Prier Pour Quelqu'un Qu'on Aime, Omegaverse Mpreg Raw, Is Juliane Koepcke Still Alive Today, Pammy's Bolognese Recipe, Articles M

The time has come for Radio Hall of Fame prep! 63 Issue 4, p424 December 1, 2007. All that, plus Madonna is a piece of work. Weve got Christmas fun facts, On This Day in History, and the 2 worst Christmas songs of all time. Today on M&L we have two special guests, the new dads of the family and we get down and dirty with diaper talk, lack of sleep, Matts favorite color, Cam is back, and Thanksgiving plans. Cheers to the weekend! Lynda Thompson and Mark Thompson - Dating, Gossip, News, Photos What Year Is It, On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and more today on M&L! Discovered by Player FM and our community copyright is owned by the publisher, not Player FM, and audio is streamed directly from their servers. Today on very special Mark & Lynda: Our final update on the baby robins; did they survive? Recents. Allie and Bean with Mark Thompson. Episodes. Why do we like porn? Today on M&L weve got more of Marks Hints of the Week, what foods did you hate as a kid and still hate, Americas sweatiest cities, On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and much more! Also on todays show, slang terms for anal sex, mild to wild fetishes and the different types of a-hole airline passengers we encounter. A solid 5 for What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter, some really really bad jokes and more! Then later, where we masturbate, a brood of Birthday Chickens and our first installment of Drunk Matt is here. As a research fellow at the AA GroundLAB she is working on developing visualisation strategies, mappings and spatial understandings of socio-ecological systems in the global south. Today on M&L Mark has a reason for looking up sexy men on the internet, we take the Tick Tock quiz, where people are finding their pleasure in the days of quarantine, how long is a dog year, and Pixar movies ranked first to worst. By Mark Thompson. Reviews. What Year Is It, On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and more! I mi The 1945 TRINITY UFO CRASH EXPLAINED! The Roswell Before Roswell On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter, annoying the hell out of Eleni and more! Iulia I. Stefan - London, England, United Kingdom - LinkedIn Happy Easter! The Mark & Lynda Podcast. The duo also hosted the series called 'The Adventures of Mark & Brian' on NBC TV. We've got updates on them, Mark's review of the Elvis movie, 4th of July by the numbers, what should you put on a hot dog, and a Cool Stories. Mark has been in radio for 45 years and been doing morning radio for 35 years, and 25 of those were spent in Los Angeles. On This Day, Comments with the lovely Skeeter and much more! What Year Is It, On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and more! What time of day do you hate the most, were not too hot for teacher, and Madonna releases new music. Yes, its a thing. Comments with Skeeter, On This Day, an extra long Iddy Biddy Theater and much more on M&L! Today, Mark has got a rant, and he invites Cody Decker to join him, so you can forget most of whatever else we had planned. For the guys, weve got what your favorite sex position says about you and sex toys for men. Tidbits & Outrages,, THE WASHINGTON MONTHLY - The Unz Review All that and more today on M&L. I'm Married To An Idiot. . Search. Today on M&L did Mark fix his phone or not, did Mark get a new phone or not, is it ok to eat in bed, Fleetwood Mac is apparently done, and is your name disappearing? They talk about his incredible career, similarities to Bean, mental health, and his new book Don't Bump The Record Kid . Write a review. On This Day, Comments the way it should be with your girl and more! The Edge with Mark Thompson | iHeart On This Day, Comments with Skeeter, What Year Is It and more! Were back and fresh from a much needed getaway. Reviews. Can you increase your semen load? Local Radio. On This Day, a bunch of Comments with Skeeter and more! What Year Is It, Cool Stories, Comments with Skeeter and more! We wish you all a happy and healthy holiday . The Mark & Lynda Podcast Mark Thompson - Apple Podcasts On Todays Episode: 10 Tips for Better Sex; Anita the Traffic Reporter, Demogorgon Steve, Sex Fun Facts with Skeeter, Katies Korner returns, plus listener calls and so much more. Enjoy and well be back again soon . Today on M&L weve got dumb blonde guy jokes, Star Wars fun facts, an itsy bitsy problem, are you keeping secrets, these arent Legos, and the #1 song played at a funeral. Lynda cracks the whip today and gets Mark to actually get to his stories! Mark Thompson has worked in radio for more than 30 years, on such legendary stations as KABC, KFI and previously at KGO. Despite having made his retirement known, his love of the media has kept him engaged in the field. And we even take a call Amy joins us to chat about the wedding and for some Christmas Trivia, Mark gives us a Cool Stories Quick Hit, Top 15 best selling Christmas toys of all time, Christmas Tree eyebrows are a thing, and there are only four types of personalities, which one are you. That and more today on M&L! All that plus, On This Day in History and how we like our steaks cooked. Today were all about our listeners. And dont forget to vote Mark & Brian for the Radio Hall of Fame Deadline July 28th, Voting instructions. Today on M&L the Razzie nominations have been announced, 40 movies turning 20 this year, how do you feel about used stuff, how can you make your life a little better, and they say its better than sex. If youre dealing with a breakup weve got the Dos and Donts, January Fun Facts, the latest on the Super Bowl, Ashley Madisons Zodiac signs that are the biggest cheaters, On This Day, You Hate to Hear It, another Mini Cool Stories In Music, and a butt load of Birthday Chickens. The Mark and Lynda Podcast Archive Addeddate 2015-06-20 15:13:56 External_metadata_update 2019-03-31T00:09:38Z Identifier MarkandLyndaPodcast Lyndas excited for some President Fun Facts, but shes not excited for the You Hate to Hear It Double Feature. Mark Thompson welcomes back comedian and documentary filmmaker, J. Elvis Weinstein, and the two speak with political analyst, Michael Shure about the Democratic National Convention. On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and more! The 28-year-old grew up in Brookfield, where his parents still live. Comments with Skeeter, On This Day, squeaky toys from Walker, What Year Is It and more! Actor: Mother Ghost. About. My new favorite place is the Duck Donuts in Virginia Beach I've been visiting lately. I could hear your voice as I read. On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter and more! Today Mark is going to read you a ton of topics we never get to but we do share some rare facts about Friday the 13th and we say goodbye to a great singer/songwriter, Eddie Money. Weve got a Cool Stories Quick Hit (Betcha Didnt Know,) remember that year, two words that will divorce proof your marriage, the #1 vacation destination in the world, and guys, this is the age you turn into your dads. One can only hope. THE MARK & LYNDA PODCAST - YouTube Today we open with a few words on current events then slide right into how could you possibly fit that inside your penis?!!! What Year Is It, On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and more! Today on M&L please enjoy Marks super sexy tired voice as we give you a Kool and The Gang Frenzy, Top 10 boys and girls names, a new song from Steve Lukather, and a joke from Matt. And Mark never made it to Arizona. Mark Abelle Ashland Oregon VS. Tom Abeln Crestwood Missouri VS. Lynda Abenchiker Southampton Hampshire GB Thomas Aber Kansas City Missouri VS. Daniel Abercrombie San Diego Californi VS. Michael Abkin San Mateo Californi VS. Teresa Ableiter St. Paul Minnesota VS. Michael Abler Santa Cruz Californi VS Tom Abolu Bellmead Texas VS. The Mark & Lynda Podcast - Spreaker Mark, Bean (Kevin and Bean), and Allie McKay had #acupofteaandachat . Also, with the passing of Jay Thomas, Mark pays tribute to a fellow LA icon. News & Talk. I was one of those weird punk rocker kids. Happy Easter yall! Muck Rack | The Mark and Lynda Podcast - The Big Note - Muck Rack Ever wonder how the Irish feel about their sex lives? On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter and more! Today we talk plans for getting Mark and Brian into the RHOF while eagerly waiting for the arrival of our special guest, Sam Farmer! The Mark & Lynda Podcast | M&L Studios Music. Today on the Lynda & Mark Podcast weve got the Top 10 cartoon characters, the worst pet peeve on a first date, theres a new #1 most watched video on Youtube, and when you have a sex dream who is it with? Barry, You Are The First, My Last, My Everything and thats why we Cant Get Enough of Your Love, Baby. On This Day, Comments, with Skeeter, and December 6th people. You Hate to Hear It, Iddy Biddy Theater, Comments with Skeeter and more today on M&L! MAR 3, 2023; I'm Disappointed But Not Surprised I'm Disappointed But Not Surprised. We start off a little hungover from a past-our-bedtime holiday party last night, but weve still got a great show for you today! Dont worry, were here, Mark just needs a secToday on M&L are you obsessed with the way your house smells, we have a fix for frizzy hair, learn to cook or shut up, and has Will Smith been cancelled. Attended and graduated from the . Today on M&L Marks got the Top 10 One Hit Wonders (and he didnt make the list, ok people,) where do people live that makes them happier, and how a woman freaked out the emergency room. Welcome back to our regularly scheduled program! Listen to The Mark & Lynda Podcast on TuneIn What Year Is It, On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and more on M&L! What dad doesnt want for Fathers Day, why some men have dogs and not wives, and what age do men become their father. Mark Thompson Bio, Early Life, Career, Net Worth and Salary All that plus, On This Day in History, relationship advice, and an unbelievable story of a Bishop who claims to have the divine power to increase penis size. Amen! Muck Rack | The Mark and Lynda Podcast: Contact Information On This Day, an Iddy Biddy fail, Comments with your girl and more on M&L! Also, we phone friend of the show Cody Decker to see if he is behind Marks dick pic. Add to My Podcasts. Mark Thompson. On This Day, Iddy Biddy Theater, and comments with Skeeter today on M&L! First we recap our LA visit for Amys 30th, we wrap the 50 Best Horror Films of the 2000s, the most popular Halloween costumes this year, and Lynda catches up on all your Bday Chickens. Listen Notes Website Quickstarts. Some Grammys talk, On This Day, Cool Stories, Comments with Skeeter and more! We've got updates on them, Mark's review of the Elvis movie, 4th of July by the numbers, what should you put on a hot dog, and a Cool Stories. Also, the Queen drinks, Seinfeld tops the comedy rich list again, Californias overabundance of weed and why the hell are we spending so much on avocado toast? What Year Is It, On This Day, Cool Stories, Comments with Skeeter and much more! Today we have a quick chat and game with Amy, what age you become an adult, one of the most disturbing videos, theres a real Jurassic Park thing going on, a Facebook fail in a big way, and to the listener who sent in a topic, dude, Mark tried. 1:23:31. We help listener Lorna find a porn that meets her needs, and a special Birthday Chicken message to listeners Amy and Joe. Also, what would you do if you had a naked Madonna in your bed, what makes a girl cool, and what do men need to increase their attractiveness? Sydney, Australia. We hope you all had a great Valentines Day. Check out all the works and read about the artists and their inspirations for each entry below. Poor Red has a bit of an accident on our return home, we inform you of the songs you think are Motown but ARE NOT, the history of the middle finger, how long did it take for you to fart around your spouse, and an Alabama joke. Then later, Japanese men cover their nipples, reasons why you should be fired from your job and is marriage on the decline? On todays show we get the facts on the Kentucky Derby, plus you wont believe what a woman found in her urine on another segment of You Hate to Hear It. Heres to the end of August with some Labor Day and September Fun Facts! All with a not-so-there goatee on Marks face, Its Shark Week and weve got Shark Fun Facts and Jaws Fun Facts, the largest animal to ever exist, are hairy chested men endangered, how to get unwanted guests out of your home, maybe think about looking in your toilet before sitting down, and what you shouldnt do if youre late for a flight. Rate for this podcast. . Even just hearing some of these clips will have you spooked. Then later, Nasty the Clowns Halloween Pickup Lines, some more sex fun facts, and what happens as soon as you die, on this, the final Halloween podcast on M&L. The Mark & Lynda Podcast. The Mark & Lynda Podcast, which Thompson and his wife launched, mostly addresses relationship-related topics. Happy Friday yall! Today on M&L Mark snaps about not being snappy, more clips of the young RG, a great performance of Fooling Yourself with Tommy Shaw and the Cleveland Youth Orchestra, and Katie joins us for a Cool Stories. On This Day, a Cool Stories, Comments with Skeeter and more! Since Bozo died we honor his legacy with Nasty the Clown. You ask and you shall receive, Sam Farmer calls in today! Mark Thompson Biography - Facts, Childhood, Family of Radio Personality Yes I did grow up with KROQ. Lynda and Mark Thompson's wedding day photo from 1981. Well find out first hand from Mark what it feels like to get shot in the chest. Today on M&L the Razzie nominations have been announced, 40 movies turning 20 this year, how do you feel about used stuff, how can you make your life a little better, and they say it's better than sex. You can use our website to search 2,886,934 podcasts and 138,614,479 episodes by people, places, or topics. Skeeters got your comments and Mark calls up David Armstrong to talk about their film, The Assassins Code. On This Day, Comments with the lovely Skeeter, What Year Is It and more! Is There a Role for Renal Denervation in the Treatment of Hypertension That podcast did not return for the 2014-2015 season. Read reviews and listen to The Mark & Lynda Podcast on Chartable. Mark Thompson Biography, Age, Height, Wife, Net Worth, Family All that and, On This Day in History. Were back from the 4th of fun and we recap all the latest in M&L life. Mark has some online shopping issues but what else is new, whats just as addictive if not more than alcohol, fast food and money, what is the #1 thing you dislike about yourself, and guess what kind of summer is predicted. With just two more weeks until Christmas we bring you a Cool Stories White Christmas Controversy, can you hear pumpkin pie in this holiday classic, there is a new and better way to put lights on your tree, and brace yourself, Mark feels the need to give you this mashup of I Wish/Master of Puppets. Today on M&L what sounds trigger happy memories for you, whats the #1 birthday in America, the 3-4 rule for deciding if your chosen mate is right, and how much would you pay for a hunk of Elvis hair. Open in Apple Podcasts. What Year Is It, On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and more! Today on M&L Walker is going through a 2am playtime phase but thats not slowing us down as we have some news, Mark challenges Matt to join in on the latest fashion trend for men, how much weight did you gain during the lockdown, no more Twitter for Teigen, and we have the perfect song for Greek Independence Day. All that plus Nasty the Clown, weird news, and Penile Botox!? Lynda probably knows what to get Mark for Christmas by now. Happy Mothers Day! And it was cold in NC. Available NOW | My Adventures With Mark And Brian He is also a veteran TV news personality, having spend time working in Denver, Los Angeles and New York, with eight years at San Francisco's KRON-TV. Lyndas nervous for the fireworks and Marks already looking forward to everyone leaving. Today, we remember the late Greg Lake with a shortened mini frenzy. All that and so much more.! Mark is a little rusty on how to do his podcast, Lynda tries to save us from Baby Shark, would this cause you to drop your boyfriend, how to test the freshness of your eggs, why did she do it, and the worlds most famous groupie. Lynda Thompson. More info on Marks new movie, The Assasins Code, and a ticket giveaway! Weve got the Golden Globe ratings, dont shop when youre drunk, our latest streamed movie review, a listen to Stings new album of duets, and what do you do when your man refuses your sexual advances. When do you open your Christmas gifts? Today Marks got a grudge he cant let go of, Lyndas got a Viva Las Vegas quiz, theres a problem with self driving cars, whats the rudest time to have a wedding, whos the sexiest celebrity you dont find attractive, and the drunkest countries in the world. Today on the show we sample a new Ringo Starr track, and man does it suck. . Then its the highest paid celebrities, pot anyone, cities with the worst drivers, revenge gone too far, and vacation, vacation, vacation. On This Day, Comments with Skeeter, Cool Stories and much more! Mark consults and coaches executives for Fortune 500 and Global Fortune 1000 companies. All that plus the time Alex Trebek ate pot brownies. Welcome back to the Mark & Lynda podcast fresh from time with the grandbabies! 1:32:52. Today on M&L you asked for it and we give you the hit song by Matt and Katie Thompson, weve got some popular conspiracies, and of course, the latest on sex dolls. On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter and more! Today on M&L we chat with country artist, Austin Bohannon, and checkout some great tunes, who are the current highest paid celebrities, and Ben Affleck says Boston customers were not happy with him. Today on M&L Mark actually gets through his list! Its the eve of The Assassins Code LA Premiere and weve got all you need to know plus the cities where you can see the movie now! Marks got a bet for Lynda, will she get the prize? So Thank You! . He joins Florida after spending the 2022 season at Cal in the role of quality control - defense where he worked with three All-Pac 12 defensive . Also on todays show, On This Day in History, listener comments, and Marks movie recommendation of the season. Phone. Guest List For The Saban Show! The Mark & Lynda podcast What Year Is It, On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and more! Merry Christmas all you sexy people! 'It's a huge commitment and a massive chunk of my life. It's a very friendly spot and these are first-class treats. He was 35 at the time, and it was a lot of . M&L Studios . Episodes. We kick off this sizzling September with some interesting Labor Day Fun Facts and Lyndas best friend Rachel sits down to answer the Island Questions. Today on M&L did Mark fix his phone or not, did Mark get a new phone or not, is it ok to eat in bed, Fleetwood Mac is apparently done, and is your name disappearing? If you dont hear from us after this, its cuz we starved from not having time to get food in the house. 100% Proceeds to Animal Rescue. Al Jardine and Blondie Chaplin explain The Beach Boys' unique creative They have three children. Cool Stories, On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and much more! On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter and more on M&L! He has been married to Lynda Thompson since 21 August 1982. Then later we get an in depth analysis of the state of the podcast and some behind the scenes at M & L Studios. Also, Marks toe injury, listener comments, On This Day in History, Billboards top 10 singles of all time, the best time of the day to have sex, and the 3 signs you should probably breakup. We recap our "rare" Thanksgiving, some more Producer 101 from Mark and the Saban Show, Top 50 dumbest decisions in music histo. Open Website. And, why does Danny think Celine Dion is full of shit? Then later, some interesting info about hookers we may not have known, fun places to have sex and November fun facts. Today on M&L we check in with Amy and the launch of her new website, we try and get some trash talk out of Bradley, some more stuff we cant get to due to Marks ranting, and a Cool Stories Frenzy. About. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter, the Ear Worm Poll winner and more! We recap our Christmas on New Years celebration with the kids, weve got things you should do in January, how much NFL players make during the playoffs, the Top 10 Netflix shows, the most expensive divorce in history, and you will not believe the latest craze. Hooty Hoo! Then weve got some messed up stories about cheating, why a Bride To Be cancelled her wedding, vending machine meat, the #1 thing done on a date that leads to marriage, and why we cant get pregnant (not us! Today on M&L its our last show for 2020 and weve got plenty of holiday treats! Welcome in 2021, were back and still at home! This week: Marks top 10 Halloween movies of all time, a cool clip of Vincent Price recording his part on Michael Jacksons Thriller, and Comments with Skeeter will not be forgotten. Happy New Year!. Comments with Skeeter, On This Day, What Year Is It and more! Also, audio of the loudest cow on Earth, Anitas Traffic Report and Katies Korner. Celebrate your mom, and your babys mama! The Mark Thompson Show Podcast | Podcasts on Audible | All that plus On This Day and your comments with Skeeter! It inspired me to write this poem. Skip to main content. Quality Control - Defensive Backs. . On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter and more on M&L! Then later a few stories about fat people, On This Day in History, and Mark and Lynda make a call to Amy. M&L Studios Welcome to the Lynda and Mark podcast! All that plus listener comments and a busy Birthday Chicken. Weve all had one of those mornings, and well, Mark has had one that just gets better and better. And later, a Nebraska high school prank gone wrong, Cleveland Browns tickets for $1, and Dannys small dick. Full show today including 5 sexual positions youve never heard of, plus, Elvis plane sells at auction and the top U.S. beaches. Valentines Day is coming up and weve got the meaning behind those Valentine flowers, Sexting Gone Wrong, 500 women reveal the Top 3 Sex Positions that make them orgasm and married couples share some of their hottest sex memories.