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WEAPON_SNSPISTOL ( ) Go to line and do the following: Web[-102323637] = "weapon_bottle", [2144741730] = "weapon_combatmg", [-1121678507] = "weapon_minismg", [-1652067232] = "weapon_sweepershotgun", [961495388] = "weapon_assaultrifle_mk2", [-86904375] = "weapon_carbinerifle_mk2", [-1786099057] = "weapon_bat", [177293209] = "weapon_heavysniper_mk2", [600439132] = "weapon_ball", WEAPON_PETROLCAN (Jerry Can | GTA Wiki | Fandom) LIST OF WEAPONS SPAWN NAMES Hope you guys can use this for something xdddd UPDATE ;D Added The Doomsday Heist Weapons - V0.1 Added After Hours Weapons - V0.2 Added Cayo Perico DLC Weapons - V.03 WEAPON_KNIFE (Knife | GTA Wiki | Fandom) WEAPON_KNUCKLE (Knuckle Dusters | GTA Wiki | Fandom) WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER (Fire Extinguisher | GTA Wiki | Fandom) Only users with topic management privileges can see it. WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE ( ) Like I wanna do it so I can use glock 17 replace folders for it. WEAPON_COMBATMG ( ) WebAtArSupp = Carbine Rifle, Advanced Rifle, Bullpup Rifle, Marksman Rifle, Assault Shotgun. Learn more. ammo-flare Weapons Components Manage code changes. WebGTA V Weapons List All GTA V Weapons For more info including a list of components for each weapon, checkout this page . WEAPON_RAILGUN ( AtSrSupp = Pump Shotgun. N_0x4757f00bc6323cfe(GetHashKey([Weapon spawn name]), 0.4) Below is something Im working on, and would like to add more attachments but dont know the names. GitHub WebHost and manage packages. WEAPON_GRENADE ( Decided to relearse this very simple resource that can help them! This page includes all of the Planes available in GTA 5 and GTA WEAPON_HOMINGLAUNCHER ( Attachments WEAPON_COMBATMG_MK2 (Combat MG Mk II | GTA Wiki | Fandom) WEAPON_DOUBLEACTION ( GitHub The blank spot bothered me. WebAP Pistol. Right-clicking an entity in any of the spawn AtPiFlsh = Pistol, Combat Pistol, Pistol 50, Heavy Pistol, AP Pistol, Micro SMG. 357s only has one slot that spawn the weapon 357. yesterday i created something based on eden_accesories, much more attachments to weapons This page includes all of the Planes available in GTA 5 and GTA WebFiveM-NerfWeapons. WEAPON_BAT ( ) WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE ( ) If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. I have looked all over the internet and cant seem to find one place that lists all weapon components/attachments IDs. tutorial how to add Cars: There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. WEAPON_COMPACTLAUNCHER ( WEAPON_SMG_MK2 (SMG Mk II | GTA Wiki | Fandom) WEAPON_SMG_MK2 ( ) ammo-44 RageUI.CreateWhile(1.0, RMenu:Get('combat', 'main'), 311 <------------ change this to any key you want. Write better code with AI. Recently i released a tutorial on stream add-on melee weapons (which can be found here) WEAPON_DOUBLEACTION ( ) WebFiveM-NerfWeapons. WEAPON_GADGETPISTOL ( WEAPON_DBSHOTGUN ( WEAPON_COMPACTRIFLE ( Thank you xRxWxTxRxOx, maybe I didnt explain the question clearly. AtArSupp02 = Assault SMG, Assault Rifle, Special Carbine, Sniper Rifle, Bullpup Shotgun, Heavy Shotgun. to use Codespaces. WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER ( weapons When you say, Go to the weapons.meta of the weapon you want to stream the name for what do you mean? Weapons Even if you go to the bottom of the client it still has K9:cl_combatSetEntityAlpha K9 being the original server it was made for. WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER ( Below is something Im working on, and would like to add more attachments but dont know the names. GitHub Where to find weapon/attachment ID's. for the Katana, i put WT_KATANA) You will want to copy what is there, and put it in the client.lua as the WT_WEAPONNAME Ex. WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE ( ) How will I find meta files for combat pistol ? WEAPON_MARKSMANRIFLE ( ) WEAPON_COMBATMG (Combat MG | GTA Wiki | Fandom) Write better code with AI. WEAPON_MUSKET ( ) WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER ( ) sign in The menu is popular yes (the code is not) idk what makes you say the exact same code, feel free to post the version was made few months ago if you even have access to it and report it. Hi there guys! You think its someone elses work? Nice Script, one quick question, what is the name of the hud called? WEAPON_POOLCUE (Also not sure) WEAPON_REVOLVER WebLeft-clicking on an entity sets it as your current spawn. as items to use from inventory AtSrSupp = Pump Shotgun. WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN ( ) WEAPON_SNOWBALL (Snowballs | GTA Wiki | Fandom) To add more weapons use template below N_0x4757f00bc6323cfe (GetHashKey ( [Weapon spawn name]), 0.4) Wait (0) Thanks could you do a list of all weapon model ID aswell? Made with RageUi Please read: If you want players to access the menu in only red zones or any other coords. Thats shown in the example I gave for the tutorial. Thank you! In GTA 2, GTA San Andreas Manage code changes. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, [Release] Basic Weapons - Ready to install Scar H, MP5, and Remington 870. You didnt put the WT_SPCARBINE in quotes. Please download a browser that supports JavaScript, or enable it if it's disabled (i.e. Please hey can I add this menu as only used by mods? WEAPON_SAWNOFFSHOTGUN ( ) But what should I do ? weapons_pistol_mk2.meta. Thanks for your help, but when I put WT_KATANA in the hash generator (case sensitive on) I get 3202994769 instead of 3055806197. LIST OF WEAPONS SPAWN NAMES Hope you guys can use this for something xdddd UPDATE ;D Added The Doomsday Heist Weapons - V0.1 Added After Hours Weapons - V0.2 Added Cayo Perico DLC Weapons - V.03 WEAPON_KNIFE (Knife | GTA Wiki | Fandom) WEAPON_KNUCKLE (Knuckle Dusters | GTA Wiki | Fandom) WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK WEAPON_FIREWORK ( ) WEAPON_COMBATMG_MK2 ( ) atleast u can add 10 I am getting issue at 4 only. Step 2. Today, I will be showing a tutorial on how to stream your addon melee weapons! Can someone PLEASE share a list or give a quick run of all AMMO spawn names? Not sure what to list them as in the __resource file. WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL ( ) spawn Release][PVPMenu] Weapon, vehicle spawner and a teleporting WEAPON_BOTTLE ( ) IGN GitHub I have found multiple people looking for a resource to nerf weapon damage in FiveM Decided to relearse this very simple resource that can help them! WebWeapons Contents 1 Melee 2 Handguns 3 Submachine Guns 4 Shotguns 5 Assault Rifles 6 Light Machine Guns 7 Sniper Rifles 8 Heavy Weapons 9 Throwables 10 Miscellaneous 11 Snippets 12 Vehicle weapon names Melee ID: weapon_dagger Name: Antique Cavalry Dagger Hash: 0x92A27487 ID: weapon_bat Name: Baseball Bat Hash: 0x958A4A8F ID: WEAPON_RAYMINIGUN ( Weapons Although our experts decided to list down the standard and most used user and developer codes, keep in mind that certain FiveM console commands can be added depending on specific resources. ammo-22 Its also known as a PvP menu that can be used only in a red zone (This is optional). WebModel name weapon_autoshotgun Hash 317205821 Category Shotgun Max ammo 250 Damage 70 Rate of fire 45 Accuracy 22 Range 20 Baseball Bat Model name weapon_bat Hash 2508868239 Category Melee Max ammo 0 Damage 20 Rate of fire 10 Accuracy 0 Range 0 Ball Model name weapon_ball Hash 600439132 Category Throwable Max ammo 1 Damage 0 Does this help? Security. Feel free to pick apart my script to find what you are looking for. WEAPON_HEAVYPISTOL (Heavy Pistol | GTA Wiki | Fandom) ammo-rifle2 Neither the Specialcarbine has a specific weapons.meta for it nor the SCAR-H Im trying to stream. Ex. To get the WT_WEAPONNAME, go to the weapons.meta of the weapon you want to stream the name for and search for HumanNameHash (ex. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Add names to custom weapons Same is it nessesary to use these numbers? Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Okay, I am really new in this world. You forgot some things: WEAPON_CERAMICPISTOL ( for the Katana, i put WT_KATANA), You will want to copy what is there, and put it in the client.lua as the WT_WEAPONNAME. weapon attachments ammo-musket, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, write a function, which loops every weapon, run this native on every key in your weaponlist (. Where to find weapon/attachment ID's. WEAPON_STICKYBOMB ( ) WebSpawnNames/Weapons_Spawn_Names Go to file Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 89 lines (88 sloc) 5.76 KB Raw Blame Source: WEAPON_KNIFE ( 878) WEAPON_KNUCKLE ( 518) WebHost and manage packages. if anyone wants the eng translation and if its ok with the author i can share it. Weapon Spawn names WEAPON_BZGAS (BZ Gas | GTA Wiki | Fandom) WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE ( WebSpawn ID: wrench Weapon Name: Pipe Wrench Weapon Hash: 419712736 Spawn ID: battleaxe Weapon Name: Battle Axe Weapon Hash:-853065399 Spawn ID: poolcue Weapon Name: Pool Cue Weapon Hash:-1810795771 Spawn ID: stone_hatchet Weapon Name: Stone Hatchet Weapon Hash: 940833800 Spawn ID: pistol Weapon Name: Pistol You signed in with another tab or window. Right-clicking an entity in any of the spawn WEAPON_NAVYREVOLVER ( I understand how you get the HumanNameHash, thus WT_KATANA. I have found multiple people looking for a resource to nerf weapon damage in FiveM Decided to relearse this very simple resource that can help them! It has all the different ammo I could find. (If I forgot some). 357s only has one slot that spawn the weapon 357. you dont put WT_KATANA into hash generator, you put the hash of the weapon name you put in Weapons.Meta; For example to get the hash of a Katana, you would need to insert WEAPON_KATANA as shown below. WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER_MK2 ( ) If an entity is not included in the list, you can still spawn it by entering the full model name in the search field and clicking Spawn By Name. Does not exist pops up so Im at a loss for ammo on things like the minigun, Widowmaker and so on. WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL (Combat Pistol | GTA Wiki | Fandom) WebModel name weapon_autoshotgun Hash 317205821 Category Shotgun Max ammo 250 Damage 70 Rate of fire 45 Accuracy 22 Range 20 Baseball Bat Model name weapon_bat Hash 2508868239 Category Melee Max ammo 0 Damage 20 Rate of fire 10 Accuracy 0 Range 0 Ball Model name weapon_ball Hash 600439132 Category Throwable Max ammo 1 Damage 0