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Home; Services. he said If they were given the OK, the DDR would still exist today. Maybe that would be a good thing, because with the fall of Stalinist Russia, some real reforms could have been made in the DDR. In WW1, every nations military geniuses, their cadres of war. Hardly a lot of time. We Brits love it. As Trotsky did. At the time he was proba [], This week 135,560 visitors visited 412,556 times viewing 690,159 pages. Now, seriously, I have high school classes to teach, classes full of kids who can barely complete a paragraph, much less worry about Heiko Khoo or any of this. On 5 November 2020 while working as an accredited journalist, distributing public health information, and holding an educational speech about the public health claims of the government. There was no attempt by the police to claim that coronavirus rules or regulations were being broken in advance of their assault. . A united force, without a head to cut off, can work to dismantle the economic fabric of Capitalism world wide. 2. Dr. Khoo got her Ph.D. degree from the National University of Singapore, working on tumor models for prognosis evaluation. 9th January 2022, Dr Chee L Khoo You are considered a Close Contact if you are living with someone who has COVID-19, have spent 4 hours or longer with someone in a home or health or aged care environment since they developed COVID-19. So this is why I have taken an interest in the IMT internal affairs (as well as having IMT acquaintances and being a frequent attendee of Hands of Venezuela events), and possibly why Dave is also interested. We, as strange as this may sound, have American law on our side, to begin at least. The Corporate Oligarchs that rule our governments almost never keep it in their home nation; also a pressure point. Real people. Any matters concerning the enforcement of public health measures cannot be made the responsibility of the orators or speakers, without prohibiting them from speaking. From the back of the crowd a few missiles were thrown. There has been a great split in Spain, some splits in the camp allied to Chavez (for, one has to credit, the noble reason of the anti-Ahmadinejad line in Socialist Appeal), and a dispute with the Pakistani national assembly member Manzoor Ahmed. I in no way say that it works, but to say they have no support is living in fantasy land, where most US Leftists reside. 4 March, 2010, The conversation which has developed is mostly sympathetic epiphets and chatter about the international, but one fellow activist who is determined not to let this go is Sofia Papakonstantinou who mentions that. You can find a small example of that here, look for SMASH HLS Florida on Facebook, and thats a drop in the bucket. Reviewing the heavy hand of the state during the pseudo pandemic. Its just not replicable here, and given the conditions you state within the Labour Party, John McDonnell would be better to maintain some distance (I could never see the synergy anyway to be honest). Why would questioning and challenging be construed as a resignation? This means empowering the people to challenge state and corporate power. Unlike you, I have made very serious and dangerous enemys within the AR community in Florida. If were wrong to expel someone who doesnt want to be part of what were doing, history will leave us behind. It is likely to encourage police officers to treat Dr Khoo in a hostile fashion. The fact that the police are explicitly exempt in law from wearing such coverings when on duty begs the question, on whose advice, and based on what public health evidence did the police commanders request or require officers to wear face-coverings? We have the Right of Revolution and the Right to a well armed Militia. If we dont combine past events with modern tactics, we will fail at the critical moment. Heiko Khoo with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. When the revolution was actually happening, no one was looking up what to do, or debating. Later the same day, large numbers of police in military formation engaged in charges in full riot gear against peaceful protestors in the large grass section of the Speakers Corner Area. This has informed my interest in the dismissal of Khoo. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. mistaraxtv Uploading since 22nd Dec 2020. Now we need to stand up the powers that be and create London anew out of the wasteland. Stanford university professor John Ioannidis has criticised the predictions from the mathematical modelling from UK government advisor Neil Ferguson and deemed them "substantially flawed" These predictions formed the data responsible for the COVID measures in both the UK and USA. In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio airing on August 9, 2022, Patrick speaks with political activist and commentator, and free speech advocate, Heiko Khoo, about the heavy hand of the state during the pseudo p Robert Wiktorin. Excellent tour with Heiko Khoo, a thoroughly well informed historian. There have been Open Letters and all sorts of speculation but given the traditional secrecy of the IMT, it appears that there is a real split developing. One of the protestors is seen insistently approaching an officer with a head injury, to offer medical assistance. An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. If were wasting peoples time, well have to answer for that, wont we? The coronavirus crisis concealed a global power grab by finance, tech and Pharma giants. SEE VIDEOS HERE, Professor Dolores Cahill degree is in molecular genetics and her PhD is in immunology where she was using antibodies and making libraries to try and improve the outcomes in cancer. The lack of evidence-based Covid public health decision-making by the. There has not been a phone conference for maybe over a year. We are blindly getting beaten into submission. Khoo has been chased out of Speakers Corner on multiple occasions since December 2020 for orating in the designated Speakers Area of Hyde Park. and fake news. because it isnt falling into line with your perspective, which is one that assumes that the IMT assume a place wiithin. This is textbook Communism and . Our Guides . Dr Heiko Khoo Has His Say! I could be totally wrong about all of this its based on hints, fragments of history and guesswork all fed through a cynicism born from filtering out the natural pomposity of socialist intellectuals and grandiose claims of their groupuscules. London has played a decisive role in world history for centuries. if you really understood things as well as you think you do, you wouldnt be bothered by any of this to begin with. In all the places you mention, the IMT are facing significant divisions in some cases between the opinion of activists on the ground and the IMT international secretariat. Speakers Corner 8th March 2020. Its not often that Im intrigued by bicker and chatter, but today I was keen to see what all the fuss was about regarding a conversation that was taking place on facebook around a chap called Heiko Khoo, who has been kicked out of the International Marxist Tendency for apparently releasing internally sensitive information he shouldnt have during a lecture he gave among non-insiders. I always said it was my favourite city in the world, but I'd say I'd give that [], This is the press release Global Radio have just issued. Did you even bother to read what I said? View the map. Research Interests. Piers Corbyn is a key witness in the current undercover policing investigation which shows that he was subject to extensive undercover surveillance for 20 years from 1971. He has had every opportunity to make use of thedemocratic channels of the organization to put forward his ideas. Not on Facebook. Heiko Khoo Let London Live candidate Central West-London. If we do not become flexible, we and others of the Left, will be bound in chains of dogma, which we created. It was decided by senior officers that he (Mr Corbyn) would be arrested. Statement to the Court in Bristol 22 April 2021. For Questioning Doctrine, and Advocating change. You can do the math.. 4 March, 2010. Signposts Published a year ago | Comments. Dr. Heiko Khoo is a researcher, a journalist, and a radio producer.He organizes the highly acclaimed Karl Marx in London Walking tour ( he is best known for his oratory at Speakers' Corner, Hyde Park, where he has spoken since 1985.Heiko 57 was born in London and lives in Ladbroke Grove. Paul studied Medicine at the University of Western Australia and graduated with Honours in 2000. The only effect of this campaign has been to cause resignations,damage the work in a number of sections and assist our enemies.In the face of gross, deliberate and repeated provocations, theInternational has shown extraordinary patience and restraint. Our politics are not directly aligned, but it does say something about politics on the left today, and organisations that are unable to allow dissent or, as it were, antitheses. This is particularly true for those suffering from the non-communicable diseases which interact badly with covid-19. He has lodged many complaints to the IPOC about this, but not one has made any concrete progress. Dr. Bee Luan Khoo is currently an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the City University of Hong Kong (CityU). LMAO! Very few police officers are qualified or trained in epidemiology, virology, or public health. The International has the right to defend itself against sabotage andprovocation. Heiko has prepared a comprehensive document explaining the events of the last year, which you can find on, Heiko Khoo Speaking in Speakers Corner 24 April 2021, Heiko protests in Google/Youtube HQ in London against censorship. Your email address will not be published. In reality, it is perfectly justified and normal to ask what on earth has happened to our city and our world? Knee joint infection, either within or around the joint, requires an early and specific diagnosis. He writes the blog China Reporting which the last post on it (here) is said to be the one which has got him into hot water with the leaders of the IMT. This appears to be ongoing, or he remains an individual of special attention to police intelligence because of his political views and deeds. 30 March 1921, Penang, Malaysia-5 March 2012, Singapore) was a doctor and the founder of the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) in Singapore. Surely you cannot afford to lose such an interesting, courteous and highly educated man like him in your ranks. She also spent eight years in the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, where she led a group and developed technology that could look the specificity of antibodies and different diagnostic assays to diagnose autoimmune diseases. We have informed the police that we intend to hold speeches in Hyde Park on 24 April after large numbers of officers were deployed against protestors in Hyde Park on 20 March making a number of arrests against people attending Piers Corbyns election speech. Abstract. As you may know, the IMT has its own democratically elected organs. Youre assuming that the IMT has a far greater role to play if only if would do away with its old guard, members of which have personalities that you dont care for as authoritarian etc. The police pulled out truncheons and swung them at people without any grounds, despite being asked to put the truncheons away. He observed that the police attacked people enjoying a peaceful performance by musicians. Dr Heiko Khoo. The Irish Taoiseach podcast will examine the life and political career of each of the 15 men who have held the office of Taoiseach (Prime Minis [], This article first appeared in the Daily Telegraph. We recognise that the Appeal Court found against Dolan and the Everard judgement by Justice Holgate deemed Covid-19 to be a public health crisis that is so severe as to justify restrictions on multiple articles of the Human Rights Act 1998. Marxist cadres capable of leading the proletarian revolution are trained only by the continual and successive working out of problems and disputes. Trotsky. you got expelled because you put the IMT on danger not becuz you had different ideas. Indeed, the report also claims that the commanders at the event had insufficient communications and situational awareness and then refers to the arrival of Piers Corbyn at the event as a threat to public order. Sadly Mr Justice Martin Spencer decided that such an injunction would excessively bind the hands of the Commissioner. P 31. Heiko Bernard Khoo Address, Related People and Companies. Its history goes back to Ted Grant who was a leader of the militant wing inside the Labour Party until a split occured with those who wanted to continue to operate from inside the Labour Party parting ways with the side that eventually went off to form the Socialist Party in 1992. The harassment has continued even after he declared his candidacy in the Mayoral election in London. Dr Heiko Khoo has studied Marxist ideas for 33 years. For the record, I dont have a Branch. One was slowly forming until blank rudely and summarily expelled or removed two members in my state, one again leaving me alone. See exhibit of IOPC complaints. Required fields are marked *. Granted Im older then you both, however this shouldnt be a factor. DR HEIKO BERNARD KHOO 37 CAMBRIDGE GARDENS, LONDON. However, science is not a sacred cow. The evidence for what happened on the 24th April can be clearly seen here:,, I WAS RECENTLY BANNED FROM THE WORKERS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE PAGE. Thats an Oxymoron. For more than a year, a disgusting campaign to spread fear took the place of rational debate and thought. Most people have immunity through the t-cell memory of previous infections with common coronaviruses. He holds very strong Marxist views and seems completely oblivious to the fact that his views and the views of the far-left Jeremy Corbyn (Piers's more successful younger brother) have been rejected more than once, and in fact the British . Subscribe (1782) Anything we can do, we must do to stop these Pharma Companies getting away with murder. It was fluid and made-up as the circumstances arrived. I work with therapists to navigate the deep waters of our consciousness through Sandplay, a process that creates a safe space for stories to come to life. to receive updates from Dr. Roz . And to expose how the rise of tech giants and Big Pharma manipulated the world for their own warped objectives. Mr. Piers Corbyn and Dr. Heiko Khoo V The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis. There is no indication that these officers have any medical, epidemiological or scientific knowledge about SARS-COV-2 transmission or that of COVID-19 nor that they have received such training by qualified and competent professionals. Over the past year, Mr Corbyn has been arrested on 11 occasions sometimes being detained for 23 hours. [] I am a big advocate for Article10 [of the European Convention on Human Rights] and I would remind you that it is a great freedom we have, enshrined not just in the Human Rights Act but in the European Convention on Human Rights, which you are a big fan of as well.. Licence for non-exclusive shared occupation of premises . In doing so he/she not only created a violent conflict endangering the public, but he/she also deliberately put these police officers in harms way. While the core principles of Marxism stay intact, our strategy of attack must be completely altered. I said among other things: We must use new methods of militarization. heiko khoo London, England, United Kingdom. That the protection of public health has been employed as a false excuse to justify detaining Mr Corbyn on 11 occasions and Dr Khoo on 6 occasions over the last 11 months. Very worrying times we are being forced into - things are getting out of control. All those pretty pictures of thousands smashing through, and pulling down sections; that was the west side of the wall, and west Germans doing it. Marx in London Every Sunday 11am - 1pm (approx) Piccadilly Circus. Dillinger was a thief and a killer, however, he gained the love of the people because he was fighting the same people that the masses hated. Licence between Camelot Guardian Management Limited (1) and your name, Heiko Khoo (2). One of the first things I quoted was In its offensive against the state, the urban guerrilla cannot resort to terrorism as a weapon. The whole rant on blowing things up was clearly stated, that that is not what I meant in any way shape or form. E C Khoo, (604) 941-4688, +1 6049414688, 790 Wright Ave Port Coquitlam British Columbia V3B5M7, Find a Resident of Port Coquitlam British Columbia by Name or Phone Number, Port Coquitlam Reverse Phone Directory, Port Coquitlam People Directory, Canada White Pages by Mr Piers Corbyn and Dr. Heiko Khoo against the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis. Get Directions. Individual & Group Consultation for RPT/RPT-S Certification . Now that he has passed, we have stopped critical thinking and changing all together. [] Read the rest. I think perhaps youre dying to tell me more. Heiko Khoo Ejected From Speakers Corner London. The repression of the Sarah Everard vigil, of anti-lockdown protests and protests against the new police powers bill have no scientific justification based on public health. Sometimes they are quite entertaining. Back to Top. Photos 1; References 0; Friends 0; Favorites 0; Join Couchsurfing to see heiko's full profile. Heiko Khoo. HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU QUESTIONED OR ARGUED, JUST TO BE SIMPLE SHUT DOWN? THE WIL DOES NOT WANT THIS SEEN, I HAVE SHOWN. This is not a cookbook we follow, and this is not a cookbook that we write. Heiko Khoo who puts himself forward as a Journalist, has made a career out of ranting at Speakers corner. The Stanford professor was quoted by Dr Heiko Khoo as he and members of Resistance GB attended a lecture by . So much time, Michael? In other places, the left had over the past few years, spurts of discontent, but nothing more. We request that the Commissioner provide details of the undercover police who were in that crowd when the missiles were thrown and explain their role. I read this article, Im on a few mailing lists and I know an IMT member or two. Heiko 57 was born in London and lives in Ladbroke Grove. This will be very time consuming for the court. This afternoon, he announced hes standing in the new constituency of Mid & South Pembrokeshire/Canol a De Sir Benfro. However, these facts are suppressed by both embarrassed and weak Leftists, and Right Capitalists. 80 Monday, 20th February 2017. 1 talking about this. You obviously couldnt come-up with a rational defense, not that blank even tried, so you threw out a great deal of straw men arguments and red herrings. Webinars & Podcasts Contact Dr. Heiko. Heiko Khoo Piers Corbyn, police violently attacked a peaceful music event, Judgement of Justice Holgate 12 March 2021,,, Judgement by Mr Justice Holgate of the 12 March 2021, 14 Point Statement on the year of Coronavirus. Dr Heiko Khoo appears to have been corrupted by Piers Corbyn The once sane individual appears to have lost the plot as far as Covid-19 is concerned. Matt Hancock, former UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, was confronted by Heiko Khoo on 12 July at the Royal Statistical Society, London. By that logic we could have just 100 highly educated cadres, and we would win the day. Once again you are talking fantasy not reality. However, Like John Dillinger, if we gain the support of the masses through deeds of action, we can covertly play a shadow war. I think your perception of our ego problems is in fact a projection of your own, and that if you really understood things as well as you think you do, you wouldnt be bothered by any of this to begin with. For many months, the International has been subjected to a systematic campaign of harassment and intimidation, organized by Heiko Khoo.This campaign, allegedly intended to inform the membership of the International, is in fact based on an avalanche of lies, insults,slander and disinformation. And thats all Im going to say about this. followers 484. Des Moines, Iowa 50314. Dr. Emily Keller is an RPT and LPC-S, is a North Carolina psychologist practicing in Pittsboro. Aetna. The IMT never did this. This practice of detaining people and issuing them with a FPN but not initiating court proceedings endows the police with a blanket excuse to detain anyone. Mr Khoo has submitted multiple complaints to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) about illegal detentions and harassment. Get recommendations for other artists you'll love. 515-643-5100. Related conditions. The most read and shared stories in order of popularity were: Appeal Court Rules Against Carole Cadwalladr Sue Gray Appointed Keir Starmers Chief of Staff Shadow Mental Health Minister Faces Second Allegation of Bullying Behaviour Hancock: Oakeshott Made Big Mistake Leaking WhatsApp M [], Having failed to even make Labours candidate shortlist for Sheffield Central back in November, Paul Mason is giving it another go. Out of the blue the police aggressively marched towards the middle of a crowd of about 200 people listening to music. Which is surprising; youd think a group of Marxists inside Labour would have quickly turned themselves into a focal point for resistance to New Labour. Professor Neil Ferguson (known commonly as 'Professor Lockdown' and a former member of SAGE guilty of advising the government on their criminal policy of unconstitutional lockdowns) is challenged by an attendee at the King's College Sowerby Lecture. Mr Corbyn was later seen at 5.30pm positioned at the front of the crowd at the bandstand. In his psychology and method of action the Jesuit of the heroicperiod distinguished himself from an average priest as the warrior of a church from its shopkeeper. Therefore, it is incumbent on the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to provide such evidence, or to instruct the police that there is no such evidence. As far as your lie, that I was equating ALF tactics, which I appose, let us really examine this. Whether this is to do with the attitude towards China, Iran or Venezuela only time will tell, but if Im honest I think as the Iran position shows, it might not be to do with reaping contradictory political positions but how best to work with workers groups and entryists in countries where support for theocrats (Iran), failed workers states (China) or blind anti-Americanism (increasingly, Venezuela) is prominent. Mr Corbyn and Dr Khoo have been subject to illegal harassment, intimidation and false imprisonment on numerous occasions between April 2020 and April 2021. 4 March, 2010. As Mayor I would hold an inquiry into this and other incidents of political policing. The Socialist Party (of which Im a member) and the SWP did it over the recent Sussex events. Mr Piers Corbyn and Dr. Heiko Khoo v the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, by Mr Piers Corbyn and Dr. Heiko Khoo against the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis. Raincoat Optimism, Heiko Khoo does have a history of doing things like this though, i knew him years ago and if he is still as he was then then he must still be his usually selfish self obsessed person he always was, i have never known khoo to do anything selfless and it appears he is still very much like that. . On the occasions Ive seen Alan Woods speak he has always been very adamant of his work from within the Labour Party, and his utilisation of entryism, as well as being scornful of his dismissal (he told an audience at the Venezuelan embassy that he had been removed from the party in the Blair era). In its spirit, everything Im talking about is not only feasible, but patriotic in its old sense. The police had been watching that music event for at least an hour without taking any action. While Grant laid the foundations, I do not believe in his last years he realized his method was not working or making any impact whatsoever. But now Heiko Khoo - a regular at Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park - tells Diary he's being evicted for his political views. Given the serious risks to health involved, due to the elevated risk posed by these masks becoming vectors of transmission for the SARS-COV-2 virus (through prolonged and the improper use of these masks), the decision or recommendation for officers to wear face-coverings can only be detrimental to public health and public health messaging. Dr. Roz Heiko. We are seeking an injunction against prohibitions on people speaking in the Speakers Area of Hyde Park and which instructs the police to allow Dr. Khoo and Mr. Pier Corbyn to speak on 24 April and 1 May in Hyde Park and to use amplification to address those in the area. The same thing is happening to all of us. Business Solutions; PC Repair; Apple Repair; Networking; Data Recovery Services A gun not used, rusts.. SEE VIDEOS, Chris Martenson, PhD (Duke), MBA (Cornell) is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion, and co-founder of - SEE VIDEOS HERE, A Greek-American physician-scientist + writer who has made contributions to evidence-based medicine, epidemiology, and clinical research - Ioannidis criticized the lack of informed decision-making to the COVID-19 pandemic, calling it a "once-in-a-century evidence fiasco." He graduated from University of Southern California . 163 views. In fact, the main reason for the health crisis in Britain is to be found in the decline in the quality of treatment of elderly people after 2008. Rachel Khoo's Simple Pleasures. One of the replies by Papakonstantinou to Khoos protests at this stage was to say that non-members had the opportunity to voice their opinions at the annual World Congress, which was intercepted by a chap called Mike Cutler, who asked: what sort of workers democracy is there going to be, when right from the start, workers and members of the founding organization get to whisper their voices and problems ONCE a year to the few in charge. His Video. Really? Professor Neil Ferguson (known commonly as 'Professor Lockdown' and a former member of SAGE guilty of advising the government on their criminal policy of unconstitutional lockdowns) is challenged by an attendee at the King's College Sowerby Lecture. Many of the dissident groups just wanted change, not re-unification. Dr Khoo is a veteran speaker in Hyde Park who collaborated over a period of 5 years with the former Hyde Park liaison officer PC Steve Barnes in order to promote a peaceful and free exchange of ideas in Speakers Corner. Read Heiko Khoo's bio and find out more about Heiko Khoo's songs, albums, and chart history. However, I will say one thing. But your pissy little nark here tells me a lot about you. Mr Corbyn and Dr Khoo have been subject to illegal harassment, intimidation and false imprisonment on numerous occasions between April 2020 and April 2021. Dr. Larry Teik-Man Khoo, MD is a neurosurgeon in Los Angeles, CA specializing in neurosurgery. Though his defence is that he is a voluntary member and not obliged to abide by the IMT rules regarding strictly confidential material. There is extensive video footage in the public domain that shows the police singling Mr Corbyn out for arrest and harassment on multiple occasions. Heiko Khoo expelled from the International Marxist Tendency ? While a large group were gathered around the entrance, if you look at the pictures you will see that the eastern side is empty. 155 Main Street East Lower Level Grimsby Ontario L3M 1P2 Phone: (905) 945-5476 Gender: Male Accepting New Patients: Login to View Languages Spoken: Login to View Specialty: Login to View