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a rectangular system of land survey that divides a district into 24-square mile quadrangles from the meridian (north-south line) and the baseline (east-west line); the tracts are divided into 6-mile-square parts called townships, which are in turn divided into 36 tracts, each 1 mile square, called sections. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. As we mentioned earlier, two primary survey methods are used in the United States, the Metes and Bounds System, and the Rectangular Survey System. You may even see a question or two about the numbering system used for sections. Think about two more lines running up and down the page on top of the first two lines, also about an inch apart. To find the area of something we take the length times the width. For the real estate exam, youll need to know the two primary survey methods. But the final plan included subdivision of the lands into townships, then into sections and further into aliquot parts. It is considered as one of the most significant subdividing of the United States mainland. Each one is distinguished by a different name and number and has an intersecting baseline. The sections are number 1 through 36 starting in the NE corner of the section continuing west along the top row. Base lines You need to know what these lines are called and how they intersect for your real estate license exam. Yes, but first you need to know the dimensions and measurements of a township. The section in the uppermost northeast corner of a township is section 1. View Rectangular Government Survey System.pdf from PLST 222 at Liberty University. Each half or quarter section can be further subdivided into halves and quarters. Ian is a 3D printing and digital design entrepreneur with over five years of professional experience. )


Figuring out the size of a piece of property, which sometimes is called a parcel, is simple, if you keep in mind that youre always dealing with a section of 640 acres. Sections can be further divided into halves and quarters. Township lines run parallel to the baseline, from east to west, defining how far north and south of the baseline a township is located. True of False - When land is mapped on the rectangular survey system, you locate the parcel by reading the directions from left to right. These townships are not the same as political subdivisions.\r\n

Each township is further divided into 36 sections of one square mile each, or 640 acres, by horizontal and vertical section lines. The Rectangular Survey System provides for a unit of land approximately 24 miles square, bounded by base lines running east and west, and meridians running north and south. For instance, a quarter section always contains 160 acres, or a fourth of the total 640 acres in a section. The rectangular government survey system is the most common system used in the United States to create legal descriptions for real estate. For example, a Bound could be a road, tree, river, or large rock. Learn the basic methodology, and real-world adjustments. In legal documents, such as a lien, deed, trust deed, mortgage, and sales contract, courts require an exact description of where a piece of land is located. For example, a legal description of Missouri, Fifth Principal Meridian, T4S, R7E, sec 23 indicates a property that is 4 townships south and 7 townships east of the Fifth Principal Meridian in Missouri. The second set of lines are called baselines and run east and west. The section in the bottom left corner, the southwest corner, is section 36. Only about half of the states in the United States still use the Rectangular Survey System. 1 Square mile is equal to 640 acres. Township locations are identified by tier or township lines and ranges. In other words, after section number 6, it drops down to 7 on the next tier then goes left to right to number 12. Putting the above description into words is half of a quarter section. Each piece of land is measured only from one meridian, and it may not be the one closest in proximity to the piece of land. We have Quarter sections, Half sections, township sections, townships, quadrangles, and principal meridians with baselines. So, you can refer to the south (S) 1/2 of the northwest (NW) 1/4 of a section in a township, for example. Were not done yet. Lines that are parallel to the Base Line are called the standard parallels which run at 24-mile intervals north and south of the Base Line. is a way of subdividing and describing land in the United States. All township locations are defined by referencing how from they are from the principal meridian and baseline. The grid creates six-mile square townships that can then be further divided into 36 sections of one square mile each. Guide meridians run north to south, parallel with principal meridians. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Remember that although these correction lines and guide meridians are the way the government deals with the issue of the earths curvature, it isnt the way the government survey system describes land. Land is designated as either a base line (East-West) or principal meridian line (North-South). The numbering continues directly beneath the sixth section, except that it progresses from left to right on the second tier. Rectangular Survey System This is also called the section and township system or U.S. Government Section and Township Survey, established in the nineteenth century by the U.S. Surveyor General to survey public lands. Standard Parallels are also called as correction lines for the meridians to compensate for the curvature of the earth. There are few subdivisions beyond the sections and quarter sections. In the entire nation, there are only 36 principal meridians. The following table indicates some distance and area conversions in the PLSS: The states that use the rectangular survey system are:Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Alabama, and Florida. The grid is divided into smaller sections known as quadrangles, townships, sections, half-sections, and quarter-sections used to describe property boundaries in most of the United States. The rectangular survey system, often referred to as the government survey system, is based on a system of lines that form rectangles and squares throughout the United States. Concepts will include principal meridians, the PLSS, and how sections of a township are. {"appState":{"pageLoadApiCallsStatus":true},"articleState":{"article":{"headers":{"creationTime":"2020-12-02T18:41:21+00:00","modifiedTime":"2021-03-11T20:17:19+00:00","timestamp":"2022-09-14T18:17:55+00:00"},"data":{"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Academics & The Arts","_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/categories/33662"},"slug":"academics-the-arts","categoryId":33662},{"name":"Study Skills & Test Prep","_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/categories/33772"},"slug":"study-skills-test-prep","categoryId":33772},{"name":"Real Estate Licensure Exam","_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/categories/33793"},"slug":"real-estate-licensure-exam","categoryId":33793}],"title":"Real Estate License Exam: The Rectangular Survey System","strippedTitle":"real estate license exam: the rectangular survey system","slug":"real-estate-license-exam-the-rectangular-survey-system","canonicalUrl":"","seo":{"metaDescription":"Learn about the rectangular survey system and how land is broken up into quadrangles, sections, and townships in the United States. This system has also become known as the rectangular survey system and geodetic survey system.. Sections can be further subdivided into quarter sections, quarter-quarter sections, or irregular government lots. So, you can refer to the south (S) 1/2 of the northwest (NW) 1/4 of a section in a township, for example. The area is further divided into six-mile segments using range lines that run parallel to the principal meridian and township lines that run parallel to the baselines. Standard parallels run east to west along with the baseline. Where a baseline meets a principal meridian is called a point of origin. A full rectangular survey system property description might read: By entering your email address and clicking the Submit button, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Dummies.com, which may include marketing promotions, news and updates. The townships are consecutively numbered by their location within the intersection of multiple range lines and township lines. Halves are 320 acres, and quarters are each 160 acres. Because the rectangular or government survey system was instituted when the United States was a new country, it was used to describe most of the land west of the original 13 colonies, so most of you are likely to see some questions about this system. The government rectangular survey method is a legal description for land. An area bounded on two sides by guide meridians and on the other two sides by correction lines is called a government check, check, or quadrangle, which is 24 miles square, meaning each of its boundaries is 24 miles long. Quadrangles have an area of 576 square miles, more or less, and are divided into 16 townships.\r\n \t

  • Townships: The divisions of a quadrangle, townships, are six miles square (six miles on each side) and are delineated by township lines. This point will be the basis for all government surveys in the area it controls, and its latitude and longitude are fixed by astronomical observations. Furthermore, how well individual surveying parties actually met the requirements or recommendations at the time, also varied. Sections can be divided in several ways, but basically for purposes of the United States Geological Survey (USGS), they are divided in quarter sections.
  • \r\n \t
  • Quarter sections: The divisions of a section, quarter sections, are formed by dividing a section into fourths that are delineated by their direction from the center of the section (northwestNW, northeastNE, southeastSE, and southwestSW). The system was further modified to facilitate the transfer of large quantities of government-owned western lands to . This system divides the country using 37 principal meridians that run north and south and baselines that run east and west. These tools will help you assess your knowledge of concepts pertaining to the Rectangular Survey System. Government Rectangular Survey System (GRSS) And Torrens System Government Rectangular Survey System (GRSM) Land survey system primarily used throughout the US but not within the original 13 colonies which are based upon the Meters & Bounds Theory Based upon the longitude and latitude lines and then ultimately upon the meridian (vertical . First, the system makes it easier to divide large areas of land into like-sized parcels, as large as 640 square miles to as small as 2.5 acres. The survey system essentially functions the same way. Metes and Bounds surveys are still used in many states; however, they differ from the Public Land Survey System as they are not based on any grid but instead identify objects on the land, measurements, and compass directions. Sections also are numbered consecutively. There are various issues with the names on the very small land parcels in several states. The earths curvature led to the creation of additional lines called Guide Meridians that is perpendicular to the baseline. The first sets of lines respectively are called principal meridians, which run north and south, and baselines, which run east and west. The system uses Metes, which are straight lines connecting two points, and Bounds, which are identifiable aspects of a property. The Rectangular Survey System, also known as the Government Survey System or Public Land Survey System, is a method of plotting land boundaries in the United States using a large grid made up of rectangles. If you want to define smaller properties, we can take the southeast of section 3, which will only be 160 acres. Congress created it in 1785 as a more straightforward, faster and more accurate way to identify land. From this initial . The PLSS is actually a series of surveys that divide land into townships that are six miles. Livable, Rentable & Usable Area: Definition & Examples. The numbering then moves from right to left across that first upper tier. The system is used to divide public lands into townships, sections, halves, and quarters. There are several advantages of the rectangular land survey system. The first is the Metes and Bounds surveythe second is the Rectangular Survey System, also known as the Government Survey System or Public Lands Survey System. Since the lines that create them are six miles apart, they are 24 miles around and include an area of 36 square miles, which is 23,040 acres. The three legal real estate land descriptions are important information that all real estate agents and brokers must understand to pass their real estate exam and receive their license. It made sense since it was centrally located. Monuments are also placed at quarter-section corners and at other important points, such as the corners of government lots. Because the rectangular or government survey system was instituted when the United States was a new country, it was used to describe most of the land west of the original 13 colonies, so most of you are likely to see some questions about this system.\r\n\r\nLongitude and latitude are imaginary lines that divide the earth through the north and south poles (longitude) and run parallel with the equator (latitude). The Rectangular Survey Method established a standard measurement and origin point for all properties to follow using a grid system. Sections also are numbered consecutively. For a government survey to be valid, the official plat must have been approved by the government . Surveyed land was sold by the government, providing important revenue for the cash-starved nation. Land Description Government Rectangular Survey For 2019 | Real Estate Exam Prep. 276 lessons If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. For example, a piece of property that is located one township north of a baseline and two townships east of the fifth principal meridian in the state of Missouri would be identified as Missouri, Fifth Principal Meridian, Township 1 North, Range 2 East. Now, the way it really works is for this page to be filled with the lines going up and down and right to left so that you have many townships. Of course, this still makes up a lot of land, so townships are further divided into sections. Half sections have an area of 320 acres. Remember, there are 36 square miles in a township, and each section is 1 square mile. The fifth township south of the baseline and fourth to the west of the principal meridian would be identified as Missouri, Fifth Principal Meridian, Township 5 South, Range 4 West, or Missouri, Fifth Principal Meridian, T5S, R4W. Also known as the Rectangular Survey System, it was created by the Land Ordinance of 1785 to survey land ceded to the United States by the Treaty of Paris in 1783, following the end of the American Revolution. In other words, after section number 6, it drops down to 7 on the next tier then goes left to right to number 12. Annexation in Real Estate: Method & Laws | What is Annexation? These divisions mean just that. Using those lines for references, quadrangles are formed, which are smaller squares identifiable by where they are located near the principal meridian and baseline. The PLSS typically divides land into 6-mile-square townships. Baselines run parallel to the earths equator, from east to west. What Is the Rectangular Survey System Used For? 1. They are the starting points for describing a propertys boundaries. The line intersections have established a large grid that controls the subdivision of grids to smaller ones. 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The rectangular survey system was enacted by the Land Ordinance Act of 1785. Before the Rectangular Survey System was established, the Metes and Bounds survey was the only way of identifying who owned what land. The Surveyor General was later merged with the General Land Office, which later became a part of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management . Prior to the land ordinance of 1785 and the Rectangular Survey System, the state lands state which would be the 13 colonies, surveyed their land with meets and bound system. ","description":"The rectangular survey system, often referred to as the government survey system, is based on a system of lines that form rectangles and squares throughout the United States. Tenancy at Will Laws & Examples | What is an Estate at Will? Adding that to the description results in a more specific parcel of land: The NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 18, Township 5 South, Range 4 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Missouri. The rectangular survey system, often referred to as the government survey system, is based on a system of lines that form rectangles and squares throughout the. They are the starting points for describing a propertys boundaries. It is extended north from the Base Line and runs at 24 miles east and west from the principal meridian. We know that there are 640 acres in one section, and we are taking a 1/4 of a 1/2 section. Because of the curvature of the earth, correction lines and guide meridians are used to compensate. The system is also relatively easy to understand, as it is basically a single grid laid over the land. What Is Chattel in Real Estate and Property? It references principal meridians and baselines designated throughout the These principal meridian lines are named or numbered to identify their location. Correction lines occur at every fourth township line or every 24 miles north and south of the baseline. [/caption]\r\n\r\nA full rectangular survey system property description might read:\r\n
    The SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 6, Township 4 South, Range 5, East of the Third Principal Meridian. The north-south line that runs through the initial point is a, ). The second row down continues being numbered west to east or left to right. Following the passage of the Northwest Ordinance in 1787, the Surveyor General of the Northwest Territory platted lands in the Northwest Territory. Principal meridians run perpendicular to the earths equator, north to south. Beginning with the Seven Ranges in present-day Ohio, the PLSS has been used as the primary survey method in the United States.