The purpose of the child care stabilization grants is to support child care centers and home-based child care providers to stay open or reopen. Home visiting programs typically provide services to parents and families to ensure that they have the necessary resources and skills to raise and care for their own children. A website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts. As a reminder, child care providers must certify that they will pay at least the same wages and benefits to staff for the duration of the subgrant. Lead agencies may define what it means to be regulated or registered in the state, territory, or tribe. receipts, checks), c. Reviewing C3 training materials provided by EEC. (See section 2202(d)(B)(i) and (ii) of the ARP ActVisit disclaimer page.). Q: What impact will receiving this grant have on my Social Security benefits? Note: the Office of Child Care is issuing this FAQ to lead agencies due to the time sensitive nature and urgency with ensuring that Americans can access the COVID-19 vaccine. In order to change their definition of an Indian child, a Tribe would need to submit a CCDF Plan amendment (see Program Instruction CCDF -ACF-PI-2019-03 for more information about submitting CCDF Plan amendments). Supporting Family Child Care to Prepare for Child Care Stabilization Grants, Help is on the way! Like regular tribal CCDF funds, tribal ARP Act stabilization funds are set-aside to serve tribal children. You can deduct the amount you pay your assistant. Lead Agencies also have flexibility in treatment of regular UC benefits. other COVID-related expenses (including past expenses). Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. There is also not a federal limit on the total dollar amount of stabilization subgrants that a qualified provider can receive. The Child Care Relief Fund Technical Assistance Team can be reached by emailing or calling 1-833-613-3192. Paying yourself involves nothing more than making a record indicating this. Obligation and liquidation information for regular CCDF funds is described in the instructions to the ACF-696 and ACF-696T CCDF expenditure reports. This blog explores the tax implications of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Child Care Stabilization Grants for Home-Based Child Care Providers. Q: I gifted some of the grant back to parents because of COVID. The CCDBG Act references children who need to receive protective services, demonstrating that the intent of this language was to provide services to at-risk children, not to limit this definition to serve children in the child protective services system. Alternatively, CCDF Lead Agencies also have the option of interpreting the prohibition as applying only during times when schools are open for in-person classes, since there may not be a regular school day during times when schools are closed for in-person classes. Further, providers caring for infants must be aware of, and responsive to, parents who choose to breastfeed while their child is in care (e.g., by making arrangements such as providing space specifically for this purpose). However, child care providers are not required to provide relief from copayments and tuition for families in their care during the ARP Act stabilization subgrant period. Now, thanks to passage of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the child care sector will receive a total of more than $50 billion in direct relief funding. Tribal lead agencies must also ensure that throughout the subgrant period, the tribally operated center meets the certification requirements, including implementing health and safety policies in line with local guidelines, continuing to pay at least the same wages and benefits to staff as those in place at the time of application, and to the extent possible, providing relief from copayments and tuition for families. IMPORTANT: Recertifications for C3 funding between the months of July 2021 and June 2022 need to be completed no later than Monday. As such, states and territories cannot use CARES Act or CRRSA Act funds for construction or major renovation. It is also important for providers to know that not all business expenses are fully tax deductible. The government has taken notice, and their answer is The Child Care Stabilization Grant, part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). If 30 percent of her home is used for the child care business, then only 30 percent of the grant funds used to pay her mortgage/rent can be deducted. Q: How do I pay myself for the hours I work in the weekends or after work hours? At this time, there is not a federal spending deadline for programs receiving the C3 stabilization funding. Lead agencies have the flexibility to disregard bonuses and increases in pay to child care workers as income when determining a child care workers eligibility for CCDF. Archived Meeting Resources Published on Monday, March 22, 2021. Q: Is it better to pay myself with this grant or spend it on items for my business? Lead agencies should use the definition they use for obligations for regular CCDF funds when determining whether ARP Act stabilization funds are obligated. However, when families resume work, it would not be considered an increase to subsequently raise the co-payment to the original amount, provided it does not exceed the amount established at the previous eligibility determination/re-determination. Major renovation is defined as: (1) structural changes to the foundation, roof, floor, exterior or load-bearing walls of a facility, or the extension of a facility to increase its floor area; or (2) extensive alteration of a facility such as to significantly change its function and purpose, even if such renovation does not include any structural change. Applications need only request the minimum information necessary to make the subgrants and meet the federal reporting requirements. How will I know if Im required to participate in the fiscal monitoring process? It is a tool to assist child care providers in tracking expenditures made with C3 grant funds. Under 45 CFR 98.67(a), Lead Agencies shall expend and account for CCDF funds in accordance with their own laws and procedures for expending and accounting for their own funds. In addition, CCDF regulations provide that Lead Agencies shall expend and account for CCDF funds in accordance with their own laws and procedures for expending and accounting for their own funds [45 CFR 98.67(a)]Visit disclaimer page. CARES Act funds (including those used for construction and major renovation) must be liquidated by September 30, 2023. Q: If I only have one child, can I still apply for the grant? CCDF Lead Agencies have the option to interpret this provision (prohibiting funding of services during the regular school day) as applying only to services when a child is physically at schooland not when a child is in a child care setting. The CARES Act, the CRRSA Act, and section 2201 of the ARP Act allowed the supplemental funds to provide child care assistance to families of essential workers without regard to the income eligibility requirements, but made no mention of the asset test. If a lead agency allows certain limitations to physical access to a child care facility, child care providers who choose to limit physical access should ensure that parents have a way of contacting the child care provider and the ability to see or take their child out of care during regular hours (e.g., some providers bring children to the entrance of the facility to meet parents). Grant funding amounts and distribution schedule. Lead Agencies may also use CCDF quality dollars to provide temporary grants or assistance to impacted providers to retain the child care supply during periods of closures. Programs will receive this funding by the end of August 2022. Child care programs may apply for only one of three grant opportunities. Lead agencies may use their stabilization fund set-asides to carry out activities to increase the supply of child care, especially for historically underserved populations. Minnesota's Child Care Stabilization Grant Program endeavors to provide child care providers with financial support to maintain operations and increase staff compensation. How do I get the childcare stabilization grant? As we all know, parents need access to safe, quality child care to get back to work. Lead agencies are encouraged to use ARP Act supplemental funds, as well as CRRSAVisit disclaimer page and CARES Act funds, to provide relief from copayments for CCDF-eligible families and cover the portion of the child care cost ordinarily covered by copays. Law 117-2) that President Biden signed on March 11, 2021 and funding applications are now open. Funds can be used for this purpose under "goods and services". Contact your state to get the answer. Help is on the way! Take the money! The ARP Act supplemental funds may also be used to support child care providers in accessing COVID-19 vaccines. In other words, there is nothing in the CARES Act that specifically exempts CCDF CARES Act funding from taxation. The CCDF regulation at 45 CFR 98.20(a)(3)(ii) clarifies that the protective services category may include specific populations of vulnerable children as identified by the Lead Agency. The purpose of the child care stabilization grants is to support child care centers and home-based child care providers to stay open or reopen. Lead Agencies may submit a waiver to ACF to reduce the eligibility period for essential workers. The responsibilities for document retention are the same regardless of whether you are selected for review. To learn more about how to fill out W-9 information, check out this video to learn how to complete Form W 9. In contrast, the child care sector provides non-parental care and early education for children. Q: Will getting this grant put me in a higher tax bracket? Is there a deadline for spending this funding? Federal guidelines require that child care programs cannot reduce an employees hourly rate while participating in this grant opportunity. Providers can use the funds to pay prior program expenses incurred after January 31, 2020. Q: If I pay my assistant with the grant, do I still have to pay taxes on it? No, tribal COVID-19 CCDF supplemental funds, like regular CCDF program funds, cannot be used to provide direct services for families who do not meet the tribes definition of Indian child or do not live within the tribes service area. The facility to be constructed must be used principally to provide direct child care services to children. The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP Act) (Pub. Including additional categories of vulnerable children in the definition of protective services is only relevant for the purposes of CCDF eligibility and does not mean that those children should necessarily be considered to be in official protective service situations for other programs or purposes. Family child care providers must report any portion of the stabilization grant that they use to pay themselves as taxable income on their federal and state income tax return (unless their state chooses to make the grant not taxable). Yes. This is consistent with the statutory requirement at section 658E(c)(2)(S)(ii) of the Act that requires Lead Agencies to support the fixed costs of providing child care services by delinking payments from an eligible child's occasional absences due to holidays or unforeseen circumstances such as illness, to the extent practicable. Child Care Stabilization Grant OCCRRA is excited about the opportunity to support Ohio's Child Care Stabilization Sub-Grants. Deducting income before calculating a providers current operating expense as part of determining a subgrant award amount undermines the purpose of the ARP Act stabilization subgrants. As this requirement applies to the date of application, a school-age program that is closed during the summer would be eligible for a subgrant if the program applied for the subgrant when it opened again to provide child care services, such as in the fall when school reopens. However, Lead Agencies may apply for temporary waivers for extraordinary circumstances in response to emergency situations in accordance with 45 CFR 98.19. Funds received prior to the date of closure may be used for approved expenses. Tribal lead agencies may use CCDF funds from more than one funding stream (i.e., Mandatory, Discretionary, Supplemental, or stabilization funds) to fund a construction or major renovation project, as indicted in their application for construction or major renovation (. Lead agencies may reverse an application approval prior to the award of funds if something changes between the approval and award, including, but not limited to, a licensing violation or revocation, fraud, or permanent closure of a provider. As noted at section 45 CFR 98.21(a)(3) of the CCDF rule, Lead Agencies are prohibited from increasing the family co-payment amount within the minimum 12-month eligibility period (except for families eligible through graduated phase-out). What is the difference between a major renovation and minor building updates or maintenance? In order to be a qualified child care provider and eligible to receive a subgrant, a child care provider must either be open to provide child care services or temporarily closed due to public health, financial hardship, or other reasons relating to the COVID-19 public health emergency at the time of application. No, lead agencies should not calculate current operating expenses after deducting income, including child care subsidy payments. While each state, territory, or tribe can specify the specific uses of grant funds, the funds are intended to support providers general operating expenses, wages and benefits to employees and owners, rent, utilities, cleaning and sanitation supplies and services, and other goods and services needed to maintain or resume operations as well as mental health supports for children, families, and employees. A: The Child Care Stabilization Grant consists of: program amount + workforce amount + add-ons. In some cases, funds used to cover operating expenses may be exempt from taxation. The Expenditure Tracker can be found on the EEC website under the Resources section: Commonwealth Cares for Children / Child Care Stabilization Grants | Yes, Lead Agencies may enroll new providers to meet increased demand. How can I best prepare for an EEC fiscal monitoring review? A Plan amendment should not create any delay since the Lead Agency may proceed with implementing the program change, and subsequently submit the amendment within 60 days. Lead agencies have the discretion to decide which child care providers are included in their ARP Act stabilization subgrant programs. Below are the steps you will need to take to obtain a listing of your paid amounts. The CARES Act and the CRRSA Act do not restrict child care providers from simultaneously receiving funding from the CCDF Discretionary funds and from other federal or state programs, such as the small business loan funds offered through the CARES Act and the CRRSA Act. Mental health supports for children and employees. For each month you receive the CCSG award, a monthly report is due by the last day of the month following your previous months expenditures. $3,500 income $3,500 expenses = $0 taxable income and $0 taxes owed. You will owe 15.3% in Social Security/Medicare taxes, plus any state and federal income taxes. Yes. OCC will collect information about use of stabilization funds through the CCDF Plans. No, CCDF funds cannot be used to purchase laptops or equipment solely for the purpose of allowing children to access virtual school instruction from home. These funds represent an unprecedented opportunity that will be difficult to realize without adequate staffing. NOTICE: All CCSG Providers must now use the NEW monthly report launched beginning with the grant award for September 2022. Provider As household income is low enough; she may only owe the 15 percent in social security and Medicare expenses and can keep $2,975 for any use. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS), Office of Family Assistance, was approved through the State of Ohio Controlling Board and Legislative Appropriation to spend these federal stabilization relief funds. Yes, Lead Agencies can use or modify their absence policy to pay providers if programs are closed or children are absent due to COVID-19. Lead agencies may choose to contract with intermediaries, such as counties, child care resource and referral agencies, and staffed family child care networks, to manage the administration of the ARP Act stabilization subgrants. Where not addressed by OCC guidance, OCC will defer to Lead Agencies' reasonable interpretation of these decisions and encourages Lead Agencies to provide guidance to providers on implementation of this policy where they think it is useful. The ARP ActVisit disclaimer page at section 2202(e)(1) specifies that subgrant funds can only be used for the following operating expenses: No, ARP Act stabilization subgrants cannot be used to help a new child care provider open or a permanently closed child care provider reopen. Lead agencies must continue to meet this requirement throughout the public health emergency. OCC reminds tribal lead agencies that the ARP Act requires stabilization funds be used to supplement not supplant tribal funds expended for child care services for eligible individuals, including when stabilization funds are used for tribally operated centers. The application period ended December 14, 2022. Base amount funds can be used for any approved CCDF activities and are not restricted by spending requirements. In order to serve children outside of the service area established by the child count and the CCDF Plan, a Tribe would need to submit a CCDF Plan amendment to change its service area, and the new service area would have to be on or near the reservation. Tribal Lead Agencies must complete the full construction/major renovation application process and receive ACF approval (45 CFR 98.84). NEW (Updated 2-23-22) I have a positive case of COVID-19 in my program, and I have applied for the COVID-19 Child Care Stabilization and Recovery Grants, now what? And while many child care providers have opened back up, its been anything but easy. For example, providing gift cards to child care providers may be allowable if the cards relate to an integral part of the child care program. CCDF Federal matching funds are available to states, provided that states match those funds at the Federal medical assistance rate (FMAP). So, this is not a requirement in Colorado. Please remove any contact information or personal data from your feedback. Can these funds be used to help cover the costs of consulting with a tax preparer? No, tribal lead agencies are limited to providing stabilization subgrants to providers within their service area. The grants cannot be used for new construction or major renovations. Ive created an instructional video that answers these questions and many more. For example, if the funding were used to cover rent, and if that did not affect a recipients net income, then the funding would not affect WIC eligibility. Is there a limit to the number of programs that will be funded? U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Native Americans (ANA), Administration on Children, Youth, and Families (ACYF), Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE), Office of Human Services Emergency Preparedness and Response (OHSEPR), Office of Legislative Affairs and Budget (OLAB), Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation (OPRE), Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS), section 2202(d)(B)(i) and (ii) of the ARP Act, ARP Act supplemental CCDF Discretionary funds, Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act, FY 2022-2024 Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Plan, FY 2020-2022 CCDF Plan within 60 days of the effective date of implementation, or cost of producing self-employment income (once spent, US Department of Labors webpage on UC benefits related to the COVID-19 outbreak,, Rent, utilities, facility maintenance or improvements, or insurance, Personal protective equipment, cleaning and sanitization, or training and professional development related to health and safety, Purchases of or updates to equipment or supplies to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency, Goods and services necessary to maintain or resume child care services, Mental health support for children and employees, Administering child care stabilization funds, Carrying out activities to increase the supply of child care, Providing technical assistance and support for stabilization applications, Publicizing the availability of ARP Act stabilization funding, Providing technical assistance to providers receiving ARP Act stabilization funds. We encourage family child care providers to contact a tax advisor about what should and should not be reported as part of ones AGI. For Group and School Age/Center-Based (GSA)programs, the formula will use a centers total licensed capacity to calculate the base amount of the monthly payment. To paint a picture, child care centers today are facing decreasing revenues due to lower enrollment, higher expenses to operate safely during the pandemic, and severe and ongoing staffing difficulties. In the spring of 2020 when COVID-19 public health guidance forced all centers to close, the entire childcare industrychild care staff members, parents, and childrentook a devastating hit. A: No, because paying yourself does not create a deduction. a Are the grant funds taxable? A: Depends on what your state says. Q: When you give a bonus to your staff, do you treat the deduction the same as payroll deductions? Find Stabilization Grant Applications for your State or Territory. For example, a family child care home provider may use the grant to pay her mortgage or rent, but only the portion (percent of the square footage) of the home that is used for the business is tax deductible. CCDF funds, including supplemental funds, cannot be used to cover tuition or copayments for families that are not eligible to receive CCDF child care subsidies. OCC has no plans to mandate specific oversight or compliance measures on this policy. Lead Agencies should consider whether there are more appropriate sources of fundingsuch as public education dollarsto pay for this equipment. The lead agency may also choose to use funds provided by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) ActVisit disclaimer page to cover copayments for all eligible families. The Child Care Workforce Stabilization grants supply funding to help child care providers recruit and retain qualified employees as the industry recovers from the pandemic. OCFS is prioritizing workforce support for child care staff by requiring that at least 75% or the Child Care Stabilization Grant 2.0 for Workforce Supports be spent on workforce support expenses. 9858k(b)(1) and 45 CFR 98.56(c)(1). Tribal lead agencies must submit amendments to their current FY 2020-2022 CCDF Plan within 60 days of the effective date of implementation. Persons that require a reasonable modification based on language or disability should submit a request as early as possible to ensure the State has an opportunity to address the modification. However, child care providers who receive ACF grants may not use grant funds for costs that are reimbursed or compensated by other federal or state programs, including the Small Business Administrations Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), the Public Health and Social Services Emergency fund, or unemployment compensation. Some examples include: What are the requirements and restrictions for how the grant funds can be used for payroll? How do you determine your salary? Without a waiver in accordance with 45 CFR 98.19 (covering requests for temporary relief from requirements), OCC does not have the authority to provide an extension of the CCDF obligation and liquidation periods. Yes, tribal lead agencies may use the entirety of their ARP Act stabilization funds on construction and major renovation. Additionally, child care programs are not subject to report C3 grant funding in the Uniform Financial Report (UFR) submitted to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Operational Services Division (OSD). Lead Agencies may consider additional policies that are fair to providers and promote the financial stability of providers in response to COVID-19. Retention of Child Care Staff. Under federal rules, lead agencies must ensure that parents of children receiving Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) assistance have unlimited access to their children while they are attending child care. No, lead agencies are not required to spend down previous supplemental relief funding before spending the ARP Act stabilization funds. Is this grant counted as income? Providers closed due to an inactive status pending the outcome of an investigation may not recertify until the investigation has been closed and corrective action has been approved by EEC. Contributions to an IRA will not reduce your Social Security/Medicare taxes. Programs that are awarded a grant will receive an IRS Tax Form 1099-NEC. If a program closes permanently, will the program need to return the grant funds? 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