Cumberland Police Department Officers,
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document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Revising History to Erase White Contributions to CivilRights, How multiracial, liberal societies harm blackfamilies. ASS. C-56=VIOLATION You guys see shit on tv and in music and wanna be like every other little rapper flashing guns and trying to act cool with drugs and fake court papers, what good will that ever do any of you? The Crips eventually became the biggest and most ruthless gang in California and began targeting the other non-crip gangs with daily acts of violence. 4-08-SALUTE YOUR CUZZ COLORS:GRAY =WAR The 74 Hoover Criminals Gang (74HCG) also known as Seven-Fo Hoover Criminals Gang, and formerly known as 74 Hoover Crips until the early 1990s. Also, Crip sets are always trying to expand their territories and find new territories to take over which essentially makes their wars never ending. They Consider all bloods / pirus enemies but are currently engaged in war wit the Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips. It evolved from the Baby Avenues street gang. 1.WHATS BEHIND THE MOON? 14. (Triple O.G.). The Crips began to increase violence and take over new turf. G = GANGXTA Along with a few other friends near his 78th Street home near Fremont High School, Stanley Tookie Williams and Raymond Washington created the Crips alliance with the initial intent of continuing the revolutionary ideology of the 1960s. These fictional "Crip . At this school, I met Crasper AKA Adam Crasper was an average-looking 13 year old white boy with freckles and he was obsessed with the Crips street gang. c-6 cops.. All Rights Reserved. He started his own gang called the Westside Crips. There is, however, a cease-fire/hood share agreement between Crips and Gangster Disciples that originated in Kansas City Missouri in 1993 called the "8 Ball". ASHES 2 ASHES The confusion of Crips representing the Folks Nation's 6 point star started on the internet with unknown persons creating various fictional "Crip Books of Knowledge" which consist of mixing Crip history and Folks Nation history, symbols, and literature (lit) together. The confusion ofCrips representing the Folks Nationalliance started on the internet with unknown persons creating various fictional CripBooks of Knowledge which consist of mixing Criphistory and Gangster Disciple history and literature (lit) together to form these fictional CripBooks of Knowledge. 5=DONT LET YA SET,OR WHAT U Claim GET Disrespected. The Cripswere very well knownthroughout southern L.A. as more and more people began to join. They are primarily located in Central Long Beach, originating on 21st Street and Lewis Ave, spreading to surrounding blocks. crip, crip, crip, cuzz!!! Living Under Not always our best True Crips Doing work for the set The Grape Street Crips, on the other hand, have been known to wear purple in addition to blue. The Shotgun Crips are in Gardena, California and have been known to wear green, the city color of Gardena, in addition to blue to show that they are from Gardena. (Triple O.G.). We are not here just to gather reckless. Shot Gun Crips are a predominately African-American street gang in the South Bay city of Gardena that formed around 1975. Also, Cripsets are always trying to expand their territories and find new territories to take over which essentially makes their wars never ending.
Getting Good Shotgun Crimps, a diagnostic. - YouTube 2=DONT Disrespect A HIGHER G. White scientists have proved that. 12. COLORS: PURPLE= 8RIM ROYALTY (L.O.C LOVE OF CRIPS KNOWLEDGE/LINGO) Referred to as a youth protection organization. . That cease firewas very brief and the 8 Ball has been cracced(cease firedropped), but that cease-fire agreement may have been what sparked the idea of creating these fictional internet CripBooks of Knowledge. All it takes for an entire independent organization or gang to become a Cripset is the will to become Crips, meaning any gang can become a Cripset if it chooses to do so. A 15 year old Fremont High School student named Raymond Washington started a gang called the Baby Avenues in 1969 in an attempt to be like the older gangs and copy the political activities carried out by other organizations such as the Black Panthers. There are significantlymore Cripgangs today than when the alliance was first created. Why hit up in your own set thats stupid we hit up in other people turf, 8TR83Y MV xut Im in SC 8TR83Y outta ConCord NC all my loCs in SC Nayxorhk60od 60 R60LLIN OR 20 ROLLIN OR 30 ROLLIN. 13. 15 years later, I looked up this knowledge to see what it really was: The confusion of Crips representing the Folks Nation alliance started on the internet with unknown persons creating various fictional Crip Books of Knowledge which consist of mixing Crip history and Gangster Disciple history, symbols, and literature (lit) together to form fictional Crip Books of Knowledge. In retaliation, all non-crip gangs, including the Pirus, later formed an alliance that eventually became known as the Bloods. 15.WHO KILLED QUEEN SHEBBA? Contrary to popular belief, real Crips are not part of the Folks Nation Alliance, they are part of the Cripsalliance. 211 jokes or bk 2.WHATS BEHIND THE CLOUDS? My flag around my right wrist ALWAYS C-RIP. Fucc bklood, them pussy ass slobks , red aint true to me cuh, ill hit a slobk in his lip and watch his favorite color drip then erase that nigga like a natzi, 52s hoova gangsta crip till my casket drops. Bottom line- IF you got access to a computer to talk internet gangbangin. 12=Never CARRY KNOWLEDGE ON U. 3-point crowns in this 3itch stupid ass ca-rip misleading ass knowledge the flok alliance was temporary 8tray Gangstxa 18+ NC slo3s Two-Notcc Road Homie hit me up cuzz. Crip gangs strictly bang (go to war) to defend their territory (hood) before any alliance or card, and are known to be very vicious in their attacks. ten Tray GrVpe Street CaRipp The ShotGun Crips are cliqued up with the Gardena Paybacc Crips and are friendly towards the 74 Hoover Criminals Gang, Whitsett Avenue Gangster Crips as well as the Eight Tray Gangster Crips. We bang on a full moon to avenger her death, 65 cents 3 bones and a pacc of camel matches, Cuz crips go 2 heaven cuz our blue is true and slobs go to hell cuz their red is dead. 39=LOVE 4 DA WORLD WIDE LOCs N FOLKs WORLD WIDE.. 6 stages of Blacc gangsta Rank: They lure you by acting like your best friend. Long Beach Rollin' 20's Crips are known to wear yellow and blacc in addition to blue. (Original Gangster)O.O.G. Real gangmember dont tell you they gonna kill you. Theres absolutely nothing cool about being in a gang. They are known by the following clicks, 132nd, the original side of Shot Gun and 139th Street. Their rank structure is as follows: Lowest to highest False, If a male and a female who weigh the same consume the same amount of alcohol: She is throwing up the C, which is the hand sign for Crip. Take down To break down They are known to wear dark-green, the city color of Gardena, in addition to blue bandanas to show there Crips. They failed miserably because of their lack of political leadership. Cz upk txl x dxe .Chxtty Chxtty bkang bkang axne NUN bkut a Cr1pk thang! Is there anything wrong with this picture? 9 = FOR MY STAGES OF Disciples. They call it the "8 Ball" because of the shape you get when you merge the "C" hand sign of the Crips with the "Pitch Fork" hand sign of the Gangster Disciples, which is how they greet each other. C-7 all day cuzzo . I did meet Rookie in Griffith Park in either 73 or 74, keep it blue and if any of the bangers are around and read this blob give me a shootout. Crip has every thing under His control cuzz, ever thing will c alright wit the crips, cuzz the true crips that bang wit the star of david, cuzz, Crip, is the God of israel, not nazi or allah, cuzz,.real Love, cuzz, & the wrath of God on all who say the 8 is fake they aint nuthin only devils, demons, & antichrist, beast, & the false profet. c-6-c fucc cops. C = CRIP Tragniew. Cripsare known to shout CaRip and OoWoo as a greeting to other Cripsand to let their presensebe known.
Gardena Shotgun Crips & Paybacc Crips VS Other Crips & Bloods 37=FOR THA CRIP SYMBOL. Fucca 5 fucca 6 n fucc 100 a yall fake ass donuts. Founded 1969 in Los Angeles California by Stanley Tookie Williams and Raymond Lee Washington. in crip we trust and slo6 we 6ust . 101 mafia C^rip cuz. W = WISE,WIN. 10.
8c Crips - 6=FOLLOW The WAYS OF LIFE. Eating after drinking Each Cripset is its own individualgang and each gang are known to have cliccs which are like smaller individual setswithin the set. Alphabet- knowledge 3.big homie Any Crip representing the number 6 and the 6 point star is fake. #3.12 LoC^ C^life Or No Life fuCCs #fuccYouMean!! C-284=THERE HE/SHE GOES nigga we dont fucc wit knappy heads, slobks, Fucc 8ball n six n jive niggas false calming get faded on r90lln, Yx Cuhz $cri63 wit meh My H3art H3avy LxC, Whats Craccin cuz..43 Gangsta Crip till da cascet drop. Members of this gang are known to sport Green Bay Packers sports apparel for the letter G to represent Gardena or Gun. I ride fo my Guns! . 17. 5.WHATS UNDER YOUR FOOT?5 POINT STAR AND A RED FLAG TIL I DIE, CZ UP HIGH, When i die show meeh No pity What's under your bed? 2020 3.12 . All Hoover Criminal Crip sets began to use orange flags in addition to the blue flags to separate themselves from the rest of the sets in the Crips alliance, essentially turning Hoover Criminal into its own "Card" or "Car" for short. All it takes for an entire independent organization or gang to be sanctioned into the Crip alliance is the permission from a member of an already sanctioned legit Crip gang. Not all but most. all day cuzz fuck dem bitch as busta ass slobs, CRIPPPPPPP cuz IGC what im rollin fucc them dead azz ni66a. Stanley TookieWilliams is one of the co-founders of the Crips. #losangeles #california #cali #garden #nyc #newyork #new #news #green #black #blue #red #texas #youtube
Change). Involved in narcotics trafficking, legitimate businesses and the music industry. 6.WHATS IN YOUR CLOSET?> BLOODY SKELETON They called it the 8 Ball because of the shape you get when you merge the C handsignof the Cripswith the Pitch Fork handsignof the Gangster Disciples. Most Crip sets wear blue. Crips under the Neighborhood Card and the Avenue Crips are known to wear baby blue. There is also a newer click, 134th Street. I LOVE MY RAG, FOLLOW MY C TIL I BLEED. 132nd sgc straight outta North side Minneapolis Minnesota gun gang or dont bkang yall can say what you want its shot gun for life Im from mpls mn we laying shit down in tc aka trigga city in Minneapolis murder ap we do this over here sgc got it xn lxcc. WATS CRACCN CUZ3z^ CRIPPN SINCE DA 1st DAY, 520 0 va a ser IP to the day that I die Hoover crip into the world stop hoova groovin to the world stop movin a trace 7 who game crib oovoo criminal gangs Trey 14 for my crib nations you wanna f*** with me the f*** what the f*** what the slob and dont f*** with me this is BK all day pkkk 3 Ks my way Im a killer all the way the to 103 grape Street 52 Hoover Street I come from 5200 Regional thats me Im from Texas and Abilene. Niggaz must hate on us state 2 state damn!! You all need to grow the hell up, Who give a fucc that you grew up in a broke ass hood i wouldnt tell nobody that dumb ass shit thats your mama daddy grandmama or graddaddy whoever raise yo Bitch ass should had got a good job. GRAPE ST. or nothing!!!! Heaven, New Jerusalem awaitz true children, & friendz, loved of Crip, God of israel, cuzz!!! A 15 year old Fremont High School student named Raymond Washington started a gang called the Baby Avenues in 1969 in an attempt to be like the older gangs and copy the political activities carried out by other organizations such as the Black Panthers. Rico Dewayne Harmon, 39, is charged with trafficking in illegal drugs, transporting with the intent of manufacturing illegal drugs, carrying a firearm with a prior felony . Rivals includetheHawthorne Piru,and the Athens Park Bloods along with theRollin 60s Neighborhood Cripsand other gangs in the South Bay Region of Los Angeles, California. What's behind the clouds? It took quite some time to find all this shit. When Buddha died, Tookie made blue the Crip color in honor of his death. These ranks don't signify leadership or dominance over anybody else in the set, they just signify respect for those who have been in the hood longer, put in more work for the hood, and have survived the longest. 36=FOR THA KINGS N FATHERS THAT WATCH OVER US. 62 Crip on 2Crip. After moving to Florida in 1996, I attended middle school in the projects for a year until I was jumped by 3 youths and transferred to the white school in the suburbs. Stanley Tookie Williams is one of the co-founders of the Crips. Some of the other original founding fathers of the crips were Angelo "Barefoot Pookie" White, Melvin Hardy, Bennie Simpson, Greg Batman Davis, and Jimel. Look at Venus hand. He was otherwise a totally normal kid, very friendly, quiet, intelligent, seemed to make good grades but his dream was to be in this gang. 6. Wall banging consists of marking territory with graffittiwhich shows what gang controls that turf or going into a rivals turf and crossing out their graffitti. Busters on here talking trash. The Gardena Crip Card Have all Ways Been Nonfactors And the City Of L. A. what do you do when you reach davids castle? King David Who's your mother? Look at the left side of the picture. Look at Venus hand. This page was last edited on 3 February 2015, at 21:17. Sheba to show purity wit a single tear WE STAND STRONG FROM FROM DA NORTH, TO DA SOUTH, EAST TO DA WEST, TO MY NEST, I PROMISE I WILL DO MY BEST. He may not have been as lucky as even I was to have just been beaten by 3 kids. Venus has her arm around Serenas waist. Long Beach Rollin' 20's Crips are known to wear yellow and black in addition to blue. The Shotgun Crips also rival the Hispanic South Los 13 and other gangs in the South Bay Region of Los Angeles, California. Murk Murder 211=ROBBERY Muh fam..keep it trill 2020 fo the rest yall fuccin wanna 6es, NORTHTOWN DONNA ST. CRIP 1o3.1o4.1o7 347 RidaZ Bitch!!!! .this coming from a. CRAZY/CRIP/CITY,AND A BLUE DEVIL poison ass knowl3dg3. We must understand that this terminology, like all terminology, is a dynamic and . 4=Always SHOW YA LOVE IN YA STACC. 8 = FOR MY 8 STAR. They only react like an animal would react to something, They also have huge INFERIORITY COMPLEXES and are ALWAYS OUT TO PROVE SOMETHING because they know deep down inside they are worthless, stupid losers who everybody hates. 3.WHATS BEHIND THE SUN? K = KILL, KINGS, The gang named itself the Baby Avenue Cribs eventually and took on the nickname Cribs because most members were very young back then. Im from okc my kinfolk from Garden oaks n claim the same I was on here trying to Get knowledge cuz he Got killed before I could Get put down, MAN NIGGA H32D IS IN EFFECT AL THE WAY WHERE RAYMOND WASHINGTON WAS FROM AND THATS TEXAS HOE ASS NIGGAS S.G.C TATTED AND RESPECTED BITCC, $htGun Native Gang$ta Crip, 71 nd t 61-deuce $uth$ide minneapoli$. a C. Many Cripgang members can be found on, which is a notorious virtual gathering-place for many other gangs as well. What the fuck is a REAL CRIP?????????????? He would tell me about his fantasies of being a part of the legendary gang, listened to rap music, drew gang symbols all over his school work, and most importantly Crasper spent time in class studying and memorizing the Crip Book of Knowledge., Craspers Book of Knowledge was a 25-page document he had printed from the school library and inserted into a binder with plastic page protectors, adorned with gang symbols he had drawn in sharpie on it. 169-Set trippin My Cuzz who was teaChin me LA Tru Crip Knowledge, is LoCCed Down, we aint spoke in a Minute,I need to Hear Original Crip Knowledge from LA, I keep hearin Too Much Folk Knowledge out here, I need the Original West Coast Knowledge, Holla At a Cousin. WHAT DAT BLUE BE LIKE? Its Nigger against Nigger. Serena and Venus Williams were raised in the economically depressed and often violence-riddled Los Angeles suburb of Compton, home of the Crips gang. This is the most recent version. 25=NEVER Betray The NATION. 10=NEVA SET TRIP. b. T.G. C-11=ICE SLOBS I WILL NEVER DENIE,ALWAYS RIDE. Johnson's relative later told investigators he "heard the Shotgun Crips were mad at the North Highland Bloods" and were "out for blood." He said he warned Johnson days before he was murdered.