He erased all of reality when he stopped Zamasu in the future timeline. I am almost sure its a similar case as it is with Beerus & the Whis. This is spite. He possesses the power of erasure, which makes him one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse. Super Shenron has unlimited power which would imply that zalama has unlimited power as the dragon cant grant a wish out of there creators power .he could potentially be the creator of the multiverse, Imagine a dragon ball omniverse Zeno is the god of destruction and grand priest is the angel. How is he powerful enough to one-shot a multiversal character? When the Gods bow to Zeno or act subservient to him, the Angels stay standing and remain calm. He is remembered as an important wellspring of knowledge in the Stoic school of thought and beyond. Much to Vegeta's shock, Cabba withstood that attack and appeared unscathed. Sep 22, 2017 83 Dislike Share Save The Den of Nerds 182K subscribers There's some new information from the Dragon Ball Super Manga about the relationship between Zeno and the Grand Priest. While Zeno has a great deal of power, there are other characters, such as the Grand Priest, Beerus and Whis, and the Hakaishin who are even more powerful. He is a personification of incredibly raw power which makes up for his lack of combat knowledge. In the Dragon Ball universe, the title is given to whomever is the strongest being in all of the multiverses, allowing them the authority to judge their conflicts and battles. He has sky-blue skin except for the purple stripes that cover two sections from his ears to the middle of each eye on both sides of his head. by Kenneth La Torre Sun Feb 25, 2018 1:45 am, Post Zeno is not really a fighter he simply like a spoiled kid with a lot of power as a god of destruction. Remember the whole 18 universes thing? In terms of fighting capabilities, the Grand Priest is probably the strongest by far, whilst Beerus would be stronger than Champa. Zeno is depicted as the most powerful being in the multiverse, and his powers and abilities remain unequaled among the characters in the animation series. How is he powerful enough to one-shot a multiversal character? Sometimes its not about strength, sometimes its about the fact that some little germline has free access to the cosmic delete button. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Zeno is the strongest being in the dragonball lore. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'coalitionbrewing_com-leader-3','ezslot_14',155,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coalitionbrewing_com-leader-3-0');No one can defeat the Omni-King. Will Rudeus Find His Mom In Mushoku Tensei? JavaScript is disabled. Should Dragon Ball Super fun long enough, its entirely possible Goku (and Vegeta) will fight Whis but definitely dont expect him to win or put up a serious fight unless Goku does some crazy training over the next few years. Like Whis is to Beerus, Vados is possesses greater martial arts power to Champa and is the strongest in Universe 6. canon zeno and GP get fodderized along with the verse. Maybe it has to do with the hax being absolute instead of zeno being the stronger being. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Data can be used to build or improve user experience, systems and software; provide customized ads. It is also strongly implied that he is the strongest angel, as Whis himself, the Zeno is a powerful being in the DC Universe, and is often considered one of the most powerful. He usually wears a blank expression on his face and has no nose present. This is where we take iconic characters from either the same franchises or even different ones and see who would come out on top when it comes to sheer power alone. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that Zenos current childlike appearance is his true form in the series. In the Tournament of Power arc, Zeno held a tournament between eight universes to determine the strongest universe, with the losers facing erasure from existence. You are using an out of date browser. by darzap Sun Feb 25, 2018 3:08 am, Post His power is so immense that he is considered the most powerful being in the Dragon Ball Multiverse. Who said that he cant defeat Goku? Zeno can erase anyone in Dragon Ball, plain and simple. It doesnt matter whether youre a multiversal entity t This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Despite their subservient nature to the Gods of Destruction and Supreme Kais, they hold a designation above that of the gods, as Zeno spared the Angels from being erased in the Tournament of Power. Kale is a female Saiyan who hails from Universe 6 and also a Legendary Super Saiyan. When it comes to Grand Priest, he not only serves a god, but he serves the most powerful god of them all in Zen-Oh, making him second in command to a being that can end all life with just a thought. Who is the strongest character in Dragon Ball? He is suggested to be stronger than his respective God of Destruction and may be able to hold his own against Zeno. He's stated to be the strongest being in DB while Beerus couldn't care less about Demigra. And you(along with potentially every single other thing in existence) get erased instantly for your "troubles". Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Key distinction. Beerus was winning versus demigra in xenoverse. But, even with all this power, he isnt on top of the food chain. 2 Is anyone stronger than the grand priest? With his childlike naivety that makes him somewhat unpredictable and capricious, he is capable of effortlessly destroying entire planets, galaxies, universes, and timelines in the blink of an eye, having destroyed 6 of the originally existing 18 universes and also destroying several planets in a game he played with his future self-202 times. Zeno is a philosopher from the ancient Greek city-state of Citium in Cyprus. With the help of his Ultra Instinct, he can sense danger and can avoid nearly all the damage. Chi-Chi is the wife of Goku and is one of the most powerful characters in the series, having trained Gohan to his highest possible level. Also if you look at a basic level, Whis is stronger then Beerus. I'm almost certain its a similar case as it is with Beerus and Whis.. Beerus is a god of destruction that destroys things etc but we all know Whis is much stronger than him in reality. Despite his small size and friendly demeanor, he possesses incredible powers and abilities that cause the gods of the universe to tremble in fear and bow before him. It was basically a battle royale between all GoDs. The only one who can even compare is Gohan in his Calvo form, Zeno has infinite power (in db terms). 1. Required fields are marked *. If I were to speculate on the connection between Zeno and the Grand Priest, I would conclude that: I wouldn't be too surprised as the way Zeno's personality is unfitting to be one with absolute power. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'coalitionbrewing_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_11',153,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coalitionbrewing_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');In terms of fact-based labels for power, then Zeno is by far the strongest character of the two. Because that is necessary to make a claim to a fact. Stronger? How do I stop my foreskin from splitting? Beerus was going to stomp Demigra in XV1 before Demigra ran away like a bitch. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Sigh, things were so much simpler when it was just Goku VS Vegeta. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Legend has it that when Zeno was a young man, Demeas sent him to Athens to study with the leading philosopher of the time, Crates of Thebes. Therefore, it is impossible to beat Zeno because the arguments of his paradox are philosophically sound, and cant be logically argued against. He founded the Stoic school of philosophy which was heavily based on the Cynic teachings, though he also developed and expanded upon their ideas. 1 Michael. This is a difficult question to answer definitively since strength is highly subjective and depends upon a variety of factors. In the ancient literature, Demeas is described as an marketplace merchant from Citium, which is a Phoenician port city located in modern day Cyprus. Zeno doesn't have to see him The dude can tank his own deletion of an entire timeline, IMO theyve been trying to show us that the angles do not fear deletion because they are above deletion, The Grand Priet literally treats the zenos like small children lol. I think when the next series (or the next iteration of Super) returns, zalama will be fully explored. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. WebZeno is the strongest being in the Dragon Ball universe, even above the likes of the Angels and the Grand Priest. Whis (, Uisu) is the Guide Angel Attendant of Universe 7s God of Destruction, Beerus, as well as his martial arts teacher. Whis states several times he can not compare to either Zeno or the Grand priest, also the Grand Priest is the creator of the angels, and like shenr What flirty questions to ask a girl you like? Not only do I feel that the Grand Priest is the superior to the zenos, I feel that the true all knowing powerful ruler of all is Zalama. Zeno, the King of all, is undoubtedly one of the strongest characters in the animation series with his power of erasure, teleportation skills, Kings Aura, Omniscience, and reality manipulation ability. WebGrand Zeno (, Zen', lit. Long story short, the last two GoDs were punching at each other. Future Zen-oh is shown as being more impulsive and unpredictable, often acting on whims and destroying entire universes without warning. Though it was only a passing comment, perhaps intended to be a jab between siblings, Vados stated she was stronger than Whis. Grand Priest stops each of their final punches with his finger. So, while Zeno is a very powerful character, he is not the most powerful character in existence. These guys are there to make sure that no strong fighters attempt to take out Zeno, as in He is also the father of Martinu, Vados, Whis, Marcarita and Kusu. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Even though Gogeta is extremely powerful, it isnt possible for him to win against Whis, even if he gets stronger during the battle. The whole thing with Zen-Oh is this immense, unstoppable force that can do whatever it wants. Each of them possess immense power and strength, and have the capability to completely obliterate planets and even universes. In an effort to ensure that the new tournament was fair, Zeno used his reality manipulation power to create the Tournament of Power arena, which was designed to prevent fighters from hiding and running away. This great power makes Zeno a highly feared ruler amongst every divine being, including the Gods of Destruction, the Angels, and the Supreme Kais. However, Zeno rarely uses this power as it is capable of causing significant destruction. This is because the angels need to keep an eye on the god of destruction of their respective universes, as they may get out of control and use their power wrongly. He exists on his own scale which itself overrides the entirety of the "Battle Power" based scale that everyone generally uses. It may not display this or other websites correctly. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. However, it remains unclear if he started his existence as Omni-King or lived a certain period before being appointed to the position. Zeno is the most powerful being in the entire series, and is an entity that is truly above all. He is presented as one of the most powerful characters in the animation series with immense power, capable of effortlessly erasing entire universes and effortlessly taking down the strongest fighters in the animation series. Furthermore, it was revealed in the Dragon Ball Super Manga that the fusion of Goku from Universe 7 and Goku from Universe 10 would be strong enough to challenge Zeno as this version of Goku would have the power of both universes, making him very powerful. 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Throughout the tournament of Power, Zeno was able to keep track of everything that was happening even in the farthest corners of the fighting arena. In this case, its the Angels, who are beings very high on the totem pole in the Multiverse, and their main job is to offer guidance to the Gods of Destruction such as Giin and, yes, Zeno. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. However, it is implied that Whis is not the strongest of the Angels. Vados claims that she is a little bit stronger than Whis, but he objects saying it has been a thousand years since she last trained him. Zeno and Future Zeno are the only characters in the animation with the ability to erase timelines, thus making them the most powerful and feared characters in the Dragon Ball Super. There is absolutely no question that Beerus could destroy a universe should he ever want to. My writings have been published on multiple websites and publications. Zeno King of all has the power to decide the fate of the multiverse, which would, in turn, have a significant impact on the balance of power in the multiverse as well as the number of living beings. Or DBS Zeno just erases him out of existence (i need proof that demigra is resistant to erasure) if only zeno can erase people more quicker then id likely give the win zeno but he always takes his time to do so. Ok listen, So obviously Grand Zeno is like God and he Controls and destroys planets and universes cuz he owns the Multi-Verse In short, Zeno was undoubtedly a powerful figure and one of the most influential thinkers of his time. I think that's like saying a trained martial artist is stronger than a hurricane because the hurricane doesn't know how to fight. When she isn't doing root canals or listing down anime waifus, you can find her screeching about her favorite JRPGs across social media. Is there any statement from Akira, or an explaination in the canon stuff, what makes them 6-D? Just one punch is all itll take for Saitama to beat Goku. If the zeno was the all knowing ruler he would be able to oversee and exist as one across all timelines, - We have never seen the zenos create. Is the grand priest the most powerful God in the universe? The Real Story of Donovan Lamb and Vivian Kent from Inventing Anna. He was born around 334 B. C. in a city in Cyprus and went on to establish his own influential school of thought in Athens. According to Whis, Zeno had erased 6 of the then existing 18 universes. The Grand Priest, or the Grand Minister as hes sometimes known as, is indeed a very powerful individual that stands on top of his particular hierarchy. His appearance has been consistent throughout the series, and there has been no indication that he has any other appearance, but it is quite possible that his true form and abilities have not been fully explored in the Dragon series anime. Whis stated that Grand priest is among top 5 strongest fighters in the multiverse as other 4 fighters never shown in franchise so we can simply say till now he is strongest. As far as weve seen, most angels are far more powerful than their respective gods of destruction. While the Dragon Ball Super Series gave no power comparison between Zeno and the Grand Priest, the Grand Priest, like Zeno, is also known for his incredible powers and abilities in the multiverse. This wasnt even up for debate; Zeno is just too untouchable as he is right now. Zeno is presented as a very short, childlike being with a large lemon-shaped head, round eyes, small rounded grey ears and a friendly demeanor which gives him an innocent and harmless appearance. More Powerful? Although Zeno is portrayed as a childlike and innocent character, often seen playing games and having fun, he is by far the strongest being in the Dragon Ball Multiverse. Demigra is weaker than Beerus. You were saying something? He is the ruler of all existence and commands a power over time and space that surpasses even the gods of destruction. You must log in or register to reply here. Both of them are featless and only have scaling, none only that but people ignore the version and just use canon versions. Zeno is considered to be in a very powerful tier within the Dragon Ball series. And the anime thats all over the place. Xeno/heroes GP himself would blink demigra like an absolute fodder. I've been saying it for a while that based on all the hints, I believe the grand priest is superior to the zenos in power, abilities, and rank. He remains a formidable opponent, and his authority over all the gods in the multiverse makes him the ultimate ruler of all. El Grand Padre is way stronger than Zeno. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2012-2023 On Secret Hunt - All Rights Reserved That being said, some of the strongest characters include Vegito, Gogeta, Beerus, Whis, Zen-Oh, Chi-Chi and Super Buu. Lets discuss the Multiverse for a second and explain how it came to be in the Dragon Ball universe. They are the Grand Priest, the Future Zen oh, and Whis. Forum Rules. Think people have rode this rebellion of angels and evil GP train long enough, give it a rest already. Crack of time is completely outside of the countless timelines in the DB multiverse. It would be surprising, befitting, but unlikely. Your email address will not be published. Zeno also is a child and acts like a 3 or 4 year child, very unlikely that such a being would be the true god and ruler of everything. I don't know about Demigra because never play XV but i heard he has hax power enough to threat multiversal scale can him win against Zeno and Grand Priest? No, Zeno is not a Zeus. Zeno was highly influential in his approach to ethics, logic, and natural law. He is stronger physically. Absolutely Not. Lets get down to Character Versus! This is a big one. Zeno has no real combat skills. After completing his studies, Zeno returned to Citium, where he began teaching his own version of Stoic philosophy and established a school of philosophy known as the Stoa (or Porch). The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. He has virtually unlimited potential because of his Super Saiyan and Ultra Instinct forms, but these forms are only temporary and he is not always able to access them. Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited, Privacy Grand Priest is most probably stronger than Zeno. In fact, Beerus himself clearly stated that Whis is far more powerful than him. Zenos power of erasure is demonstrative of how strong he is and the extent of his abilities. WebZeno is said to be stronger than grand priest so Zeno Is the winner but Zeno has never shown any types of martial arts so grand priest would be more skilled. Ice-cold is an understatement. by darzap Sun Feb 25, 2018 9:36 am, Post WebNo, Zeno is not the most powerful character in existence. Zeno was deeply influenced by the Cynic teachings, which were based on the ideas of Socrates and were heavily focused on moral and ethical values. So, even if you bring him up against someone like the Grand Priest (who happens to be an advisor to Zeno on some occasions, strangely enough), there is still no comparison between the two. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". @mee09: you dont know shit about dragon ball heroes so you cant really say that. This shows that even though Zeno appears to be the most powerful being he is not invincible. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The Grand Priest is said to be one of the top 5 strongest beings in the entire multiverse. He has absolute power over all creation, rendering him unbeatable. Zeno > Grand Priest > Whis >>>>>>>>> Beerus > Demigra. Which, I mean, I guess it pays to have a literal God be your friend. Despite their power, they are bound by laws that prevent them from directly fighting threats such as Moro. He is primarily focused on one task at a time and becoming overwhelmed by multiple tasks can sometimes cause him to lose focus. Hence why they are the odd-ball out. You have entered an incorrect email address! I could imagine the Angels actually working for a higher god, maybe Zalama, maybe Zeno's dad or something, and Zeno really is more akin to a "king" of the multiverse than a "god" of it. He has the power to erase anything from existence with a mere wave of his hand. Gokus plan is to eventually fight Beerus in a rematch, but it could be that hes already strong enough to take down the God of Destruction. He still can't kill him. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'coalitionbrewing_com-leader-4','ezslot_15',156,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coalitionbrewing_com-leader-4-0');Additionally, no one has yet been able to truly understand the extent of his power or to comprehend him, further cementing his status as unbeatable. Grand Priest Vs Cosmic During the Tournament of power, he and future Zeno erased Universe 9 from existence. Furthermore, his power is rumored to surpass that of Gods of Destruction, rendering him almost impossible to defeat in battle. Does Gwen Die in Spider-Man and In Which Movie? We don't know that Zeno can even be hurt. In addition to pioneering a style of philosophical debate, Zeno also helped to foster significant dialogues between ancient Greeks and the expansive world around them. He is the major supporting character in the 2015/2018 Japanese martial arts fantasy anime television series, Dragon Ball Super, and its manga series, having made his initial appearance in Dragon Ball Super during the Universe 6 vs 7 tournament arc. Zenos power is not limited to physical destruction alone, it can also alter the fate of the multiverse. 2. As the king of all universes, he possesses unequaled and unrivaled power and authority in the multiverse. A post shared by DRAGONBALL (@il_mondo_di_dragonball). Whis further elaborates that the Grand Priest is the strongest being in this world, though the context of this world is unknown. Unfortunately, not much is known about the parents of Omni-King Zeno. by FiReFTW Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:27 pm, Post He was the founder of the Stoic school of philosophy, which taught that people should accept whatever fate had in store for them and strive to become the best versions of themselves. But regardless, it isnt a bad idea to take a closer look at why that may be the case. One thing is for sure, though. The Grand Priest is the most powerful of all the Angels, which makes him more powerful than even the Gods of Destruction to whom the Angels serve. "King of All"), the Omni-King, is the supreme ruler of all the Multiverse and seemingly its most powerful being. I could see GP outsmarting Zeno rather than outright killing.