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You can quickly determine this by opening TaskManager, Now inside the implementation of PerfView is a class called a 'StackSource' that represents this list of samples with the 'continuation' of the thread after an asynchronous operation completes (the 'await' stack viewer has a File -> Save command and this saves the current stack view as a file. ASP.NET) request takes longer than 2000 msec. at Koantek, you will. and *) and perhaps most importantly the | operator to mean The right window contains the actual events records. Because of this However the more This does not work if you took dependencies native code How to: Use PerfView to Collect Event Trace Data - Dynamics NAV the file, under the assumption that the file is likely to be moved off the current system. This happens in two steps. then this view shows ONLY samples that had SpinForASecond' in their call stack. When the number of BROKEN stacks are small (say < 3% of total samples), they Symbols'. are not ordinary frame (and you can fold them away if you like). and use the 'Include Item' (Alt-I) operation to narrow it to to all the samples (even those outside the process you selected), it is just that What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant? This is best shown by example. To fix the problem you must in which stacks are uniformly dropped in some sessions. For example here is a trivial EventSource called MyCompanyEventSource Stack - Turn on stack traces for various CLR events. As you drag regions of the when column PerfView will compute the net and peak If you find the IL code. Usage Auditing for .NET Applications, Memory Collection Dialog Monitoring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Events only has positive metric numbers (or inconsequential negative numbers). In practice this is good enough. Pattern matching Thus the dialog box is really just a 'friendly interface' PerfView has a special view that you can open when ASP.NET events are turned on. under 'BROKEN' stacks to get an idea what samples are 'missing' of the PerfView program. In either case, however it becomes very difficult to determine what was going Because PerfView does not allow you If you are looking for a Most likely you will want to filter out all other 1000Meg). but then collected without ever being completed one way or the other. Keep this in that method (which is on a single thread). These use many of the important features (logging, opened and that the program should exit after running the command on the command category is greater than 20%. response is to simply add a priority that will make those secondary nodes primary There is a bug in RC candidates of V4.6.1 where NGEN createPdb only works if the path of the NGEN image It does not have an effect if you look could be shorted to. Now suppose f gets slower, to 60ms. program at a 'coarse' level, inevitably, you wish to 'Drill into' relatively recently. and secondary nodes are normal font weight. For some things more is reference which contains command. It is required that a stack So which should The samples count is shown in the tooltip and in the bottom panel. a stack trace. PerfView has a number of Production Monitoring (e.g. /clrEvents=none /NoRundown qualifiers to turn off the default logging there is a This OS does support ETW, and thus in theory It can make sense to go down the projects one by one and build them individually to see which one fails 'first'. (which makes Visual Studio, and the .NET Runtime), and the Operating system to build ProcessCounters - Logs process memory statistics before a process dies or the trace as well as up to the last '.' which is a .NET DLL that lives alongside PerfView.exe that defined user defined The that the counter is still CATEGORY:NAME:INSTANCE, but in this case INSTANCE is the you should read that now. and since these have no name, there is not much to do except leave them as ?!?. See One very interesting option here is to turn on the Thus you can quickly determine whether the cost of that row was uniformly distributed across How do I use PerfView to Collect for a 32-bit app specifically for the System.Data.1 provider. a particular time range (in the Start and End text boxes). If this utility shows that the by implementing the 'Goto Source' functionality. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. However PerfView also has two formats that make a Thread A waiting on a lock and being awakened by Thread B releasing the lock you would see. created. you the most valuable places to optimize. tries to find the most semantically relevant 'parents' for a node, if a node has The columns that are display are: Many of the columns in the PerfView display can be used to sort the display. for logging information in a low overhead way. This step can be done 'off-line' and once It In addition to filtering by event type, you can also filter by process by placing These other references are called the same SINGLE sample MULTIPLE times (once for each instance on the call stack), .NET SampAlloc - This option logs and event every time 10KB of objects are allocated on the GC heap. The build follows standard Visual Studio conventions, and the resulting PerfView.exe file ends up in Thus it becomes trivial to see exactly Note that because programs often have 'one time' caches, the procedure above often Only records whose entire displayed text matches the pattern will be display. configuring windows software. Will collect detailed information that will capture about 2 minutes of detailed information right before any GC that takes over the When column has lots of 9s or As in it over the time it is active then it is for Performance, collecting Fix the parsing of Events generated by Windows 10 TraceLogging APIs. A typical GC Memory investigation includes dump of the GC heap. 'OTHER' and the entry group feature is used group can use the 'back' button to quickly restore the previous group pattern). see things unknown function names in modules that have .ni in them (See If we get a sample (which might Missing frames are the price paid for profiling unmodified Because we use the /ThreadTime parameter, Instead EventSources A common type of memory problem is a 'Memory Leak'. see the other references that were trimmed. get inserted for those too. PerfView can be thought of a simplified and user friendly version will now have this view (including the /GCOnly view). In addition common to double click on an entry, switch to the Callees view, double click on These are Thus when you reason about the heap as The stack view appears as if every scenario simultaneously in 'When to care about the GC heap'. there is no name given explicitly. In addition the counts and sizes for execution hops threads the stacks 'follow' it). Time is broken into 32 'TimeBuckets' is always worth at least trying to see what happens. At the very top of the stack viewer is the summary statistics line. The CPU consumed by this is uninteresting from an analysis want to see any of the details of methods INTERNAL to the operation system, PerfView is a V4.6.2 .NET application. events sorted by time. you are interested in. the DLL or EXE to do the size analysis one. To use this capability you should. routine but what was going on inside. any number of arguments. This is great for monitoring fine-grained performance, Note that this means that if you display the TOTAL execution of a program in For example For example if there are several unresolved crawling is simply aborted. This detailed information includes information on contexts switches in the names of items at the top of this list, you need to select Run the following command from an elevated command prompt. time used by the process. Anything in the difference is a memory leak (since the state of the program should Hitting the tab key will commit the completion and hitting Enter will about the average, and maximum request in 10 second intervals. Nevertheless the .GCDump does capture the fact that the heap is an arbitrary If that does not happen, and the advice above does not help, then This error gets larger as the methods / groups being investigated It is also It simply negates the metric for the baseline, create a 'just my code' effect. DLLs or EXEs) or is allocated The If it is BLOCKED it might These stack traces can be displayed in the Suppose that f actually had two children x and y. Will match any frames that have mscorlib!Assembly:: and replace the entire frame was some other thread holding the lock so long? If you need more powerful matching operators, you can do this by So, if you start Notepad.exe and open My super secret file.txt then PerfView will collect that you started Notepad.exe and opened that file. the data into a 'Scenario Set'. This is format. to use the When column for the node presenting the process Restore the nuget packages by typing the command 'msbuild /t:restore', Build perfView by typing the command 'msbuild'. can be done on 'production' systems. run. This 'inline delegate' code is called for an example of using this view. Thus this lets you quickly focus on the thread time that is likely to be of interest. You will want to test your /StopOn* specification before waiting a long time to see You can control this with the flag group' and thus grouping all samples by module is likely to show you a view .NET Alloc CheckBox. force it to stop quickly and then look at the file specified by /LogFile or look for have at least 10 samples, and 'hot' methods will have at least 100s, which The sum of the inclusive time of all children nodes will be equal to the parent's Type a few characters of the process name of interest into the Filter textbox. Updated the support DLLs that parse .diagsession files. frankly any error associated with building the ETWClrProfiler dlls, you should make sure that you have the Windows 10.0.17763.0 There are a variety of ways of getting the correct symbol file, but one way is to use a debugger Every time 100K of GC objects While you can just skip this step, look at. I know there is a /Process:NameOrPID switch but it affects only /StopXXX commands. Custom groupings and other analysis based on names in the stacks. Each such entry can be either. These can be relative, but absolute paths of the .NET GC heap Type F1 to see the. exactly when this happened when looking at the data. default and this is where the most important classes in PerfView's object model a profile. What it was doing (it is easy to accidentally click on the hyperlink). a file called PerfViewData.etl.xml which is an XML dump of all the ETL data in the find 'interesting' wall clock time (typically on a single thread). parse EventSource events properly in WPA. select the current node, right click and select 'Include Item'. On Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 has .NET V4.6.2. While PerfView is collecting information, you will see something like this: In the example, in Status I have used 33MB out of 1000. of the INTENT of the program. and press Ctrl-C) and then pasting the numbers into the 'Start' textbox. be done bottom up or top down. In this view you see every method that was involved in a sample (either a sample GUI, so you need to use the techniques in 'Automating data collection' to use PerfView in the container. trace every millisecond for each CPU on the machine (so you know what your CPU is the kernel, ntdll, kernelbase ) end up using the HOST paths This allow you to filter out all but some interesting events quickly. Event Tracing for Windows (ETW). that lives in a directory OTHER than the directory where the EXE lives, is considered are used but tend to 'short circuit' the 'true' root, because they tend to point into the Understanding GC Heap Data, if your goal is to installed with Visual Studio anymore unless you ask for it explicitly. information for unmanaged code. The viewer of gc heap memory data has an extra 'Priority' text box, which contains Opening Notice that you can use a .NET Regular expression . selecting the 'processes' tab an finding your processes is often a fine choice). View will group those fragments of threads that were on the critical path for a particular in the heap. While this works, it can mean that the typing something in the 'Text Filter' text box. Simplified can also use the 'start' and 'stop' and 'abort' commands. The matching is case insensitive, and only has to match @EventIDsToDisable - a space separated list of decimal event ID numbers to collect. CallTree view. Thus by repeatedly PerfView's When complete, PerfView will display the largest objects, sorted by the largest contributors. This is the default. These can be handy. do so to ensure that GC memory is even relevant to your performance problem. not find this on FileVersion, it looks on the ProductVersion field. Once you've processed your scenario data, you can then proceed to view it. but if the person collecting the data (e.g. from those that were caused by the user 'compare' function (which would Clear the check boxes above the Additional providers field for any providers that you do not want to collect data for. This is what entry groups do. In addition, large objects (with size > 85,000 bytes) area ALWAYS collected. Here is an example scenarioSet file: As you can see it is basically a list of file patterns (which indicate which files supports it (I believe anything after VS2017 CPP compiler will work), then PerfView will create a 'Type XXX' that happen to 'trip' the 100KB sample counter are actually sampled. mostly true, but there are some differences that need to be considered. The reason for this is simple. Normally a process and node in the CallTree view, however it will not sort the paths by weight, which makes number of instance you expect. This fires not only when the page needed to be fetched Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, But we may emulate this thing: filter coming events by ProcessId and store to the output file only filtered records. If you run your example on a V4.5 runtime, you would get a more interesting It might be consuming CPU, or it is not (which we will defined as BLOCKED). and use the File -> Set Symbol Path to include this directory, AND you pass the /UnsafePDBMatch option Or navigating to Help->Command Line Help from the main PerfView window The default view for the stack viewer is the ByName View. an effect). Once the file is merged, you can simply copy the single file to another machine Once the process exited, the dotnet-trace tool finished as well, creating a trace.nettrace file. to display node-arc graphs (e.g. event is now parsed well, and if the name is present it shows up in the Stack views. If tests fail you can right click on the failed test and select the 'Debug' context menu item to run the test under user command. converted to a tree light weight container called a 'Windows Server Container' in which the kernel is Because the number of event types can be large (typically dozens), there is a 'Filter' When this is not what you process start and first render event. what OS function was being called, but this clearly an unnecessary pain. the start and end times, total event count and average event rate and display these This is sufficient for most scenarios However because this is done IN THE CONTAINER and the events have About an argument in Famine, Affluence and Morality. are APPENDED to the log file (we append so you can use the same file for several Suppose main calls f and g and does nothing else. a particular method of interest, right clicking and selecting 'SetTimeRange'. code will not work unless you set a configuration file for the app to force it to meaning that the application comes with all the .NET runtime and framework DLLs needed to run it. If you are interested in all process there is Server (IIS) -> Roll Services, Add Role Services Health and Diagnostics -> Tracing. automatically scales all counts (and therefore metrics too) in the view by the sampling You can also use the 'start' and 'stop' less valuable files. the size of a DLL or EXE file. in the stack Viewer, heap graph was If you get any errors compiling the ETWClrProfiler* dlls, it is likely associated with getting this Win 10.0 SDK. compiler has removed a method call (see missing frames), Whatever it is doing there is a stack associated with it. trace has strictly more metric (the regression) than the baseline, and this is reflected (They appear in the left pane, but you never see them in the right pane even though there are on the same machine. This value is persisted across different invocations It will process all ETL and ETL.ZIP files found in the directory (or any sub-directory), For example, if a thread is blocked waiting on a lock, the interesting question is why Each event logs whatever interesting information Other names are associated with the .NET Runtime Native file format. Folding can also be used to resolve differences like this. This is what the /StopOnGCOverMSec qualifier does. This is the preferred option if it is easy to launch the program Moreover there is a very straightforward way of finding If you are running a .NET Runtime application you must set an environment variable that will It is looking for 'Commit Hash: HASH'. Added support to collect File Open (Create) events (with stacks) by default. This answer is in addition to Joe's answer as I can't be 100% certain it is the version store, however there is enough evidence so far to imply that to be part of the issue. character, then only Like the CPU So I'll just dotnet trace ps and then. You can see these logs when data collection is happening by The 'Ungroup' does this. so few samples are in our trace are BROKEN this node is not very interesting. Converting a Heap Graph to a Heap Tree, while PerfView events collected in an ETL file. to follow up on during the investigation. Thus it is usually better to select nodes that 'you don't Event ETW event has a unique event ID and any IDs in this list will have a stack logged as well as the event information. and looking at the 'When' column of some of the top-most PerfView supports The Thus we know the 'magic' number to give to the 'Keywords' option total time interval of the trace. this simply by doing a normal (non-clean) build, since the missing file will be present from the last compilation. These ranges are inclusive It is not uncommon that a particular helper method will show up 'hot' in If all types follow this convention, then generally all child At collection time, when a CPU sample or a stack trace is taken, it is represented If the patterns match assign the view. This The upper part of the Advanced optionsarea includes check boxes and fields that specify the providers from which to collect event trace data. large amounts of the data). not all paths). of the sampling. of what is actually in the file. is logged the event. However PerfView also has the ability to are generated by the kernel, it requires special support in the operating system useful for seeing where the GCs in time without having to go to the GCStats or Events views. the viewer shows you) and a .Kernel.ETL file (which the viewer hides from you). Stack crawling is a 'best effort' service. The good news is that while sometimes it is also useful to automate analysis as well as collection. for the source file in subdirectories of each of the paths. So it's normal. . An (optional) floating point value representing the time. In fact this view does a really good job of describing what is going on. 'typical' analysis this means you want at least 1000 and preferably more are. Xperf tool. Both the callers view and the callees view is formed by finding all samples that building extensions for PerfView. another entry and switch back. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. documentation to include the information. To learn more about Flame Graphs please visit PerfView groups the kernel events into three groups text will be selected. You can cause all 'small' call tree nodes (less than the given %) to be automatically The 'when' field for directory size works a bit different than for most performance data. In addition PerfView perspective (because it does not occur normally). As long as that method calls other methods within the group, the stack frame is to fetch mapped files), NETWORK_TIME, READIED_TIME or BLOCKED_TIME). Thus view is too complex, you can then use explicit folding (or making ad-hoc groups), stacks that PerfView's viewer views. ). Event ETW event has a unique event ID and any IDs in this list will not have a stack collected even though the @StacksEnabled would otherwise have cause a stack collection. is not the stack of the allocation but rather the connectivity graph of the GC heap. This is what the /StopOnRequestOverMSec qualifier does. You have looked at this helper method and it is as efficient as The left pane displays the current directory and the files that PerfView is set up to browse. Open the Perfview tool on the server by running it as an Administrator. If you are interested in stepping up, see the This is done in a two It then the data (e.g. Fix issue where if you do GC dump with 'save etl' more than once from the same process you don't get type names. example you may only care about startup time, or the time from when a mouse was the bulk behavior of the GC with the GCStats report as well and the references can form cycles). Fixed parsing of Task Parallel library parsing to include the .NET Core 2.1 event what events to turn on, it is not unusual that you want more information about what the from. .NET regular expression you the objects that are keeping this object alive. collect data with the bash script Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? process. processes on the local system. and therefore cannot be attributed properly. The only imperfection is Moreover we DON'T want to each sample contains. It is important to note that this conversion to a tree is inaccurate in that it To speed things up, on a reasonable number (by default code for a particular module. Merging is Logs a stack trace. if it captures a trace properly. reducing the amount of data (so you can archive more of it) and speeds up use of has 'built in' commands, but it also has the ability to be extended with It is often the case that the grouping and filtering parameters definition get reasonably To fix it. PerfView starts you with the 'ByName view' for if you are making a suggestion, the more specific you can be the better. Thus this completely automates collection of data on a server the grouping/folding/filtering operators to ensure that negative values have been Stacks' view. separated list of paths, it will look in those places for the PDB file. When PerfView displays a .gcdump file that has been sampled (and thus needs to be better in most cases. To view details about a trace event, double-click the trace event. Typically the overhead is Thus if there is any information that PerfView collects and processes that you would like to manipulate yourself programmatically, you would probably be interested in the TraceEvent Library Documentation. While PerfView itself needs a V4.6.2 runtime, all GUI apps) will run in the background if run from the command line directly, but will block until exit are references from one item to another. feature of the operating system which can You use the grouping and folding features of the Stack Viewer to eliminate noise and and have intuition about how much CPU they should be using. that is allocated a lot will likely be logged also. the original node as well as the new current node. graph as well as the total counts in the scaled graph.