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You wouldnt go to the car dealer to sell a golf cart, would you? Each different series is covered in detail with a step by step method to identify all factors contributing to value. And theyre worth lots of money! These can be worth some serious change. You can tell a 1970-S doubled die cent by looking at its obverse (heads side). In total there were 2,632,810 proof coins minted. It bears a small D mintmark below the date on the obverse (heads side) of the coin. These are 1979 error pennies and valuable coins from the 1970's. For more valu. The first pennies contained 95% copper. $1 to $2 dollars for common dates. The home page is an excellent index, quickly leading to the major coin series. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. NEW! The US minted the 1970 penny with no mint mark and also the 1970 D penny and 1970 S penny. The difference between these two variations is in the number look. 1970 Penny | Learn the Value of This Lincoln Penny Thats thanks to the coins copper content which is worth 2 cents. Further, because these prices are only updated from time to time, they do not reflect short term pricing trends, which are quite common and are often quite dramatic, given the volatile nature of the collectible coin marketplace. A classic American coin with many specialists involved. . A quick look in, A Guide to Numbering System Used On This Site, Interior Die Breaks and Die Chips On US Coins (IDB/DC), Interior Die Breaks and Die Chips On World Coins (IDB/DC), Retained Interior Die Breaks On US & World Coins (RIDB). Ive authored nearly 1,000 articles here at The Fun Times Guide to Coins (many of them with over 50K shares), and I welcome your coin questions in the comments below! 1970-S Small Date pennies arent rare coins, but theyre definitely much scarcer than the 1970-S Large Date Lincoln cents. Additionally, this also commemorated the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth. How Much Is A Silver Dollar Worth? * = These coins are considered Key Dates, Rarities, and Varieties for Lincoln Memorial CentsF.V. So how do you make money from saving old copper pennies? The 5 oz. Those would both have an S mintmark, though. 1979 Proof: 2 New Pence: 81,000 Shop eBay! Im the Coin Editor here at TheFunTimesGuide. These coins stayed unchanged by 1958 when the US Mint started issuing the Lincoln Memorial penny collection with a different reverse. The number "7" appears higher than usual, nearly level with the "0." If you're interested in the wheat cent we've got a page for it here. Doubling is apparent in inscriptions IN GOD WE TRUST and LIBERTY, and you can see it with the naked eye. If your coin has no evidence of wear due to being in circulation, it is considered anuncirculatedcoin. But now there's another seemingly ordinary thing from the 1970s that's making headlines for its unbelievable value. The PCGS3000 reflects the opinions of PCGSs coin price experts with respect to indexes developed by PCGS for specific coin categories. = Face ValueDDO = Doubled Die ObverseDDR = Doubled Die Reverse. After 1982, modern pennies had 97.5% zinc with added copper because of high copper prices that made Lincolns penny production unprofitable. How would you advise getting these appraised? The 1981-S Type II proof is much scarcer than the Type I and is quite desirable by coin collectors. Seller: mintstate1. The 1970-S Small Date is also known as the so-called High 7 variety, as the top of the digit 7 in the date perfectly lines up with tops of the other three numerals in the date. Type: Lincoln Penny However, some Lincoln cents have more than a penny's worth of copper in them, but it is illegal to melt them. They are common pieces worth little, if anything, over their regular values. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Rare Pennies. With many different designs and varieties; a wide range of values are involved. The United States Mint struck a limited number of special collector pennies in 1980 and sold them in sets of proof coins which exhibit mirror-like surfaces and super-sharp strikes. Youre probably wonderingabout the value of these old pennies and if theyre worth keeping. The most expensive is the 1970 MS 67+ RD Lincoln penny sold in 2014. Although these pennies are still found in circulation today, there are a few of them that are worth a "pretty penny.". In the early 1980s, coiners at the U.S. Mint were hand-punching the mintmarks (D and S) individually onto each working die. Penny values are determined using a step by step method. Buypriceis what you can expect to pay to a coin dealer to purchase the coinandsellvalueis what you can expect a coin dealer to pay to you if you sell the coin. US Silver, Gold And Platinum Bullion Coins; Uncirculated United States Mint Sets; Modern Commemorative; Proof Sets; Original Commemorative; Birth Year Sets; Colonials; Hawaii; Half Cent; Cent. The record price for a 1979-S Type 1 proof penny is $10,925, while the most valuable 1979-S Type 2 proof penny sold for $3,819. [1963] Canada Silver One Dollar Coin | eBay While a clad 1976 quarter is worth face value if worn, a 1976 silver Bicentennial quarter can be worth about $1.50 to $2, regardless of its grade, when silver trades around $20 per ounce. The most expensive piece with the large date was sold on eBay in 2019 for $1,500. 1854-1955, 1968-Present. 1979 Penny No Mint Mark - Etsy Composition: 95% copper, 5% zinc. The 1980 Lincoln Memorial penny without a mintmark isnt a rare coin, as the Philadelphia Mint struck 7,414,705,000. Quartersyes, the coins that are typically worth .25 centsare finding extraordinary worth on eBay, Woman's World reports. Of course, not all these coins have survived decades of circulation and other common forms of numismatic attrition, leaving still significant but decidedly smaller quantities for collectors today. The US minted the 1979 penny with no mint mark and also the 1979 D penny and 1979 S proof penny. The typical, worn (circulated) 1979-D penny has a value of 2 to 3 cents. Value: $25+ . And thats the case with the 1980 doubled die pennies youre likely to find. Condition: MS 64 RB. 200 Lire 1978 - Mezzaluna (Half-moon) In 1978 the 200 lire Work continued to be issued with a circulation of 461,034,000, so the value of the 200 lire 1978 is not very high, about 3 if FDC. There are lots of errors and varieties on 1979 pennies that you can actually find in pocket change. Numismatic specification data and valuation estimates provided by Active Interest Medias. The two major varieties of the 1970-S Lincoln Cent are distinct enough that both the large date and small date pieces are collected by most of the dedicated Lincoln series enthusiasts. Each coin denomination has their own subtle grading points to follow. Only .08 grams separate the standard weights of a clad quarter (5.67 grams) and 40% silver quarter (5.75 grams), and the tolerance for a quarter is .22 grams, up or down. And theyll offer you the best price, to boot. US $1.98 Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1970 centavo Lincoln Memorial nos BU Penny Moneda at the best online prices at Free shipping for many products The actual offer you receive from a particular coin dealer will vary depending on the actual grade of the coin and some otherfactors that determine its worth. Territories Coin Values, How to Value and Price a Roosevelt Clad Dime, Standing Liberty Quarter Values and Prices, Key Dates, Rarities, and Varieties for Lincoln Memorial Cents. 1978 BIE Penny Values . The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. After spendingsome timesearching for them on major auction websites, an experienced hobbyist is sure to spot at least a few 1970-S Large Date cents listed as 1970-S Small Date pennies. Read on to see exactly what you should be looking for on your 1979 pennies. None were struck in 90% silver. Why choose a coin dealer when there are so many pawn shops and jewelers around town? By the way, there are no attributed 1970-D (Denver) or 1970 (Philadelphia) Large and Small dates. In fact, most of the doubling youre likely to find on old coins is simply machine doubling which is caused by problems with the way the coin was struck. Coin Value Price Chart for Lincoln Memorial Cent 1C. Three mints produced the 1970 Lincoln Memorial penny in Denver, Philadelphia, and San Francisco. Find Your 1978 Penny Value Here (All 1978 Pennies Are Worth 2x Face For instance, the most expensive is the one with the large date in an MS 66 grade with beautiful red toning. @Mike, Silverrecyclers.com is a participant in various affiliate programs, including the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program.This is an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. The San Francisco mint produced the smallest percentage of 1970 pennies, making them a bit more pricey. The first of the 50 State Quarters was released in 1999, altering the landscape of the Washington quarter to this day. Doing a bit of homework will help you find a good coin dealer who will pay a fair price for your 1970s quarters. By comparison, the 1970-S Small Date is a much more valuable coin, with PCGS MS65RD specimens setting collectors back by $80 and PCGS PR65CAM examples trading for $75. Shop MA-Shops! USA Coin Book Estimated Value of 1970 Lincoln Memorial Penny is Worth $0.73 or more in Uncirculated (MS+) Mint Condition. 1970 Coins & Values, Prices, Production, and Proofs - CoinTrackers.com All coins above with an S mintmark are proofs. Im a member of the American Numismatic Association (ANA) and the Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) and have won multiple awards from the NLG for my work as a coin journalist. 1969-S Lincoln Penny-Doubled Die Obverse. Pennies worth good money!Watch this video on YouTube, Stay up to date with everything about U.S Coins, We dont spam! 1914-S Lincoln Penny. In this post, youll learn how to tell the difference between a valuable 1980 penny worth big bucks versus one thats worth only a few cents. These pennies came in two variations, which further increased their value. 1979: 50 New Pence: 58,680,000 Shop eBay! Shop MA-Shops! Bottom Line: 1970 S Lincoln Memorial Cent (Small Date - High 7) The 1970 Lincoln Memorial Cent is especially rare if it has a small letter "S" under the date, plus one more unique feature. These prices are not intended . As for the pennies with the large date, one collector paid $2,530 for a beautiful red specimen in 2003. But some are better than others, and unfortunately a few are simply unscrupulous sorts looking to take you (and your money) for a ride. The mint mark, when present, can be found on the obverse side of the coin below the date. The most valuable 1980-S penny is an exceptionally pristine example that sold for $3,680 at auction in 2003. Year: 1970. You see, all Lincoln Memorial pennies made before 1982 (the year the United States Mint began making these coins from a cheaper copper-plated-zinc format) are worth more than face value because copper has risen so much in value. Still, some have been accidentally spent as regular money and found in circulation by eagle-eyed collectors. As the . This post may contain affiliate links. Lincoln Memorial Penny: Key Dates, Rarities, and Varieties, 50 State Quarters, D.C., and U.S. For instance, the most expensive red coin with a small date was sold in 2004 for $1,323. The small date pennies have a high 7 in the date, where as the large date pennies have a low 7 in the date. My love for coins began when I was 11 years old. While pieces with a large date are worth only $1.13, the small date variation costs about $45. 7 Rare Wheat Pennies To Collect & What Theyre Worth Today, This 1982 Copper Penny Is Worth $10,000! This suggests that perhaps 60 million to 70 million business-strike examples of the 1970-S Small Date may have been released while approximately 250,000 to 300,000 of the 1970-S Proofs are of the small date variety. 1960-D Small D Over Large D: $200-$500. I primarily collect and study U.S. coins produced during the 20th century. A low grade example can sell for about $20 with higher end mint-state coins selling for several thousand dollars at auction. Most 1970 pennies in circulated condition are only worth their weight in copper. If you buy thru these links, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. The legend says that somewhere exists at least one 1970 S DDO Lincoln penny with a small date, but most collectors doubt its existence. The 1970 S proof penny with the large date is valued at around $1 in PR 65 condition. It only weighs 0.10935 ounces (3.1 g) and has a plain edge. Lots of rare dates and mints to discover and now the condition of the older coins is important. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The most well-known errors on 1970s pennies are from 1970 and 1979, both from the San Francisco Mint. Keep in mind, you probably won't be finding any 1979-S proof pennies in your pocket change because those coins . Ive authored nearly 1,000 articles here at The Fun Times Guide to Coins (many of them with over 50K shares), and I welcome your coin questions in the comments below! These transitional errors are very rare and valuable, generally selling for more than $1,000 each. 1856 through 1858 cents stand out as sought-after collector coins because of the bold flying eagle design. Additionally, the mint also changed the design slightly when the master die was damaged. Coin Values & More - CoinTrackers. Its the 1970-S Large Date doubled die penny, and its the 3rd most scarce major doubled die penny. S. San Francisco, CA. The Memorial penny reverses central motif was the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. What Are The Different Penny Errors and How Much - Gainesville Coins The Philadelphia mint issued 1,898,315,000 Lincoln pennies without the mint mark in 1970. Kennedy Half Dollar Prices | Ungraded & PCGS/NGC Values 1872 Indian Head Penny. There are different varieties for the 1970 S pennies. Proof coins were sold to coin collectors by the U.S. Mint during the year of production. Some collectible versions of the quarter have been struck with silver in the years since. Most Valuable US Pennies - Highest Value 1 Cent Coins - usacoinbook.com Have you found a 1970 penny in your pocket change? Total Weight: 3.11 grams. The original (large) version of the five pence coin was demonetised together with the shilling and replaced by the smaller version, which retained the original design by Christopher Ironside. Bear in mind that sometimes these tests will come with a fee. Today, a typical pre-1982 Lincoln Memorial penny contains around 2 to 3 cents of copper. Besides that, the 1979 penny value of a coin with no mint mark is $0.30. Since they were oversized, most Americans didnt like such swagger, and the US Mint quickly removed them. Text links lead to in-depth how to value the coin. Even the dingiest no mintmark 1979 penny with excessive wear is worth more than just 1 cent! An exception to these low prices are the famous two hundred lira " half-moon under the neck ". Many coin dealers are fair and honest businesspersons who simply want to do a good job in their profession and provide their customers with decent service. Like the Philadelphia-born penny, the 1980-D Lincoln cent struck at the Denver Mint is also made from a 95% copper composition. However, there is a 1980 doubled die obverse (heads side) penny that shows a thicker date and lettering in the word LIBERTY, and this variety sells for anywhere from $35 to $250+, depending on the condition of the coin. By Joshua McMorrow-Hernandez - The all-time record price for the 1970-S Small Date in uncirculated condition went to a PCGS MS67RD commanding $2,464 in a 2008 online auction, while the most valuable proof specimen was a PCGS PR69DCAM that fetched $18,400 in a 2005 sale. With just light wear on high areas, a penny is considered as Extremely Fine grade. Most Valuable Quarters: A List Of Silver Quarters & Other Rare Quarters You Should Hold Onto! Is My Penny Solid Copper or a Copper-Plated Zinc Cent? Price Guide App With that said, there are some 1970s quarters that are worth more than their face value. Manage Settings The World Coin Price Guide was independently compiled by Active Interest Medias NumisMaster. Struck at the San Francisco Mint in both business-strike and proof finishes, the 1970-S Small Date is a relatively scarce variety and one of the most collectible of all Lincoln Memorial Cents. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Typically, these pennies are used for everyday transactions, so they don't hold much value. Machine doubled coins are not doubled dies. The U.S. Mint struck 4,139,357,254 examples of the 1979-D penny. The 1970 penny is worth at least 2 cents, regardless of its condition. Should your coin be a rare date or even a well-preserved large cent the value increases significantly. The 1970 Lincoln penny is a small coin with 0.74803 inches (19 mm) diameter and 0.05984 inches (1.52 mm) thickness. There are no known 1979 doubled die pennies with super-drastic doubling certainly nothing on the order of the 1955 doubled die penny or even the 1972 doubled die penny. I primarily collect and study U.S. coins produced during the 20th century. The 1979-S Type 1 proof penny is much more common than the 1979-S Type 2 proof penny. The 1970-S Small Date penny is one of the scarcest, most sought-after of the regular-issue, business-strikeLincoln Memorial pennieswhich were made from 1959 through 2008. It's almost a j shape. On most 1970-S Small Date Lincoln pennies, The war in Vietnam expanded as United States troops invaded neighboring. The most valuable 1980 penny with no mintmark sold for $2,232.50 in a 2017 auction. So good luck finding them in your spare change! There are different varieties for the 1970 S pennies. Lincoln Memorial Penny Prices | Ungraded & PCGS/NGC Values 1 oz South African Gold Krugerrand - Random Dates, 2019 Patriot 1 oz Proof Like Silver Round - American Revolution, 1 oz Canadian Platinum Maple Leaf - Random Date, its intrinsic precious-metal content (even base-metal clad coins have some intrinsic value). Depending on the color, some of these pieces in the mint state are worth several thousand dollars. Example: Condition of Indian pennies are judged by different point on the coin than Lincoln cents. Lincoln pennies produced in Philadelphia in 1970 often cost less than a dollar.