And we will pick up right where we left off!! Please let me know if you have additional questions. Editors note: Phased planning and increased understanding of COVID-19 has amended some information included in the July 14 message. Students who need to use the elevator to access the concourse level of Kaplan Arena may arrange. The following have three themes in common: 1) They speak to parents and teachers. Many of W&Ms protocols in the spring will mirror what proved successful in the fall, though W&M continues to refine processes and evaluate response to the ever-changing public health landscape. An enormous amount of work has taken place to prepare our campus community for a successful fall and that work continues in earnest. Building Relationships With Young People . Just days before New Jersey GovernorPhil Murphyannounced schools in the state will remain closed for this academic year, staff from a Bridgewater elementary school virtually banded together to spread an uplifting message to their students. I write to sketch broadly the projected financial outlook for William & Mary as we understand it at present and outline the steps we are taking to support the extraordinary students, faculty, staff, alumni andparentswho sustain the universitys mission. Immediately isolate yourself in your residence hall, or if off-campus, in your residence. We are so proud of this community and the way it has shown its heart from small acts of kindness to larger efforts in response to COVID-19. William & Mary faculty and staff are actively readying for the start of classes this coming Monday. In recent weeks, I have witnessed the Alma Mater of the Nation standing together in the face of a global pandemic. Anxiety, by far, was the most frequently mentioned emotion. Read the descriptions of high-level categories for course delivery: By looking up course attributes in Banner, students will be able to craft a fully remote schedule for the fall semester if that is their preference. 2023 E! I wish you all the best as you finish your classes and exams and prepare for a well-deserved break in just a few weeks. A total of 1,717 COVID-19 cases were reported in Massachusetts schools in the last week. The university does not require all online exams to be remote proctored, but does provide instructors with the option when useful for high-stakes testing in classes needed for graduate programs or summative assessments in large classes. Traveling to Williamsburg does not require a student to reset the quarantine clock upon arrival, as long as they quarantined for the appropriate time and practiced transmission prevention during travel. "The Lord gives His toughest battles to His strongest soldiers". Letter #3. IT, maintenance, dining, library staff, etc.) We will work with students (and their faculty as appropriate) to be sure they are in a position to be successful this semester. So I ask you to read what follows with care. The COVID-19 Response Team is pleased that health metrics in Hampton Roads have improved over the past few weeks. For more information on meal plans, please visit, June 25-July 7 -- Registration for undergraduate transfer students, July 8 New student housing assignments announced, July 8, 5 p.m. Meal plan selection deadline, July 15 Details about orientation, residence hall check-in, and move-in process announced, July 15 Listing of fall course delivery available (including delivery mode designations), Week of August 3 Continuing students and new transfer students can make changes to schedules, Aug 8-11 Returning Students Phase I move-in (returning students with a need to arrive early), Aug 12-14 New Student move-in (freshman, transfers, Joint Degree Programme), Aug 13-18 Returning Students Phase II move-in (all other returning students). And, no matter what happens this year, be proud of yourself, your resilience, and your ability to adapt to extreme circumstances. Professor Jal Mehta isn't surprised that some students and teachers are finding positives during remote learning. Access to personal items. Our Health & Wellness team is working to create a Virtual Wellness Center that includes a variety of wellness and fitness resources for students to access online. If your child will play baseball or softball this spring, youll need to stock up on appropriate clothing and equipment. In light of those conditions and with the health and safety of our W&M community as our highest priority, in-person Family Weekend and Homecoming & Reunions Weekend will be re-imagined as opportunities for virtual gatherings. "My eyes hurt, my back hurts, my hands/wrists hurt from constantly typing, I get frequent headaches that can only be minimized by taking a nap, I have mom guilt." Megan is one of many teachers across the United States who are facing a new set of challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Use these COVID classroom rules posters and cards to teach your students how to stay safe in the classroom as we head back to school after the Coronavirus. I hope they are learning new things even if its not me teaching it to them. Laura D. One of the best ways to relieve stress and discover what matters to you is to get creative. And it matters to our surrounding community, as a time when many Williamsburg neighbors celebrate living in a university town. Remind your friends to wear their masks and keep a physical distance. During this time, teachers have gone to . Many have written to me with reminders that William & Maryhas weathered extraordinary challenges in the past, with resilience. Thank you for your continued patience and flexibility as we determine the best path forward. We are considering the optimal timing for your Commencement, keeping in mind that the Classes of 2020 and 2021 will each have their own ceremonies and celebrations. Make some art. Please continue to direct your questions to [[COVIDResponse]]. The semesters in-person classes abruptly ended due to health orders put in place as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Students do not need to surrender their parking decals to receive the rebate. As we move through the many decisions that we face individually and as a community, our top priorities remain to keep teaching, keep learning, and keep helping each other to stay well. We teachers feel a love for students thats hard for other people to imagine. May we each commit to doing our part to mitigate risk, to actively demonstrate our care for the physical and emotional well-being of others, and to complete a successful year together. Pandemic conditions require William & Mary to adapt how we teach, learn and work in order to mitigate health risks for our community. PDF Public Health Guidance - Texas Education Agency An Open 'Thank You' Letter To Teachers In A Covid-19 World - Forbes The ability to physically distance within a space does not eliminate the above requirements. Do not come to campus if you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms or have been asked by state or local health officials to self-quarantine. Wherever you decide to give, your contribution, especially right now, will make a tremendous difference. the same household is COVID-19 positive. A similar message was sent to the UW Tacoma community. 100 Back-to-School QuotesFunny, Inspirational School Quotes - Parade Under those circumstances, you may designate someone else to return for your critically-needed belongings by emailing, Only one person may enter the residence hall, They will be escorted at a distance of 6-8 feet by a staff member, The Peninsula Health Department call center at 757-594-7069, The Southside Health Department call center at 757-683-2745. Mask up. We will continue to reach out to you with updates and information we think you may find useful. On April 28, a video was shared on YouTube featuring the principal, teachers and staff members of the Van Holten Primary School. For many of us as individuals, there will be disappointments and frustrations. Just more than a week ago, I wrote to you with the difficult news that William & Mary would need to finish the semester remotely. Case managers will be assigned after you have completed the intake form at Our commitment to each other is especially critical this weekend and in the week ahead as a new cohort of 1600+ students join our in-person community. Helping Children Cope With Changes Resulting From COVID-19 Staff members in that office are experienced in supporting students who have accessibility needs, including students who are immunocompromised. Special Celebrations and New Traditions Planned for this May We must also find meaningful ways to celebrate the Class of 2020 this spring. As we transition into the new school year, the task for educators in the coming weeks and months is to help children reflect, refocus, and move forward. To this end, all members of the W&M campus community will be asked to affirm their commitment to shared actions to mitigate risk of spreading COVID-19, to show care and concern for others, and, thereby, to support the universitys ability to succeed during these most challenging of times. If you test positive via W&Ms program, a case manager may reach out to you first. Changing near-term plans and longstanding habits requires time, effort and patience. At-will testing will be offered to students as they leave for the semester, as an additional precaution for their home communities. This week, we have also made progress on key decisions regarding room, board, and parking costs. Nothing is more important than the health and wellness of our community. Weve been hearing your questions regarding COVID-19 testing and the partners that William & Mary along with several other Virginia universities have been working with to conduct screening and prevalence testing. Even if its just a pen and lined paper. These appropriate measures aim to slow spread and reduce incidence of COVID-19, which had risen at the end of this month. Against the unpredictable environment of COVID-19, we will do everything we can to continue to provide as much certainty as we can. So I hope you will consider renewing your annual support for the areas of the university where you traditionally give. This accomplishment is hard-earned. Yet at a time of loss and sacrifice, we have also made gains. Unfortunately, a number of students on campus this weekend were found to be in violation of those guidelines, the Student Code of Conduct, the Residence Life Housing Contract and state law. News that a few staff members originally reached out to him about doing something for their students. Third-party use of university-owned or leased facilities is prohibited, regardless of there being a university sponsor for an outside group or activity. Looking ahead to the transition from the fall to the spring semester, I want to be sure you have as much current information as possible to assist you in your planning. William & Mary will not identify the names of people who have contracted COVID-19 to the public or greater campus community. We anticipated a 72-hour maximum turnaround time in determining when to mail the test kits to you. As we move through this summer and into the fall semester, the COVID-19 Response Team is providing guidance regarding the required use of face coverings on campus from now through the end of the calendar year (July 15-Dec. 31, 2020). Beginning tomorrow, September 8, William & Mary will launch on-site testing for our students. I wish you a safe and happy holiday season. As you know, whether courses are delivered on campus or online, there are a range of ways to assess student learning. With our determination and steadfast efforts, we are also mourning: a lecture, a birthday, the long-awaited symposium, a team road trip, and so much more. You are required to wear a face covering when in a classroom, lab or other instructional space. Teachers, in a non-coronavirus world, already had to deal with an array of student challenges, parents, and an unrealistic amount of standardized testing. Today, we are announcing rebates for the spring semester, for eligible students, as follows. Students do not need to create an account or schedule an appointment in advance. If you see something, say something. Do not be the person who causes us to shut down this semester. Please watch your email for a link from the Testing Coordination Team. Though I regret that we cannot invite graduates and families back to campus for an October Commencement weekend, our commitment to you is unwavering. Undergraduate, graduate Arts & Sciences, and Marine Science classes will begin January 27 and end May 7. Yet to fulfill our commitment to safeguarding the health of this community, it is imperative that we respond appropriately to changing pandemic conditions. If so, you will be notified by email and will be given instructions for making a testing appointment. A lot of my students arent able to get online to be able to get the internet to do the stuff, she added. For students, staff and faculty who are traveling and for their families taking prudent action now increases their ability to plan. Medical advice at this time is that interaction is limited to immediate circle groups only. The upcoming tests will also be processed by William & Marys partner lab, Wisconsin Diagnostic Laboratories, facilitated by VCU Health System. Event sponsors should explore solutions that include canceling, rescheduling or moving to alternative platforms. Please read the, Freshman and sophomore students are still required to live on campus. Social distancing protocols will be in place and we will require compliance with these actions. All other students should delay their return. As denial moves to anger or frustration, bargaining, and depression, teaching and learning performance may dip, and both students and teachers may need guidance about how to cope with the grief and loss associated with the change and reassurance that circumstances will improve. They can join an 'open group' room where they work together with mics and cameras on. Here are two web resources that provide additional information: Connecting remotely to campus IT resources. This has been a very difficult year for us all. Thank you. May the coming weeks keep you and your loved ones well. Those who breach these rules repeatedly will be sanctioned, and may be sent home for the semester. Last Friday, a William & Mary faculty member shared her experience of being in the final year of her Ph.D. program in New Orleans in 2005, during Hurricane Katrina. Our largest expenditures are on salaries for the faculty and staff who support teaching, learning, researchand our varied university operations, from student financial aid specialists, to career services, to facilities. As we begin to plan for next year and ways in which we can flatten the curve of financial impact for our community, the Board and administration concurred that freezing tuition and mandatory fees for all students at the current years level was critical, as were other prudent decisions to freeze new hiring and limit other costs.What has been especially evident to us is the very thoughtful and capable manner in which the university community has responded to this emergency. Students who require an exception to these requirements due to health concerns should request an exception from the Office of Student Accessibility Services. By providing as much transparency as possible, I hope to sharpen our focus on what matters most and to ease some of the uncertainty we all feel. That said, in barely three weeks, our world has shifted and our lives changed. This is the time to show everyone what W&M students are capable of doing. Thank you for consistently embodying the spirit of community. It is mandatory. Visit. And finally, how W&M might take the lead in issuing broad calls to service at this critical time, in order to strengthen our communities near and far. We will continue to share updates as new information becomes available, create opportunities for feedback and find ways to connect virtually. As we gather new information, we will continue to use these goals to guide our best judgment. Since early August we have seen that the vast majority of students, faculty and staff are fully committed to doing what is required to safeguard one another. A Love Letter To Teachers - Forbes As a result, Gov. Remote proctoring provides a reliable process for identity verification and secure testing environments. We recognize the uncertainty so many are feeling. Several faculty members told her they had 100% virtual attendance in their sizable classes and they were able to be more available to students with later office hours. Volunteer boards must hold their meetings remotely, including their executive and committee meetings. 2) They support research in . Weve learned in the past six weeks that together, weve got this. In cases when it is As the COVID-19 pandemic has unfolded, Commencement 2020 has been front-of-mind for our graduating students and their families. Administrators were the ones most often caught in the crossfire: 42% said they experienced this behavior from parents, while 37% said they got it from students. Affirmation of the Healthy Together Community Commitment is required for anyone who will be living, learning, and working on campus this fall. I am sorry to be sharing news that I know saddens us all. You will be able to quickly register your opinion by responding to the text with a yes/no or numerical value. Please talk with your advisor as you consider the options that best suit you. W&M menuResources for. These SEL Lessons Inspired by Dogs Are What Kids Need Right Now. Until then, may this community and those we love be healthy and safe. As COVID-19 cases rose sharply in Williamsburg this week, I shared the wrenching news that we would need to close dorms and find the students still on campus places to stay where they can more safely self-quarantine. As for how the video came together, PrincipalGeorge Rauh explained to E! Check out some of Kids Help Phone's favourite inspirational quotes! 'The pandemic has been a great teacher' - 25 quotes from India's COVID-19 struggle By Madanmohan Rao April 01, 2021 , Updated on : Thu Apr 01 2021 08:03:31 GMT+0000 This includes events sponsored by any recognized student organization and other affiliated groups. Slots are first come, first served. Currently, the state is. Duty Office Hours. We are seeing significant impacts across our far-flung communities and close to home, here in Williamsburg. Group Gatherings. While many students are complying with the rules and regulations set forth in our Healthy Together Community Commitment,too many are not. It seemed so specialI miss you so much. Employees will receive a copy of the Healthy Together Community Commitment along with their PPE kits, and they will be asked to affirm the commitment as part of the required on-line COVID-19 training that will be made available by Human Resources via Cornerstone. Sadness comes with every cancellation that passes on the calendar of self-quarantine. 'I am proud': An open letter from teachers to students after Kimberley is a Creative Director at WeAreTeachers. Thank you for the questions you have submitted through the Path Forward website and via email. So we will wait until April for better clarity on how that may be achieved. Happy Teacher Appreciation Day from the Career and Technical Education Team. And, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, we are missing being physically together on our beautiful Williamsburg campus. Meals will be delivered to students in isolation in Richmond Hall. Throughout this crisis, they have been steady, driven and focused on the things that mattered. The use of remote proctoring does not diminish, in any way, the Honor Code or students pledge to uphold it.