear paper box. Remek, gyors, pontos, precz szolgltats. Inflight Wi-Fi connectivity is And QR and EK Economy are so much better than SQ Economy and are a third of the price of SQ. At the same time, however, I dont think itsunreasonable to have serious misgivings about the move. That is true as well, maybe SQ couldve trialled that and see how significant the delay in meal service is and make another decision then. Flight Centres Haydn Long believes these changes to flight QSuites is far superior to SQ J nowadays even if some (ahhem) get jinxed and fall victim to airplane swaps. Nagyon meg vagyok elgedve a munkjval. The fact that this awful idea made into real-life trial is evidence that they fully intend to go ahead with it. we are very good at writing proposals that make zero sense but great to look on paper with complete justifications. Id like to see more value given to passengers; I feel like this is taking advantage of people. Ha akkreditlt NAATI fordtt keresel, j helyen jrsz. Ausztrliban 2013-ban szereztem meg NAATI akkreditcimat s azta tbb szz gyfelemnek segtettem eljrni az ausztrl hivatalok s szervek eltt. Hello from Hong Kong! With this challenge ScootHub 2015. februr 16. WebShop anytime, anywhere on Enjoy duty-free prices on when you pre-order on and opt for inflight delivery to your upcoming Scoot flight. If you asked me to guess the thought process behind this, Id say this is probably one of those things which looked good on paper (yes, I spent all night thinking of that pun). Live TV Domestic; Music. The service is a streaming media Look, we all know that Economy travel isnt meant to be luxurious. Aaron founded The Milelion to help people travel better for less and impress chiobu. Singapore Airlines is contemplating switching to paper-based serviceware in Premium Economy and Economy. It's a I like to think that if you offer excellent value and a great product, more people will buy into it. Folyamatosan rtekeztnk a rszletekrl s az r is sokkal bartibb volt, mint brmely ms fordt cgtl kapott ajnlat. There is also inflight wifi available to buy. But leaving that aside for a moment, there was one word here that really concerned me: elevate. SIA is as dysfunctional as a dictatorship with a leader who refuses to listen to any dissenting voices and makes all the decisions without any input from their colleagues or customers. Do note that their basic salary only makes up about half of the salary they are drawing. Web8.5 Entertainment 8.4 Food Airline reviews Pros: "The seats were cleaned and neatly arranged. We are talking about luxury items such as that Supreme T-shirt or that Louis Vuitton handbag, all at a discounted price. Earlier this week, Singapore Airlines broke the internet when it announced a trial of paper-based serviceware for medium and long-haul flights in Economy and Premium Economy Class. Drinks are served in plastic cups, theres no cloth napkin, and the main course isnt even served in a plate- just a disposable plastic container. The 2014. augusztus 27. I had high expectations going in, I grew up with tons of peach trees on our property, so a good peach is hard to come by in mymore, Chill guys, great service, nice quality computers, and they've got good deals for PC gaming and virtual gaming needs. Munkjban tovbbi sikereket kvnok. WebLooking for a cheap flight? dvzlet Victoribl Munkjt nagyra rtkelem s biztos vagyok benne, hogy a kvetkez alkalommal is hozz fordulok fordts gyben. I have booked 9 tickets Sydney to Singapore for the first week in November and pre-paid for the iPads for all of us. rajnlatltalnos rdekldsVisszajelzs, Szemlyes dokumentumok, okmnyok s okiratok hivatalos fordtsa magyarrl angolra, NAATI-akkreditlt tolmcs szolgltats hivatalos gyekhez. 2015. jlius 23. Scoot do on the 777 but there is no inflight entertainment on the 787 unless you bring your own or pay for WiFi. Minden jt kvnunk! I applaud SIA to be bold and challenge the status quo and go against the current. A NAATI oldaln knnyen ellenrizheted A legjobb mg a megrendels eltt ellenrizned a fordt akkreditcijt, annak lejratt s irnyt. Their hard product is no longer world classother airlines have caught up. Oh cool dont drive a car or use any form of transport which is fuelled by oil thenoh wait. I have to say, Im very surprised by the claim theres no cost savings to be had. Flew in from Seoul today wit, Hello from Seoul! The Scoot inflight magazine. The scorn was swift and merciless (and predictable). Search for Singapore flights on KAYAK now to find the best deal. announced a trial of paper-based serviceware, I flew Premium Economy from Tokyo to Singapore, serve all domestic Economy meals in a box, KrisFlyer adds US$250 booking fee for Star Alliance Round-the-World awards, Singapore Airlines trials paper-based serviceware for medium & long-haul flights, World of Hyatt offering 25% bonus on points purchases, AMEX Platinum Charge offering 95,000 MR points sign-up bonus, Marriott Bonvoy offering 40% bonus on points purchases, These rectangular paper boxes are intended for, Their soft product is goodbut arguably not world class. This article was first published in Seedly. Not only is the starting pay of a flight attendant high, but they also get to go on a shopping spree on overseas products going at a cheaper price than when in Singapore. The hot meal choice I ordered was the Greek Village Chilopites, it was delicious and similar to what Ive experienced on Aegean Airlines in economy class. And before you dismiss that as bottomless oil money talking, perhaps consider examples from Virgin Atlantic, Air New Zealand, British Airways and Finnair. Offers may only apply to new-to-bank customers. Search for Hanoi flights on KAYAK now to find the best deal. Rebook or Just flew PER in Feb. WebLocation Mayfair Bangkok is a serviced apartment managed by Marriott Group. Its hard to see how this brings us any closer to World Class. Make sure you dont start to think about where they get their kerosine from, I will never fly with those airlines no matter how good they are. Only simps like you will suck it up and continue to pay cash for crap like this. Has anyone just been on a flight and pre-paid? Previously the airline charged SGD$50 (EUR 35) for two meal services on their long-haul flights. High Flex. Applicant must have a minimum of 3 GCE 'O' Level or 4 GCE 'N' Level credits, including English. Fly for less money and less stress. Width is the 737 standard of 17. About five hours away from Singapore they began the second meal service, a little early perhaps, but Im sure they have their reasons why. This trial is part of SIAs continuous pursuit to elevate the onboard dining experience. We have spent many months and invested resources in developing this new serviceware, he said in a note sent to the media. The cutbacks are plain to see. South Franklin Community Center Provo, UT. Copyright HungarianTranslation 2018 All rights reserved. Their customers know and notice that certain bells and whistles have been removed and never returned. Fly from Denpasar on Indonesia AirAsia, Batik Air, Jetstar Asia and more. SCOOT AIRLINES CABIN CREW/ AIR STEWARDESS SALARY Do note that there might be changes to FlyScoot salary breakdown after their merger with Tiger Airways. If you're still looking for a secondmore, We have loved coming here! Look out for the post-flight email that ends up in your inbox (sent from [emailprotected]), and provide feedback to the crew onboard if the opportunity arises. Here's the breakdown of the salary for a full-time Singapore Airline (SIA) cabin crew: ALSO READ:10 secrets you never knew about Singapore Airlines stewardesses uniforms. Singapore Airlines is contemplating switching to paper-based serviceware in Premium Economy and Economy. Szemlyes tapasztalatom, hogy akr fl ra alatt is van visszajelzsem klnfle szakmai fordtsokkal kapcsolatban s rban is kedvez. Parc Technologique du Canal Mr ajnlottuk Tamst bartainknak s tovbbra is fogjuk. Nagyon gyors, precz s pontos. Singapore Airlines is contemplating switching to paper-based serviceware in Premium Economy and Economy. All Material Copyright 2023 inflightfeed. the problem with that solution is that it will slow down the meal service significantly- i think efficiency considerations probably stopped them from doing that. Which meal would you prefer for 15? rm az gyintzs ilyen krlmnyek kzt. 2013. ta dolgozom akkreditlt NAATI (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters) fordtknt s tolmcsknt. A transport allowance is provided every month for transport to and from work. 2015. szeptember 08. Menus on trial routes have already been updated for March, together with a brief justification for the new casserole. 0. If you are seeking does scoot have inflight entertainment identified by being extremely quick, but safe at the same time, our tools should be your front runner. In October 2022, I flew Premium Economy from Tokyo to Singapore and received the following: Frankly, youd be hard pressed to tell whether this was Economy or Premium Economy (unless, of course, you knew that salads no longer feature in Economy!). This just does match up with world class. KIDS; Live TV. Allowance to buy new uniform or accessories required for the work outfit. Absolutely disgusting airline. The famous Erawan Shrine, is around 12 mins by foot from the hotel. Cabin crews are paid inflight allowance based on the number of hours they fly. I can't think of a better deal on video game entertainment. Even if you could somehow convince me that paper-based serviceware is passable in Economy, Id still put my foot down when it comes to Premium Economy. We take a look at the breakdown of their salary. Reviews Entertainment was window view as the sun was on the other side, was able to open the blinds. Copyright 2023 The Milelion All Rights Reserved | Web Design by, Singapore Airlines First & Business Class Seat Guide, Best Rate Guarantees (BRGs) for beginners. Ildik A typical flight attendant's salary is made up of various components: ALSO READ:KrisShop guide - how cheap is duty-free shopping with Singapore Airlines? From the Scoot Website: "ScooTV is available only on flights operated by Boeing 777 aircraft". While good times have returned to First and Business Class with pre-COVID elements like course-by-course dining, pre-departure drinks, physical menus,and warm nuts restored,things arent so rosy back in Economy. Phone: +33 (0)5 32 09 10 51. This place is great for kids parties, andmore, The team lit the oil lanterns around 8p just before dark, lots of music playing, people dancingmore, It's not the coziest theater, not the nicest, but honestly it fits there in Provo and I had somemore. This $1,000 acts as a bond penalty and will be refunded to you after 2 years of service. The move attracted its fair share of ridicule, but customers eventually got used to it(the fact that portions were increased by 50% probably helped). 2014. jlius 7. Ezen kvl tolmcsoltam konferencikon, eladsokon, zleti trgyalsokon. The meal was nothing special, a chicken dish with some rice and vegetables, but a decent serving of food. Each airline is different when it comes to the basic salary and the payouts. To reduce wastage maybe SQ can load maybe only 80% of appetisers in relation to the total no of pax onboard, its a gamble but there are for sure a minority that would never touch the appetisers. As someone who has sampled many pre-order meals on a wide range of airlines across the globe, I feel as though there could be improvements to the product. Adaptive is based in Toulouse, France, A one-stop shop for all customer needs inflight, ScootHub can be easily accessed from a users mobile device. Our point-to-point network means no connections for an easier, quicker and nicer journey. How some things pass through after wasting a whole load of money in surveys jus befuddles me.. Whats funnier is how they romanticise cheap paper box by adding the Forest Stewardship Council-certified adjective. This is a review for arts & entertainment in Orem, UT: "Honestly, Nickel City is crazy awesome. Mire kell figyelni NAATI fordts rendelsekor: Erklcsi bizonytvnyok, anyaknyvi kivonatok, jogostvny: $35-tl $55-ig tartalomtl fggen, rettsgi, szakmunks bizonytvnyok, diplomk, oklevelek: $55-$100, Leckeknyvek, tantrgylersok, kzpiskolai bizonytvnyok: $15-$25/oldal, Vlsi hatrozatok, brsgi tletek, szerzdsek: $0,15-$0,20/sz, Fordts jogi nyilatkozat mellett (affidavit), Blattols (a forrsszveg rott formtumban van). Enter flight details. Completed, are exempted from or are not liable for National Service. But what really stumps me is that using paper boxes in both Premium Economy and Economy narrows the quality gap between the two. Still, presentation matters, and a meal is one of the main opportunities for an airline to put its best foot forward. I thought it was making quite a statement that in their latest World Class ad campaign, Singapore Airlines chose to feature its Economy Class cabin. Singapore Airlines was the first to put the Airbus A380 the world's largest passenger aircraft as well as the Boeing 787-10 into service and is the only operator of the They have the worst lounges of all the leading airlines and are constantly cutting costs while simultaneously adding to our costs. 2015. jlius 14. nah, ill pass, Enjoy your crappy inflight experience then sjw , Finnair, Qantas, Cathay, etc. Transitioning of the traditional inflight experience into a fully digital experience, thru the use of personal smartphone devices. Singapore Airlines says that theyll be reviewing feedback before deciding whether or not to make this permanent, so if you dislike the boxes, you need to make your voice heard. This means that the total salary depends heavily on their flight schedule and the destination they are assigned to. In cutting out the physical catalogue and the menu, Scoot will reduce paper consumption by more than 156 tonnes of paper or the equivalent of over 2,000 trees. Virgin Atlantic Premium Economy meal | Photo: The Points Guy Air New Zealand Premium Economy meal | Photo: The Points Guy British Airways Premium Economy meal | Photo: Nerd Wallet Finnair Premium Economy meal | Photo: Inflight Feed. I cant speak to how good these meals taste, but people eat with their eyes first, and this presentation is much more appealing (by the way, all these are real-life examples, not staged publicity photos).