Harvest House, Harvest Baptist Church (671) 477-6341. The result was a catch of fish Peter had never seen before, so much that the boat began to sink (vs. 6-7). Based upon the credibility of Gods Word, Peter decided to launch out into the deep one more time. Are you ready to get out of your comfort zone? I was also aware it had ramifications for the new decade. Its one thing to receive Jesus as your Saviour; its another thing to wholeheartedly follow Him as a disciple. See all formats and editions . Your generous gift will help us impact others for Christ through our global salvation outreach and other faith based initiatives. James and John were egotistical and self-centered. No matter the case, when Christ releases you to Launch, your promise is waiting for you. This is Gods message for YOU today: You havent seen anything yet! Understanding The Holy Of Holies Inside The Temple. Now when He had left speaking, He said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. Master, Simon replied, we worked hard all last night and didnt catch a thing. Let your faith make you fly. The story began with Peter and his fishing partners experiencing lack in their circumstances, but then suddenly they found themselves having more than enough! Read more. "Night was the only favorable time for fishing with nets in the clear waters of the lake. (Luke 5:4, 5) Your success is attached to your obedience. The greatest opportunities for ministry often are, humanly speaking, the most distasteful. We have to expand our vision so that we can understand and believe God for everything He has for us. even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. A man after God's own Heart. The author shares how team ministry has worked in her family, pointing out that it is a two-way street. It is easiest to stay by the shore in shallow waters. Just as the boat suddenly overflowed with fish, your life is destined to overflow with Gods blessings when you heed His instructions. Peter himself had been working with filthy fishing equipment all night as well. Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #c137. 4Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. We generally do what we want to do. ?? David Cerullo is the founder, chairman, and CEO of Inspiration Ministries, located in Indian Land, South Carolina a ministry dedicated to impacting people for Christ worldwide through media. The breaking nets and the sinking boats are some of the challenges of deep-water evangelism. 00:00. Remaining in the shallow waters of small soul-winning objectives is a tragic denial of our sublime mission! She notes that societal changes require some changes in the concept, but some things remain constant. Terms Of Use Privacy Policy About Us Inspiration Bookstore Email Preferences Closed Country Policy, [contact-form-7 id="892" html_class="default-background"], 2023 Inspiration Ministries. The best of life resources are not found on the surface. launching definition: 1. present participle of launch 2. to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new. Immediately, though, Peter is exposed to something far greater than anything . And the Lord said unto Gideon, The people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel vaunt themselves against me, saying, Mine own hand hath saved me (Judges 7:2). * Jesus Calls Us Deeper When Jesus had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish." "Master," Simon replied, "we worked hard all last night and didn't catch a thing. "Launch out into the deep.". The son of international evangelist Morris Cerullo, David took a less traditional approach to ministry, graduating from Oral Roberts University with a degree in business administration and management. It is time to leave the shallow waters of formal, mediocre soul-winning methods and launch out into the deep of Spirit-filled evangelism. He is always present and ready to listen. Peter responded, "Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net . As the omniscient God, He knows us better than we know ourselves. And when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Put out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. Like Peters disappointing night of fishing, our attempts to serve the Lord in our strength will yield empty nets every time. Pastor James Ford Jr. has been the senior pastor of Christ Bible Church of Chicago, located on the south side of Chicago, Ill., for over 35 years. Now when He was through speaking, He said unto Simon, "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draft.". Launching out into the deep in this beginning stage of Harvest '90 gives unquestioning priority to evangelism in all forms and on all levels of the church organization. When Jesus had finished speaking, he said to Simon, Master, Simon replied, we worked hard all last night and didnt catch a thing. Depth in prayer is a measure of intimacy with God. In time, there will be a great haul of fish (fruitfulness) according to Jesus word. Developing a plan for reproducing our training schools in at least one other geographic area of the world using a hybrid of primarily online courses with minimal required classroom time in their region. They laughed and called him Simon which means shifting sand But Jesus called him Peter which means rock. He looked at Peter and said, Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch (v. 4). George Mller said it well: There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. As we launch out in sharing the gospel, giving of our time and resources, and humbling ourselves to serve others, our growth becomes deeper than that of a Christian who insists upon sitting on the dock. He serves faithfully on the leadership team of Word of Life Christian Ministries in Downtown Detroit, MI as an Assistant Pastor, along with his beautiful wife, Assistant Pastor Nina Jackson. Before Peter knew it, Jesus had stepped on his boat and charged him to put out a little from the land so that He could sit down and teach the crowd. He knew Peters fatigue, his doubt, and his needs. Why then do we experience a lack of fruit in ministry? Time's clock has struck the hour when the church must embark upon a new revolutionary Spirit-led soul-winning adventure of unprecedented magnitude. Launch Out Into The Deep "When he had stopped speaking, he said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a catch." Luke 5:4 NKJV Two weeks ago I ticked one item off my bucket list. 54:2). He knew his workhe was a master fisherman. Jesus has ulterior motives, but the command is for Peter to literally cast his nets to try to make a literal catch of fish. SUE DETWEILER is a mother of six, author, speaker, podcast host of Healing Rain, and faith influencer with over 25 years of experience in leadership, ministry and education. This story ends with a beautiful statement that is often overlooked: They forsook all and followed Him (v. 11). Peter didnt mind. Joining hands and hearts together in prayer, consecration, fellowship, doctrinal harmony, and evangelistic activities, we are to unite for the enlargement and qualitative consolidation of the church. Its your season of great harvest! From the 45 percent in 1991 who stated they read their Bible outside church to 37 percent in 2001, these numbers should serve as a splash of cold water to some fast-asleep Christians.3. Jay Worrall, president of Helping Harvest, spoke Thursday to the Berks County commissioners during their operations meeting to update them on the big challenges the Spring Township-based food bank is experiencing. If you re among the majority of pastors, who spend nearly as much time concerned with the church's janitorial services as with its educational work, we challenge you to rethink your priorities. . This article will help you get more value from each page of the hymnal. Even so, Peter made a watershed decision: Nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.. Do you see what power these words have? Romans 10:17 provides a clear answer: So then, faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.. He reached out to the needy. Berean Study Bible Icy winds. He was to conquer all of the powers of darkness. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. . Gods word constantly renews our mind as we read it. The Adventist Church began in a spirit of urgency, and it must also climax in urgency and a blaze of triumph! Or is teaching without preaching enough? Launch Out Into The Deep Series Contributed by A. David Hart on Jun 11, 2007 (message contributor) based on 41 ratings (rate this sermon) | 121,708 views Scripture: Luke 5:1-6 Denomination: Baptist Summary: This sermon is to challenge us to trust the Lord with the challenges of life. He had a lot of people depending on him as a business owner; he couldnt afford another day without catching fish. What a word for the new year 2020. Isnt it amazing how God desires to bless us and pour out His abundance in our lives? Would you like to launch out? It is divine call to launch out in the deep at God's command! Many Christians are eager to launch a new business, career, hobby, or relationship. Tired, hungry, surrounded by a multitude of people, Peter tried to stretch out and clean his net so that they could go out fishing again that night. He wants you to Launch Out Into the Deep. But if you say so, Ill let the nets down again., When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, Oh, Lord, please leave meIm such a sinful man.. The divine directive "Launch out into the deep" has a ring of immediacy and urgency. The moving message of these two verses has a special relevancy for the church in the implementation of its evangelistic mission. It is no longer an empty boat, but rather two boats loaded with fish to the point of sinking. It is a call beyond the present business as usual, to remember the promises of God to us as a ministry, seizing them in a fresh way, acting on them. And others just venture away from the land, We learn from this narrative, the necessity of human agency. "Command to Launch Out into deep" (Vs 4) 2. The Lord knows our limitations. Showing favoritism to one child over another causes all kinds of trouble in families. Dont get sidetracked with other focal points, but with laser focus stay the course.. Moody Radio820 N. LaSalle Blvd.Chicago, IL 60610(312) 329-4300. We can lament the state of our nation and the multitudes of lost people around us, or we can roll up our sleeves, hoist the sails, and launch out into the deep. Get ready for a great catch! Read millions of eBooks and audiobooks on the web, iPad, iPhone and Android. Warren Wiersbe says of this moment, Peter was humbled, not by his night of failure but by his astounding success; this is a mark of real character. It was at this point that Peter knew he was not dealing with any ordinary rabbi. 4:6). It costs to launch out into the deep. The deep is where you will find a whole lot of fish. Peter knew from personal experience that Christ's techniques carry a full guarantee of success. Number two; the best place is shallow water so I don't understand this idea of launching into the deep in the daytime." But Jesus cared about people more than He cared about comfort. Its no wonder we so often struggle to fully comprehend and believe what the Bible says about the astounding power available to us in Christ. The Seventh-day Adventist Church by launching out into the deep is under orders from God to confront peoples of all races, persuasions, and status with the redemptive eschatological message entrusted to us in this sunset hour of human history. 5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. In Luke 5:4, Jesus stops preaching to the crowd and addresses Peter. We are too close to the surface, and our main concern is surface attributes only. To throw yourself into the deep, the deep waters of faith, means to blindly follow God's word and throw yourself into it without second-guessing. 11For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? James 4:10 directs us to, Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. Jesus condescended to our low estate so every person might have an opportunity to be saved. Jesus, really? If he had insisted on just staying put, he would have missed out on the amazing blessing that was in store for him. Is Anything Too Hard For The Lord Prayer Points, Prayer Points For God To Reveal Himself To Me. Remember: Gods promises of an abundant life are not based on your worthiness, self-effort, or human ingenuity. Launching into the deep in prayer involves using Gods word in prayer. 'Like Peter, the total laity and leadership of God's church are challenged to embark on a new evangelistic faith adventure. God wants to bless youbig-time! It was the result of a man who had unmistakably heard Christs command and calculated that Gods power was greater than his limitations. What should you do if the problem with your faith is that it has been sitting on the display cabinet, instead of being used? When she prayed about which book to write first she was Or even KNOWING you made the wrong, Excerpt taken from THE PRAYER LIFE OF JESUS: Developing Yours by Looking at His by Glenn Arekion., Whats the weather like where you live? Yes, all God needs is obedient, available lives, and He will arrange the details and fill the gospel net as we cast it into the deep by faith. What Jesus had just asked Peter to do was contrary to all of Peters training and experience. 1 2 3 Next LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP Luke 5:1-6 There is a pattern I see repeated throughout Scripture: God often doesnt intervene until the task is humanly impossible. We are here for you. When Christ speaks, He will cause you to succeed. As children of God, we are meant to enjoy His provision and have more than enough in every area. (Ps 42:7). And the twelve were with him Luke 8:1. 9 Bible Verses about Deep Things. He was constantly getting in the way, and, when the chips were down, he denied even knowing Jesus three times. If he can snag us by either method, we forsake faith and return to human reasoning. They had to signal the other boats to come out and help them. "The Desire of Ages, p. 246. You won't find them near the shore in shallow waters. Cast again. Perhaps our greatest obstacle in seeing the miraculous power of God is our own apathy. Continue to mentor us . Harvest '90 is the new theme for world evangelism. Peters decision to launch out was purposed obedience. In Luke 5:10 Jesus used the Greek word zogreo, meaning "to take alive." "Launch out into the deep." Those were the words that the Lord Jesus spoke to Peter after a long night of work ( see Luke 5 ), during which Peter labored and toiled to catch fish but had come up empty. "Launch out into the Deep!" Prayer Day 7 Read Luke 5:4-11 4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. All I can do is attempt to make up for it. I am a beneficiary and an Almin of the School of Great Harvest and implimentng the same here in Kenya. It was a life-changing encounter for Peter when he met Christ, as told in this passage. . More than anything else, you need a man or woman-sized challenge that is going to push you outside your comfort zone, so that you need to trust God like never before! A timeless scope. His request this time was astounding: Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a drought (Luke 5:4). "Launch out into the deep" (Luke 5:4). Jesus is constantly calling us to launch out into deeper waters. We must obey the instruction of Philippians 2:3 to Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5). As we heed Christs commands, however, we will experience miracles made possible only by the hand of God. Sitemap, This site uses cookies to provide you with more responsive and personalized service and to collect certain information about your use of the site. BUSINESS -Spend money to make money. We launch out to catch mento connect hearts with the invitation of Christ. In this sunset hour of human history let us unitedly launch out and let down the gospel net to catch men for His kingdom. #LaunchDeeper, You have a super-natural catch ahead! It is a divine directive to mobilize and harness the entire membership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for an all-out evangelistic advance. The same spot where Simon had spent the night catching nothing, boats were filled to the point of sinking. First, Peter had listened to Jesus teach all morning. Yet, in actuality, that promised breakthrough may not materialize immediately as Gods timing is different than ours. and I will make you fishers of men' " (N.I.V.). The fish were to be found in the deep, not in the shallow water. To invite Sue (or Wayne & Sue) to speak at your event click here. Into the Deep: Directed by Kate Cox. Deep calleth unto the deep! (Ps 42:7). Christ will take you out of your area of comfort, and you will find that you prove God in ways that you never thought possible. Jesus is still calling His disciples to launch out and let down their nets for a draught. Your email address will not be published. The deep represents going beyond the comfortable, the normal, the convenient, and with fresh and costly obedience, renewing our enthusiasm to the heavenly vision., He is calling us to increase our faith in many areas, to step out, pursuing the mandate He has set before us with revived zeal and fervency. Sue has had a calling to write books for many years. It is not for our glory or to fulfill our quest for adventure. The zeal at which you launch out determines the level of harvest to come to you. 5And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. Believers are called into the same experience; plunge into the realm of harvest and launch into the deep, letting down your nets for a draught. No matter who you are, where you are and whatever you have been through, everyone has at least, a net in his/her hands, an endowment packaged in us to bless our world. What does this word mean for us practically? ?when things arent looking good for you. Let your faith make you soar. Now, it was up to Peter to trust God for the promised harvest and his future success. Do you wonder how God might bless your obedience? Its Time To Launch into Your Destiny: Your Toiling Season Is Over, Bob Marley Turned To Christ Before His Death Professing, Jesus Take Me, Jewish Woman Hears Gods Voice While Being Revived, Youre Not Dying Here. First is the impressive catch. Read LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP by ANITA F MASON with a free trial. We need not fear if what we are doing is in God's will. When Christ released the word, "Launch", Peter's toiling season had officially ended and his drought was over. Required fields are marked *. I can imagine Peters thoughts behind those words. From this moment forward, he would be a fisher of men. God gave the clearance to Go and to launch out into the deep. The Lord has commanded surplus into the deep sea where your net is launched. Now you can read their responses to each other's articles and discover their identities! We have access to His written Word, and we have the promises of His faithfulness to back us. "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught." Luke 5:4. We are definitely over our heads and in need of sweet-Jesus-prayers. This comes simply out of the complete reliance upon Him to meet our every need and guide us in our way. The deep encompasses the masses as well as the elite, the aristocracy, and the intelligentsia. Let your faith take you somewhere. These two verses are brimful of vital truths for the church in its evangelistic mission. Peter complied and listened to Jesus teaching. Be ready to launch into the deep for life changing experience. Harvest Christian Academy The word "deep" in this imperative is descriptive of the exploding population yet to be reached by the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. EDUCATION (Master Degree or Ph.D.) -Take difficult courses (more hours) -Change schools (better education) -Pay higher tuition c. HOME They dont realize it, but their navigation system is only programed to work by faith; it freezes when consulted by fear. You can change your cookie settings through your browser. It is high time to abandon our cozy harbors of complacency, self-satisfaction, and undisturbed religious contentment as we launch out into the deep of soul-winning action. Christ spoke and Simon obeyed. If success humbles you, then failure will build you up. As Peter bowed in the presence of Jesus, the Lord brought it all together for Peter, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.. Im a sinner and cant handle this holiness. Go deeper in prayer and make an awesome connection with God. 4Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. This is precisely what God is expecting to do for His church during Harvest '90. The Power of a Focused Life in Mobilization, Widespread networking among GMMI network leaders and Great Commission Equipping Center (GCEC) alumni to multiply and facilitate multitudes of. A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking. Launch out into the deep, O let the shoreline go! We too have worked hard over the years, believing a great mission mobilization movement is around the corner. Get a daily devotional and encouraging 2-3minute video direct to your inbox. There was no Bible yet in the days of Joseph, so God made Himself known through a dream. This means the total church participating in the common blessing of collective soul winning. How deep He does not say. As we continue to look at what it means to launch out into the deep, we'll see that Peter didn't understand the capacity of the blessings that Jesus wanted to bestow on Him. Its hard to stay on a bicycle that isnt movinggo and do something! While seeking the Lord, meditating on His Word, Luke 5:4 jumped off the page and arrested me. Psalm 34: 8-10 "O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. But we sit on the dock attempting to catch fish in shallow waters. Hes saying to listen to His voice even amid uncertainty so He can lead and guide us. Notice the flow in the text of Luke 5:1-8 1. AMP. Now when Jesus told Peter to launch into the deep and throw your net to the right, Peter said, "Mmmh, that instruction doesn't make sense. We are to be encouraged by the Biblical account of the large, immediate catch of fish. Not so many launch out at His word. Your success is attached to your obedience. In prayer, shallow Christians cannot access the imaginative, creative, understanding and emotional connection to our Creator. It is the same thought that Zechariah expressed in his famous passage "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord" (Zech. At Jesus' command they let down their nets once more. 2023 Global Mission Mobilization Initiative | Design by ZindaMedia |, Great Commission Mobilization School (ASIA GCMS), Great Commission Mobilization School (Africa GCMS), Contending for the Mission Mobilization Movement. Study online. But because He recognized something unique in Jesus he wisely obeyed (vs. 5). Totally incapable of coping alone with the colossal catch of fish, the disciples "signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink" (verse 7, N.I.V.). Dont forget to drop your comments below if you found this prayer helpful. It means you leave the shallows behind fully surrendered to the directions of the Captain. He also serves as the president of Impact Ministries, an outreach ministry committed to strengthening families in the South Shore community of Chicago. Jesus called Peter to be his disciple on a rough day. Deep Brain Stimulation therapies have proven an invaluable treatment option for patients suffering from . But you may be thinking, How do I know God can do the same thing in my life? For most of us, January is the dead of winter. Likewise, in the book of Ephesians, Paul points out the incredible spiritual riches with which God blesses us: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with EVERY spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 1:3). He had come to know and trust the efficacy of God's unfailing methods. (Hosea 7:14) Avoid lip service. When we launch out into the deep, past and present evangelistic results will appear unimpressive in com parison with what a united, obedient, expectant church will accomplish under the mighty power of the Holy Spirit. In the world today, there is great confusion, instability, fear, and uncertainty in people's hearts. We exist to deploy fishers of men to take men alive for the kingdom of God. Unaware of the crowd of people thronging Jesus, he, along with James and John, continued the task of rinsing grime from the Galilean Sea off their empty nets. Christ calls us out of our depth. When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon [Peter], "Put out into the deep . Do you read it, study it, memorize it, listen to it as its preached? There is no shortage of souls that need Christthe sea is wide open and ready. As Paul acknowledged, God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us (Ephesians 3:20 NIV). Seventh-day Adventists believe in inspiring those around us to experience a life of wholeness and hope for an eternal future with God. There's a harvest waiting for you! With over 25 years of marriage and ministry, Wayne and Sue have a heart help couples to build marriages that last. The Lord is our treasure and pearl of great price that we have to go after this year at all costs. In Luke 5:4 Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught (a load!). Today, while countless millions continue to drift with the tide of moral laxity, materialism, and spiritual bankruptcytoday, when multitudes look desperately for a way of escape from escalating political unrest, ruthless bloodshed, economic chaos, injustice, and social oppressionGod commands His modern disciples to "launch out into the deep" with the all-embracing, all-sufficient good news of deliverance and redemption through the everlasting gospel. Love your thoughts on the supernatural catch. Thanks for hosting the linkup. Like Peter we have fished too long in the unproductive shallow waters of human efforts. Dont be bashful about asking for what you need. Near the beginning of December, I sensed the Holy Spirit put a word from God in my spirit for the new year. In deep prayer, pour out your heart and soul to God, as the Holy Spirit leads. Barrigada, GU 96921 A thorough submissiveness to God. Now, it was up to Peter to trust God for the promised harvest and his future success. Continue Reading 10But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. If you've ever found yourself singing a solo as you tried to get the congregation to sing a new song, you'II welcome these suggestions for getting everyone involved. He wants to increase your impact on other people. Yes Im so glad for the times Ive trusted Him when I didnt trust I could do it. Rather than sending Peter home, as Jesus did with the crowd, He gave Peter an opportunity to practice what he had just heard. Willing to assist Jesus, Peter left his net and resumed his seat in the fishing boat. Peter, the professional fisherman, had employed all the techniques and expertise of his fishing trade. In this message, Pastor Franklin tells us three specific ways God wants to bring the fish into our lives. Harvest Baptist Bible College The Lord has commanded surplus into the deep sea where your net is launched. 1 Corinthians 2:10. The crowd was pressing in on Jesus as He spoke to them by the Lake of Gennesaret. Sues newest book, 9 Traits of a Life-Giving Marriage, grew out of their heart to help couples grow closer to God and to each other. Soon afterward he [Jesus] went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. White Wings #104. They wanted to hear Him speak, and perhaps many of them had heard how he had been healing all . The deep is a place that extends far below the surface and is potentially . Obedience to the Lords command in absolute faith is key to receiving that which His word has provided, notwithstanding our all night toiling. A fisher of men. Once Jesus finished teaching, He instructed Peter: "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch" (Luke 5:4). Christians who set out for the deep but then lose their forward momentum for Christ become confused in their walk with God. The blessings became so overwhelming their boats began to sink. The catch is contingent on launching out and letting down the nets.